Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(I have an idea, since I didn't get a PM I'll say it here. This is reminding me of the war of independence without the war bit. The head is no longer with us and we need a new leader, however there's so many of us not one can be a leader. So what I'm saying is we need our faces carved into a giant mountain and call ourselves the founding homies or something hip and cool... I'm suggesting democracy where we all agree on things to happen in big chairs of a PM thing....)
After emerging from the bathroom, Umbra began the long walk to his room. The water hadn't helped that much and only succeeded in soaking his clothes when the faucet broke. The bad luck had been going nonstop since he got to this school.

Umbra let out a groan, as he rubbed his eyes. Dark circles were now evident under them and he had plenty of bruises and scratches on his skin, as a result of all the tripping. He considered transforming and floating back to the room, but that was against the rules and he didn't like his true form.

His legs felt like bricks weighing him down and he began to recall today's events. He got choked by a tentacle, he was submerged by a bookcase, and he blew the chance to fit in. He honestly couldn't remember anything good that happened today.
(So sorry I didn't join in sooner! If anyone needs a roommate I'd be happy to be theirs...seeing as I haven't even started yet and also need a roommate hehe.)
"Nah nah neh naaaah, neh naahh neehhh naaaa..."

Yep. Same songs over and over again. This song, however, was one of Raven's favorite. Since it is sung by a girl and i has intimidating lyrics to it. The song is called "Killin' It", by Krewella. What a great song. Especially one to put fear into her enemies at a rapid pace. While the Menace does circles around it's prey.

How cute.

'Oh! Here come the lyrics!'

Raven thinks in excitement, preparing her deed to sing to it. Singing to a song was everything to her, especially if she finds interest in the song. But nowadays, she is very picky on finding fearful songs.

"You're gonna push your luuuuuuck.

Tell me you've had enoooouugh.

I'm takin' off these gloves, so get down and lick that duuuust."

'Here comes line two... Put fear into the other students as you walk the path to the building.'

"Wanna piece of this?

Wanna wanna piece of this?

Cherry Pie, what'cha gonna make of this?

One minuet in the back seat hit the switch...

I'mma predator, rapture, I am Killin' It!"

And on almost full volume, she let the Bass drop and imagined watching a foe drop to his knees and scream in terror from the horrific sounds that rung in his head. Just what Raven wants to see before he dies by the blade of a mechanical beast.
(Ok! Guess we're roommates then eh?)

Hitagi stumbled into a very long hallway, looking very flustered. It was getting late and she hadn't even figured out where she was going to be staying for the rest of this miserable school year. She took in a deep depressed sigh as she looked at the sheet with her room number and room-roomate?! Hitagi stopped dead in the dark corridor...this couldn't be happening. First she had to go to school with other's like her, and now she had to room with someone else. This was all too much for her. She then heard another's footsteps the loud and unexpected sound caused her to let out a small gasp of shock. She spotted another student across the way and stared cautiously. Who was he and why was he still out here all alone?
As Umbra dragged his battered body to the room, he heard the sounds of footsteps. He started sweating and looked around cautiously. 'It's just my imagination, right? Eona didn't really get chased by something, right? Right!?' Umbra turned his head and bolted when he saw a pair of eyes staring right at him. 'Not right! Not right!' A trail of dust was left behind as Umbra ran away in fear. He seriously needed to be in the Olympics.

Umbra threw open the door to his room and slammed it shut. He tried to control his deep breathing, as he turned the light on. "M-maybe I'll calm down after a shower." Umbra removed his clothing and walked into the shower. Little did he know, he would be receiving a roommate.
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Metus ran toward the school, late as ever. Ramming into the door face first was all it took for him to realize that someone had locked it; most likely on purpose, as some sort of joke against him being late all the time. He continued to run into the door full force in an attempt to open it up, but to no avail. Perhaps someone else would open it for him? As much as he hated doing it, Metus called out into the open air, asking for help. "Verdammt! Is nobody out here?" He then realized something that should have been so painstakingly obvious before - he wasn't human, and didn't have to abide by their laws of so-called "physics"! He was a Schatten, and a clever one at that. Slowly, the light was sucked out of the air around him, and he transformed into his beloved true state. Sliding through the door with ease, he realized several others had been watching the situation. He sat there, still as a shadowy figure, laughing at the fact that everyone saw him. He didn't find it one bit embarrassing, in fact, it was quite hilarious. Metus turned back to his human self, and walked off into the school, looking for something worthwhile.
Hitagi's eyes followed the sprinting boy down to one of the random doors along the corridor. She shut her eyes and let out a tiny wince of annoyance as she saw that the number above the now slamming door was the same number on her sheet. Great. Her roommate was already afraid of her, well, on the brightside at least she didnt have to talk to him. She slowly stepped up to the door and opened it enough to poke her head into, wanting to see what the room looked like before unpacking. She then heard the soft noise of water hitting the floor. The noise grabbed Hitagi's full attention and she headed toward the bathroom and opened the door to find the buy from the hall all wet in the shower...Oops. She quickly realized what she had done and with a bright red face turned her head away. "UH...I..uhrm..I uh.." she tried to push out words but her face was too hot to concentrate.
Nessa was wandering around the school hallways, trying to figure out something to do to kill time, when she saw someone walk in through the front door, they must have been in their true state, as they turned to human form after a moment.

Isn't that forbidden on school grounds? Nessa wondered, almost unconsciously raising an eyebrow at the boy, although she was sure he was too far away to notice this. She debated about going over to tell him her thoughts about the rules, as she was sure he would not want any of the terrifying teachers catching him, but ultimately shrugged and decided against it, heading to the library instead.
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Umbra hummed to himself as the hot water hit his body. After suffering a lot of physical abuse today, he really needed this. He gave himself a once over to look for more injuries, but ended up laughing at himself. Despite being as frail-looking as a twig, Umbra was actually quite muscular, which he found funny. Well, he kinda had to be if he was taking all this damage in a daily basis.

As he continued to wash away the pain, he heard the opening of a door. 'I-it's probably just my imagination.' That idea was proven false when the shower opened to reveal a girl. Umbra's face went redder than a tomato. Now, how would Umbra handle this situation? Would he coolly play it off and say something like "hey, I didn't see you there.", or would he just act nonchalant and say "please leave me be." The answer came when Umbra screamed like a girl "Hieeee! P-pervert!" Umbra then proceeded to faint and land unconscious in the shower.
"He-hey! I'm not! I j-" Too late, kid already hit the floor. Hitagi began to mumble nervously, trying to figure out what to do. He's naked..I-I shouldn't be in here..She thought this has she put a hand over her eyes. But I

can't just leave him there..c-can I?
She gulped and stretched out her neck a bit too see the damaged she'd caused. He was definitely unconscious and uhh..yep naked too. She felt her cheeks get hotter as she inched over and turned off the shower. She then grabbed a nearby towel and threw it over his exposed area and slowly backed into the main room and began to unpack. He'll wake up soon enough. Now I know for sure he's afraid of me. She sighed...how would she ever make friends now?
(Hey PaiPai! Blitzy's charrie went through a door in his true state, Lucien and Tira talked a lot, and Umbra was taking a shower and his new roommate walked in on him so Umbra fainted xD oh, and Nessa's in the library...and I think that's all c:)
((Okay! Thank you! :D Pear, I'm going to make Eona pop into the library, I have so much character development planned out for her xD ))
Umbra was in the library, enjoying a good read. He was enjoying his seclusion and he was at peace. "Ah, this is how I was meant to live." He was doing the thing he loved most and nothing could ruin this. As soon as he thought that, the ground began to shake. "W-what's happening!?" The library vanished and he was now in the middle of a school hallway. "What is this!?" A tentacle soon wrapped around his neck and a large Minotaur breathed down on him. "You're late for class, prepare to be punished!" Umbra's eyes went wide and he screamed. "Nooooo!"

Umbra woke up panting. "Huh...It-it was a dream." Umbra wiped his brow in relief and stood up. "I must've fallen asleep in the shower." He wrapped the towel around his waist and tied it tight. "Yup, that's it! There's no way any of that stuff happened. Why would a girl even be in here?"

He walked into the room, smiling. That smile turned into a face of fear when he saw the girl in the middle of the room. 'I-it wasn't a dream!' He immediately hid in the corner in fear. "I-I'm sorry!"
Hitagi's head shot up as she sensed the boy enter the room. She just blankly stared at him. Oh no, first contact with anyone other then an old monk. She actually didn't quite understand why this boy was apologizing and why he looked so afraid of her. Was she really that appalling? Did everyone still think of the Sawarineko as an abominable creature worth being terrified of? She gave an annoyed frown. "Yeah. Whatever." She spat as she snapped her head back down. They're all still the same, why'd I even think anyone changed their opinions. She tried to focus on unpacking, forcing herself to keep her temper to a minimum or Black would surface again and she didn't want another reason for this kid to be utterly terrified. Good start of the year right? Not.

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