Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(UUHHGG. Gonna be gone for awhile... >:I Be back soon! And I will be looking for someone to RP with meee!!)
Eona hurried around the school, peeking into door after door. The kraken had encountered a few people, walked in on a few awkward situations, etc. Eona was trying to find her way to her room, she had lost track of her dragon room mate and was now lost - again. The kraken slowly creaked open a large door, peering through the little crack she had made and was greeted with the silence and a bunch of bookshelves. Eona was in the library.

Walking into the room, Eona gulped as the A/C suddenly changed to a cool temperature caused a little shiver to go down her spine. The kraken looked around at all the books, amazed that there were so many of them. She walked up to a shelf a took a book, knowing that she wouldn't be able to read it, but it was fun to look at the pictures. The kraken sat down at a table along with another person, setting the book down, Eona began to read about The Paper Bag Princess.

((lol Eona's looking at a children's book xD Oh, and for those who don't know, Eona can't read))
'I-I made her angry!' Umbra proceed to bash his head into the wall. 'Why.' Bash. 'Do I.' Bash. 'Always.' Bash. 'Do this!?' Bash. He just couldn't get this interaction thing down. He really needed to get out of this school. He was dying!

It took him a few moment, before Umbra remembered he was only in a towel. He immediately grabbed his clothes and ran into the bathroom. He didn't really dress fancy or anything. He only ever wore black long-sleeved shirts and black pants, along with his scarf. He didn't like exposing skin, so having someone walk in on him while he was in the shower was torture.

After walking back int the room, Umbra decided to try and make peace with the girl. He couldn't handle people being nice to him, so having someone hating him was hell on earth. "D-do you n-need h-help?" Nailed it! A four word sentence for the first time in his life! He felt like he had just won the Nobel Peace Prize or something.
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(The Paper Bag Princess? I was obsessed with that book when I was little. xD )

Nessa looked through the books in the library, pausing here and there to page through one that caught her eye, before putting it back.

When she noticed Eona, she was paging through a book about dragons. It was full of lies about dragons, lies painting dragons out to be horrible, hideous creatures, who killed without a moments notice, when she noticed Eona.

She put the book about dragons on a shelf, the wrong one, as she didn't care about the book much, it rather disgusted her, and went over to Eona, who was looking at a children's book.

Nessa glanced at the cover.

It had a dragon on it. Sigh.

"Is the dragon at least good in this book?" Nessa asked, infuriated with all the negative portrayal of what was actually a normally kind, docile, and gentle creature, as she sat down at the table next to Eona, waiting for the girls response.
Hitagi jumped a bit as each bang sounded throughout the little dorm. Each bang pressed her closer and closer to the verge of cracking. She could feel Black seeping through into her mind but quickly repressed her thoughts. What is this kid doing? She watched him stumble back out fully clothed. He began to utter an actual sentence. Help? Why was he suddenly being nice to her? This kid was so confusing to her. Her left eyebrow gave a twitch as she clenched her teeth.

"If you're just trying to help me because you're afraid of me killing you in your sleep, don't worry. Why don't you just stop the fake act and just admit it..you're afraid of what I am like all the other's I've met." She let out a cat like whine. She then realized she wasn't controlling her temper and could feel Black coming through again. Hitagi began to speak through a forced soft voice "I-I get it ok? Just...I won't hurt you ok? I'll stay over on my side and you on yours and I won't do anything scary ok?" She began to fidget with one of her bag's zippers frustratedly. This stupid pack, why did those monks give me all these clothes anyway? She then put the zipper between her teeth and started pulling, a strange cat-like nature about her actions.
Eona looked up at Nessa in surprise, the kraken was staring at the picture where the princess was left wearing a paper bag and was all burnt up, she imagined the pictures moving in her mind, giggling softly whenever something funny seemed to happen. "Puff?" Eona blurted out as she glanced up at Nessa. The kraken had smelled dragon in Nessa, she recalled Puff the Magic Dragon who lived by the sea and how he was one of her good monster friends when she first surfaced from the ocean.

Shaking her head, Eona blushed softly as she realized it wasn't Puff and was actually her room mate, Nessa. "Oh, hi, Nessa..." Bowing her head in slight shame, all the times she spent with Puff resurfaced from the bottom of her memories. "What are you doing here?" Eona tried her best to move the book away from Nessa's view, not wanting her to know that the kraken couldn't read. 

"Puff? No one's every called me that before." Nessa said, trying to glance at the dragon book but failing as Eona moved it away from her.

"What am I doing here? I'm looking for a good book. I was looking at ones about dragons, but every single book so far is filled with lies. It surprises me that the dragon books are like that in this library. You think the books would be all scientific studies of monsters." Nessa realizes she was rambling a bit and blushed and closed her mouth, suddenly wishing she had brought that dragon book over with her, even if it was lies, she could hide behind it.

She spied a book to the right of her someone had left alone, and so she picked it up, paging through the first few pages, attempting to look interested, although it seemed quite boring, like one of those medicine books Tira was reading, and Nessa had a hard time even feigning interest.

"So, what have you been up to?" Nessa asked, trying to direct the conversation away from her awkwardness, even though she realized that was a stupid question, as she'd been with Eona pretty much all the time.

"Er, I mean, what's your favorite color?" She added, in a last ditch effort to save face.
Umbra cringed with each word she said. Did he really make her that mad? He was worse at this than he thought. He probably made the worst impression possible based on what she said. He wasn't afraid of her, he was afraid of everything.

He wanted to give up, but he convinced himself to try again. That's why he wasn't able to fit in before, right? He always gave up after the first try. He really didn't want this girl to hate him.

As he saw the girl try to open the bag, he immediately made his way over. "Y-you're gonna hurt your teeth!" He didn't want this girl to ruin her teeth because he made her angry.
"Razzmatazz!" Eona beamed brightly at the question, letting the previous one slip past her doughnut shaped mind. Yes, Razzmatazz is a colour, a real, actual colour. It seemed to be a mixture of redish-pink and wasn't commonly known as a colour. The kraken had encountered this colour on her way to a garden, she had spotted a very pretty flower and asked what colour it was. Eona couldn't just classify it as pink, she had to know what such a beautiful flower's colour was! A nearby gardener had rolled his eyes and told the kraken that it was razzmatazz, and, of course, she believed it. Eona was so smart, wasn't she? Then again, Razzmatazz was also known as a flower.

The kraken beamed bright as she returned the question to the dragon, Puff Nessa. "How about you? What's your favourite colour?" Just to warn you, this intelligent kraken doesn't know all the names of different colours... Yup, it's official. Seven hundred years under the sea, the water probably got to her brain.
Hitagi blinked up at him, zipper still in her mouth. My teeth? She then realized what she was doing and felt blood rush to her cheeks immediately. She took the bag out of her mouth and held it up to the boy without speaking, looking away from him towards the wall as she continued to blush a light pink.

She let her abnormally purple hair fall across her face, waiting for the boy to unzip her pack. She had to keep reminding herself she was now in a place where others wouldn't think her cat-like behavior was normal. She missed home already. Her mind cluttered with so many different emotions, a pout fell across Hitagi's face as she continued to stare at the wall.

Maybe he was just trying to be nice. After all, with the way Hitagi had seen him act so far, he didn't even look like he could hurt a fly.
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Umbra sighed a breath of relied when she released the bag from her mouth. Looks like her teeth would be safe after all. He was worried that he overstepped his boundaries. He was terrified of people, but he always freaked out when someone looked like they would get hurt.

He was glad when she handed him the bag. Maybe she didn't hate him anymore! He took the zipper and opened it. He was surprised that he actually managed to do it. The girl made it seem like it was super glued, but he had opened it gently and without issue.

He extended the bad to the girl. "I-I did it." Umbra felt the need to try something he had never done in the presence of others. He tried to smile. Instead of the charming and kind smile he was going for, it came out terribly awkward. It probably looked like he was having a stroke.
Hitagi slowly looked up at him. Her eyes widened, someone new actually smiled-sorta-at her. She didn't know what to do other then just blankly stare up at him as she quickly took back her open pack.

"Sorry I saw you naked." She blurted out, still staring up at him with an expressionless face. she regretted saying that, she should of said 'thanks' or something. "I-I mean, it wasn't really that bad-I MEAN-yeah thanks." She mumbled as she finally looked down, releasing the awkward eye-contact they shared. She obviously tried to recover but just made the situation worse whiched caused her to get frustrated and make a tear in her bag. Control your temper. She clenched her teeth as she scolded herself.

Articles of clothing began slowly sliding out, Hitagi picking them up as each came falling. She couldn't help her awkwardness, rash behavior, and mood-swings. She hadn't talked to another person who didn't quite have the same understanding as the temple monks in her whole 800 years of existence and it felt extremely strange to her.
(sorry for how long it took me to reply! Laughed at the donut brain remark xD Is it just me, or does it seem like every character is always tripping? First Eona, then Ame, then Umbra xD )

Is that even a color? Nessa wondered at the Kraken's response, it wouldn't surprise her if the Kraken was spouting out colors she had made up.

"Dark Blue." Nessa replied to the question, smiling.

"So, how are you liking the school so far?" Nessa asked, deciding this question would cause the least damage of all the questions she was debating of asking, as all of the rest were highly invasive and personal, as was Nessa's style, but she didn't want to scare off one of her only friends yet.

She also had decided against showing the girl a scratch Nessa had acquired from tripping earlier, as she decided it would be rude to watch the girl freak out again.
Umbra's face heated up when she talked about seeing him naked. Why did she have to bring that up!? He almost forgot about it! When she followed it up with "It wasn't that bad", he buried his face in his scarf. 'What does she mean by that!?'

As the clothes began to fall out, he tried to place them back in the bag. However, doing it while your eyes were closed was hard. He wanted to help, but he didn't want to see her items. That stuff was private. He was very wary as he grabbed some of the clothing. He had no idea what he would be grabbing.
Hitagi watched as the boy randomly picked up a pair of her undies. She gasped as her faced turned into a cherry red. He didn't need to go around helping so much! She ripped the fabric out of his hands in one slash, trembling out of embarrassment. She could feel Black lurch out, taking Hitagi's moment of weakness due to her utter embarrassment. Her whole body clenched up as the roots of her hair sprouted out bright white, then slowly spread to the tips of her hair. A pair of cat ears also popped out of her now completely white locks.

"Look who's the pervert nyaa~" Black Hanekawa purred, raising her leg to scratch her new found ears. Black's body suddenly crouched into a cat-like position. Her ear twitched in curiosity towards the boy. "Thanks for making Mistress' concentration weak." Her bright cat-eyes flashed up at him, her fangs poking out in satisfaction.

(Sorry, that moment was just too good to pass up honestly.)
((Yup...I definitely ship it! Should we call it Umtagi or Hitabra? xD ))

Eona stared up at Nessa, frowning oh so slightly at her question. Honestly, Eona didn't know what to think about her first day at school, this was her first time ever going to school! It was a very new experience for the Norwegian sea monster. A lot of things had happened today; First Eona discovered the horror of scratches, then her teacher forced her to turn into her kraken form, she got lost, scared, and now the monster was inside a library when she can't even read. "It's been a very....unique experience." Eona giggled softly as she stroked her metaphorical beard in mock concentration.

The kraken fell out of her serious moment, another image of Puff appearing in her mind. "H-how about you?" Eona flashed Nessa a bright smile as she leaned her elbow against the table, on top of a book. The book suddenly slipped underneath Eona, causing her to lose balance and smack her face against the edge of the table. "Owch!" The kraken rubbed her face, feeling something drip down from her nose. Removing her hand, Eona looked down at the red substance on her hand and went as pale as chalk. Her nose was bleeding. The blood dripped all over her face as Eona was completely frozen, the gears of her brain had stopped working for a moment. Oh, dear Poseidon.
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Umbra opened his eyes when he felt something being ripped out of his hands. He was horrified to see he had grabbed a pair of his undergarments. He was going to hell, he just knew it! He deserved to go to hell! But he was immortal! He put his hands into a pleading gesture. "I'm sorry!"

His eyes widened a little when he saw her change into her true form. 'She's a cat?' He listened to her words and recalled what happened earlier in class today. 'So she's just like that boy from earlier?' He wondered what her personality was like in this form. Was she violent, nice, cruel? He just assumed the worst and was scared for his life.

(As soon as I posted, I saw it coming. Also, it appears that I'm a Well-Known Member...)
((Yet. ;) But, I completely support this pairing xD I like Hitabra better, what do you guys think? P.S. once we think of a pairing name I'm making a group to support this shipping))
(I'm not so sure yet! I don't really mind, but still we do have Lucem's opinion.)

Black saw the shocked expression on the boy's face and smiled mischievously. She then crawled closer to him and rubbed against his chest just as a cat would do. Walking back and fourth she started speaking in a soft voice that had a hint of a cat's purr chasing each word. "I already like my new home, I now have a mistress and now I also have a master." She then brought her hand up to his face and caressed his chin, Black began draining his energy slowly as she continued to touch him.

"You are meeyoow(my) new master, right?" She looked him in the eyes, seeing if she could get away with stealing his energy to replenish her own. She hadn't been out in so long and she was so...hungry. She showed her fangs and her eyes began to shine red as more energy surged through her body. Her hair began flowing as if there was some type of breeze in the room.

(The pairing is undecided but due to Black Hanekawa's personality she'll act this way attracted to them or not. This is just how she acts ;-P)
Umbra paled as the girl rubbed his chest. Most men would die to be in this position, but Umbra was not most men. He felt extremely uncomfortable in this situation. He wasn't a manly man who worked out and ate steak, he was a meek and timid boy who acted more like a woman than anything. As for steak, he wouldn't dare eat it. They kill poor cows to make it!

As she caressed his face, he felt like he was gonna faint again, but tried to stay awake, fearing what would happen to his unconscious body. When she brought up being her master, he scooted back with his usual fast speed. He was like as spider, as he backed up towards the wall. He shook his head furiously. He wasn't the master of anything. On second thought, maybe he was the master of awkward situations.

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