Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"Attention students. SHUT UP! Thank you. All students MUST go to their only class NOW. If you don't, our Cyclops Security will eat all of you with ketchup. We wouldn't want that. Well the Cyclops's would. ANYWAY, GET GOING!" The speakers around the school screamed.
"Yes, some girl scratched herself. But you might not want to talk about it anywhere near her or loud enough for her to hear... she freaks out over weird things, especially things like scratches." Nessa says, and then answers the guys second question. "Dragon. RAWRRR." She says, about to ask about him, from automatic reflex, but she already knows, his ears give her a big clue.
Aeki nodded. "Ah that explains it. I haven't seen a Dragon in a long time. You probably guessed what I am."

As the speakers blasted everyone's ears, his ears twitched again and finally disappeared.

"I guess we should go to our classes. I'm in 1-A. What about you?" Aeki asked as he started to head inside.

((*cough* Everyone is in 1-A :3))
Nessa was about to ask the boy - Aeki - lots of questions, but the speakers interrupted her.

Oh well. I can attack him with questions later.

"1-A, too. We're classmates!" She said, grinning, mainly from relief, as now she could just follow this guy instead of having to find her own way.
Aeki smiled faintly.

"Ah that's good. Now at least I'll know someone in my class." Aeki said, pleased. "Want to walk together?"

The smell of blood was still in the air and it was really making Aeki want to eat some meat. It's a good thing he packed lots of it.
Lucien's face went a colour of red of which the likes had never been seen with embarrassment when the girl hugged him, "Er... I'm fine," he told her with hints of confusion in his voice. When the speaker made its announcement, Lucien jumped a little, "We should probably go to class." he said to the girl,

Which class are you in?" he asked her, hoping they were in the same class so she could lead the way in case they got lost, unless she didn't know the way either.
Tira sat happily at the back of her classroom, enjoying the temporary silence that the lack of students brought. Her fingers fumbled upon the page of the medicine book, the smile on her face complimented by a small blush as she flipped the page. '1-A huh?' the Phoenix thought, a small frown on her lips as she heard the warning over the speakers, a small frown on her face as she put her book closed to her face. 'Oh no...' Everyone would arrive soon
"Sure." Nessa said, smiling, glad she wasn't going to have to inconspicuously trail behind him.

The nervousness in her stomach increased as she walked closer and closer to the door.
After hearing the announcement, Umbra ran like the wind. The announcement was so intimidating, that he forgot that he couldn't be eaten. If he was ever swallowed, he could easily get out. However, that never crossed his mind. The only thing that did, was how to get to 1-A the fastest.
Eona nodded in agreement and pulled away from the man, dusting the non-existent dust off her clothing. "I don't know. I think it was something about 1-A, something like that." Eona shrugged nonchalantly as she began following after the man, a bright smile on her face. "I'll protect you from the scratches!" The kraken giggled softly as she took the guy's hand in her own and swung their arms back and forth.

Did you know that squids have three hearts? Eona's a giant squid, so that means she's got lots of love to share. This kraken was very intrigued with the world. Everything was so new to her! Eona let out a soft laugh as she head into the school with her new friend - whose name she hadn't gotten yet - This new school experience kind of scared Eona, but, she was willing to fry it out.
Aeki headed into the building, and after reading the map, found classroom 1-A. He walked in, holding the door open for Nessa, then found a seat in the back.

"Hey puppy. Fetch!" A student mocked, throwing a ball at Aeki.

Aeki caught the ball without turning and crushed it. He slowly turned toward the student, who cringed.

"Call me puppy again. I will rip your heart out and eat it for lunch today." He said calmly.

The student nodded hastily and immediately moved his chair as far away as he could.
'Oh no, Oh no, Oh no, Oh no!' she mentally screamed at herself, letting her face literally be buried in the book. Footsteps. She began to panic, eyes looking over the rim of her book before she snapped it shut, the faint sound of footsteps became closer, each one louder that the one that was before. When the students came in she watched, her head settled upon the ring of feathers around her wrists, one clear blue orb peeking up to watch. 'Puppy?' She studied the boy before tilting her head. "How does he look like a puppy?" She whispered to herself, a small tilt of her head causing the feathers to become a pillow for her cheek.
Aeki's wolf ears appeared again. His emotions would also bring out parts of his true form. Mostly his ears but some embarrassing times, his tail.

He growled but instinctively scratched them. Aeki leaned back on his chair, waiting for all the students to enter the class. He glanced at a girl who seemed to be panicking at every single person who came inside the classroom.
(This should be called awkward school kids or something xD )

Lucien smiled at the girl,"I'm in 1-A too," he said, feeling slightly more confident in himself around this girl, although the fact he was hoping he didn't blush when she held his hand caused him to blush, 'awh look at that, lill' Lucien's gone and got himself a play date, how cute,' the voice in Lucien's head said condescendingly, but as usual, Lucien ignored it.
Nessa sat down at the seat next to Aeki, and resisted the urge to scoot her chair a little bit away as he threatened the kid who called him puppy.

(agree with the awkward school kids remark xD I feel like i'm reliving all the awkwardness of the first day of school where you don't know anyone with this roleplay xD )
"Great!" Eona beamed cheerfully at the guy, glancing up at him with slightly curious eyes. "If you don't mind me asking, what are you?" The kraken smiled softly at the man, and after a few moments, she realised what she had just said. "Oh! I'm sorry!" Eona fumbled around with her words, hoping that the guy wasn't upset with her.

Deciding it would be best to change the subject, Eona flashed her classmate a little grin as she introduced herself. "Well, I'm Eona. What's your name?" With those words, Eona opened the door to the classroom 1-A and saw that not many people were there yet.

((It's the teenage hormones at work))
The voice in Lucien's head laughed wildly at her remark, 'that's a better fitting phrase for us all in here 'what are you' but the you should be pronounced with more disgust like 'what are YOU?' the voice in his head said to his mind, putting emphasis on the word you as though he was addressing some kind of hideous mutant.

Lucien smiled at Eona, "My name is Lucien," he said happily, not being all that bothered by what she had said before hand.
With a small smile she began to idly pull at the feathers on her wrists. She was forgotten! This was the best thing that had happened to her! She spent all morning with her family, unconsciously trying to work out ways to avoid being noticed and it just happens! A small smile graces her features as she opened her book once more, flipping over to the page she was once on she relaxed in her seat. It didn't seem like everyone was here yet so it didn't seem like the teacher would arrive soon either. 'Maybe this year will be easy...'
Nessa glanced at some girl pulling at something on her wrist. She debated about talking to her, and she was sitting close to Nessa, so there wasn't too much of a risk, but with Nessa's luck, the teacher would walk in the second she began talking and Nessa would get reprimanded.

She decided on just staring at the girl and playing the guessing game she'd played a lot that morning called 'what monster are you'?
((the teacher should have us introduce ourselves and what we are, it would make things a lot easier xD ))

Eona nodded curtly, taking a seat at one of the desks near the werewolf. Puppy..? Shrugging the scent off, Eona patted the seat next to her, gesturing for Lucien to sit down. "I once ate someone named Lucy!" The kraken giggled lightly, not knowing that what she just said wasn't very good. I guess that's what happens when you spend more than 700 years at the bottom of the sea. "She - or was it a he? - wasn't very yummy." Eona began to blubber about the Lucy she had eaten a long time ago. "I think her name was Lucy since one of the ugly guppies was yelling that he loved her while I swallowed him." The kraken left out most of the details, leaving a lot to the imagination.

"Oh! I heard that there was a movie called The Little Mermaid! I wonder if I'm featured in it...?" Eona thought back to the time where she was still in her kraken form, hiding in the shadows as she watched as Urulsa the sea witch sang and put her lipstick on. The kraken was wondering if Disney showed even a glimpse of her in the shadows, watching as the crab and flounder carried human-Ariel up to the surface.

The memory of what had happened next haunted Eona, causing a small shiver to go down her spine. It was weird having bones, living at such a high pressure would cause your structure to collapse. But over the few years Eona had been a human, she was slowly getting used to the sudden change. The kraken found it funny to wiggle her toes, remembering a time when she bit off one of the ugly guppies' toes one by one. Little Eona had found it gill-arious the way that the humans screamed in pain.

Shrugging the thoughts off, Eona stared at Lucien with a cheerful look plastered onto her face. Well, this is getting awkward. The kraken didn't know what to do or say now that they were in the classroom. Waiting for the teacher.

What if the teacher was taken over by the scratches?!
Feeling a gaze settle upon her she flinched, the teal blue orbs went wide as she glanced over her book at said person. A girl sitting had noticed her. This was like the end of the world for Tira, which made her reaction over dramatic. With a loud 'thud' her head hit the table, a small sob seeming to pass her lips. 'Why do you hate me!' She cursed, gently hitting the desk with her fist. After a few seconds she calmed down, only for her enhanced hearing to pick up on another girls words. "I once ate someone named Lucy!" She seemed to go pale. "I want to go home" She whispered, once again putting her head on the desk. "Sensei...." She whined, wishing that the teacher would just arrive.
Lucien stared at Eona, trying to figure out what she was, 'evil man eating mermaid?' he thought to himself,

'don't be stupid they don't exist' his other personality thought back,

'Giant fish' he thought but then realised he was just listing monstrous sea creatures and paying no attention to his friend.

He turned his head to the sound of a thump and saw a girl with her head against the desk, "I wonder if she's okay," he whispered to himself instead of his usual thinking. When he realised he had whispered that out loud he put his hand over his mouth and looked away, 'dumbie' his other personality said in his head.

(oh look, a half rhyme said and head, I iz so poetic)
Large thumping came from outside the classroom.

A huge man entered the room and studied all of them. The man stood atleast 9 feet tall and had a savage look to him.

"Alright 1-A. I'm Derean Charge. I'm your teacher for the rest of the year. Here are the rules. If you want to fight, get it approved by a teacher and take it to the arena. No true forms within the school grounds. Only in the Arena. Disrespect me, and I'll rip your head off. Am I understood?" Derean bellowed his huge muscles threatened to rip his shirt.

Aeki nodded, a bit intimidated by this teacher.
After running all over the school, Umbra finally found the classroom. He caught his breath before opening the door. He hoped that he could at least make a good impression on the rest of the class. His bad luck seemed to pick up on that hope and ruined it.

As Umbra opened the door and took his first step, he tripped. He had just tripped in front o the entire class. He rubbed his head and stood up, thankful that almost nobody saw what happened. That was a part of being a Shadow that was good and bad. Nobody ever noticed you, which kept Shadows true to their solitary nature.

Umbra took a seat in the farthest corner of the classroom. There was barely anyone back there, so it was the perfect seat for him. He set his arms on the table and rested his head. This day was going as expected. Terrible.
She was murmuring quietly to herself, mostly calling herself an idiot for her previous actions. Either way, she was so embarrassed. "I hate this place...I hate this place...I hate this place..." She repeated in a whispered mantra to herself, tears forming in the corner of her eyes. When the dull thud began to be heard she shuddered, a frown on her face as the huge man entered. 'T-that... I-is our teachers?!' She was terrified of the man, from his threats to his very presence sending shivers down her spine. "H-hai sensei..." quickly nodding. She seemed to recoil herself into her chair, now sitting straight as she stared ahead.

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