Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Umbra was trying his best to fall asleep, but to no avail. He could pass out at any other given moment, but he could not sleep in the dark to save his life. He peeked his head out and focuses on the darkness, which made him nervous to no end. He tried his best to concentrate and a small black hole formed from the darkness. He reached inside and pulled out a small book light. He stored all of his items in something sort of like hammer space, which is why he never brought his luggage.

As soon as he put his head under the covers and turned on the book light, he passed out. The fatigue from today's events finally caught up to him and he fell to sleep. His dreams consisted of tentacles and scary felines, which was soon accompanied by a Minotaur. His bad luck even followed him into his dreams. 
(I cannot believe you actually made that group. I thought you were just kidding. Never underestimate a fan girl...)
(Oh god..ANYWAYS! Is it ok if we progress on to the next morning so everyone who just came back can start and interact with us? ^_^ )
(YAY! WE CAN ALL FINALLY MEET! I've been wondering what y'all new people are like. ^-^ Nessa can awkwardly ask you really blunt personal questions soon. <3

Oh, Lucem, aren't you going to be the teacher today?)
(Yes, tomorrow morning sounds good. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to find some aspirin for my newly developed headache...)
(We are the Rp-ers. WE control Time and Space and have many million fangirls at our disposal. Should you have the misfortune of fighting us, you should hope that your death with be quick and short, and not by shipping.)
(Lucem, shouldn't you start it off, since you were going to be the teacher, I believe? Or maybe PaiPai will volunteer as teacher?)
(Not you too...) 
(I'm still going to be a teacher. I already have the character and class figured out.)
(I noticed that, Pai. xD ) 
(If I don't reply for like 20 minutes, btw, guys, assume I've gone to bed, It's past 1 AM where I live and I have to get up early tomorrow so I will probably go to bed soon. )
Umbra awoke in a sweat, panting a bit. He tried to get the images out of his head, but to no avail. He would never look at sushi or cats the same way ever again. He shivered as he stood up. He went over to the sink and did the basic mourning routine. Once he was finished, he put on his shoes, which he believed to be cursed after all the tripping he had done over the last hundred years.

He opened the door and left quietly, careful not to wake up...um...his roommate. He had no clue what this girl's name was. He let out a breath as he walked the halls, looking out for any signs of danger. Yesterday hadn't gone anything like he expected it to. He could really use some tea right about now.
Nessa awoke bright and early, she had somehow managed to fall out of her bad around five AM, so she'd been up since then, although she decided to wait awhile to leave her room, and kill the time reading a book she'd grabbed from the library, she didn't even notice she was still holding it, in all the frenzy of the nosebleed, but she realized she was still holding it later.

She soon regretted her decision to read it, it was a tragedy, not even a good one, but tons of people died, and it put Nessa in a depressed mood, and Nessa did not like starting the day out depressed.

Despite the horribleness of the book, Nessa knew she had to return it to the library, plus, she had to kill time before classes started, as it was only 7:30 still, a while until classes, she believed at least, who knew in this weird place so she headed down to the library, accidentally stolen book in hand.

(@meowsarah *COUGH COUGH* meet up in library *COUGH COUGH*)
Hearing her roommate step out, Hitagi then came to terms that she too had to get up and interact with other people. Seeing how last night went, she believed it wasn't going to turn out any better..maybe even worse. Hitgai found herself standing in front of the mirror shortly after doing the cliché morning routine. She had suddenly began to mentally prepare herself to meet the other students, hopefully her next encounter might not be as awkward.

Hitagi, primped and dressed in uniform, decided to skip breakfast and head toward the library. Maybe she could escape most of the crowds that clustered in the hallway in there.

Nervously fiddling with a strand of her long hair, she walked through the library's entrance and grabbed a random book to look like she wasn't just awkwardly hiding in the library. As she sat down and opened the book, she noticed it was about a man struggling with a possessive demon slowly taking over his body. Hitagi became completely immersed, seeing that she was somewhat in the same predicament. Her nose was inches away from the open book as she read.

(I got you @Nanashi :-D)
Nessa was looking around the library, trying to inconspiciously walk across the library and slip the book on some forgotten shelf without the hawk-eyed librarion noticing, when she noticed a newcomer standing by themself.

I am rather sorely lacking in the friend depermant... Nessa thought, weighing the pros and cons of starting a conversation with said newcomer, and ultimately, the bold Nessa that Nessa had no idea where it came from but had been appearing more and more over the last day prevailed, and Nessa made her way over to the newcomer, almost involuntarily.

"Well, that book seems almost as depressing as the one I read this morning." Nessa said, reading the spine of the book some girl was reading. Nessa didn't recognize the girl, but she recognized the book, vaguely, she had paged through it, she believed, and it was about some kind of demon.

Nessa realized her statement was kinda creepy though, the second after she said it, and awkwardly stood next to the girl pretending to be interested in the depressing book she had brought back to slip on the shelves as she waited for the girl to reply.

(@meowsarah YAY!! now nessa can find a new friend)

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