Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"Favorite color? I don't have one." Umbra placed his hands behind his head and looked forward. "All colors are unique in their own way, so it's impossible for me to have a favorite." He yawned once more and ran his hand through his now red bangs. "Or something philosophical and junk."

Umbra turned his head to the girl with a blank stare. "Since we're using awkward questions to get to know each other, I'll use another. How was your first day of school?" He really didn't know what to say, so general topics would suffice for the moment.
"Nope! Books are for nerds--" He suddenly realized what he had said aloud. He announced that books were for nerds. In a library. And for the first time, he cared. "Uh! I-I mean, books are great!" Metus nervously chuckled, looking around at the faces still staring at him. "With their... words, and stuff." In all honesty, he had never even picked up a book. He wasn't even sure if they had words.
(Lucem, is Umbra in the library? Did I miss a post? I'm confuzzled. 0.0)

Nessa realized how hungry she was. "Um, does anyone know if they feed us in this place?" She asked, and then she heard Metus's answer to the question Hitagi had asked and couldn't help herself, she laughed.

"Be careful, they'll sic the librarian upon you." She whispered to him, looking around at everyone with upset expressions, first this stranger had invaded the serene library with his loudness, and then he had just insulted everyone there. She could understand their anger.
Junko rolled over in her pool of water. Although the school had put in a retractable bed above her pool, she had decided to use the stream water. Slowly materalizing herself, she floated on the water. After deciding that she should get up and see what was happening, she walked over to her wardrobe and put on a nice floral pattern yukata and a bright obi. She walked through the school and got lost a bit. After asking for directions, Junko entered the library
(hey guys, it's almost 3 AM here and I've gotta get up early tomor... er, today, so I think I'm gonna go for tonight, thanks for all the awesomeness tonight, I've loved it. ^-^ Look forward to more tomorrow(although I do not look forward to the pages upon pages I'm sure I'll have to catch up on xD ))
Hitagi began took look around at everyone that had now approached her and Nessa. She then noticed her uh..roommate. This made the whole situation very uncomfortable for her, seeing how last night's events occurred. She turned back to Nessa, seeking a bit more comfort towards her. "Ohh...nerds?" Hitagi wasn't familiar with the term and contemplated on it for a moment. She really didn't want to answer how her first day of school was, so Hitagi began fiddling with her fingers.
((Yeah, I'm with Nashi. I stayed up allllll night today. For reals, its like 9 am here in sweden and I haven't got shut eye for like 24 hours. Good night, er, morning guys.))
((Ermagerd Blitzy! Eona and Metus can be non-reading buddies together! :D )

Eona grinned at Umbra, giggling softly at the funny question. "It was terrifying and fun at the same time!" The kraken made big gestures as she spoke. "It was kind of like getting sucked into a giant whirlpool! You don't know if you'll live through it, its absolutely horrifying, but in the end you realise that you had fun and are willing to try it again!" Eona had probably just made the worst similie ever. First days of school and getting sucked into a whirlpool? Only a kraken could make that kind of similie. Eona recalled all the times she had spent as a kraken riding the currents and causing typhoons. Good times. It was too bad that as a human, Eona was drakes out about drowning.

"Do you like flowers?" Eona returned the favour of the awkward questions as she began to walk to no where in particular. The kraken loved flowers! All kinds of them! They all had their own different scent and taste. Sure, there was that one flower called the poison ivy that Eona had once ate and got a terrible rash in her throat, but that didn't stop her from munching on other flowers! Eona's favourite one was the marshmallow! It wasn't like the snack marshmallow, but Eona mostly likes it because of the name. Marshy Mellow!~ 
((Goodnight pear, goodnight blitzy! I guess I'll join the club to- lol jk it's only 12 up here in the North xD ))
"My day went horribly and I can't really remember anything fun that happened. Well, unless you count sexual harassment as fun." Umbra really didn't want anything like that to happen again. However, it would if his roommate's true form popped up again.

As Umbra was about to respond to the question, he felt a tingle in his body. The red bangs dissappeared, but the scar still remained, shrinking by the second. "Y-yeah, I used to have a garden a few h-hundred years ago." It seemed like the nightmare was coming to an end.
"Sunflowers." Hitagi spoke softly to the rambling girl with a small smile on her face. For some strange reason, this girl's personality made it easy for Hitagi to smile.

She had choosen sunflowers because they reminded her of her late father, who used to give her sunflowers as presents while they were on constant travel. These memories went back to about 700 years ago and Hitagi was glad this talkative girl could bring them back to her.

Hitagi then heard her roommate's words and quickly became red. What had he meant be that? She had a huge hunch it was about Black, who usually was into that sort of thing. She really hoped no one else would have to ever see or find out about her true form, but she worried that her roommate would utter her secret and she didn't want to be around to hear it and see the other's faces as they were told the story. "Uh..I should go. Nice to meet everyone." Hitagi forced a small smile as she rushed out of the library, away from the small crowd that had formed.

(I'm going to bed as well, night! ^_^ )
((I LOVE SUNFLOWERS!! SUNFLOWERS ARE THE BEST FLOWERS!! Anyway, I think I may fall asleep now, guess I'll just wake up early unless someone's still wants to rp))
As the scar finnaly dissappeared, Unbra returned to his normal self. "I-I'm sorry!" He hid in order to hide his embarrassment. He didn't like that guy's personality. He was way too straightforward. He had said those things out loud!

Whenever Umbra merged with someone's shadow, this would always happen. Their personality would mix with his and he would take on some of her physical features. I this case, Umbra's personality had mixed with that of a very blunt boy. 
(I'll most likely be the last to wake up, so please don't go too far without me.)
(Guys... 13 pages! How the, What the, bu... you people amaze me)

Slowly Lucien opened his eyes and scanned the room he was in and noticed his roommate asleep. (I'm assuming she's sleeping because unholy is still offline~ she's probably you know, gone out to have a real life with real people as if real life is cool or something) He took the same clothes he had been wearing yesterday out from under his bed and walked into the bathroom to get changed. He didn't want to get changed in the other room in case she woke up while he was getting changed. In the bathroom Lucien decided to jump in the shower quickly.

After getting ready, Lucien picked up the book on the double slit experiment and took it to the library since he could probably get it finished in the library and then hand it in straight away. He took the book from the pile and made his way to the library.

On the way to the library, Lucien's alternate personality woke up, 'Awh dude why did you wake up? I was remembering a time when I was with someone who was an assassins, he was so awesome! Why couldn't you be that cool?' the personality complained, as usual.

(So who is in the Library? Meow, NashNash and Blitzeh?)
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(Hitagi was just running away from the library..or wherever the conversation was being held-confused on that part xD - @Prowlzerz Lucien could always meet her? Even though she's a tough cookie to crack ^_^ ')
((You know I think this is a good time to throw Ajax in here...shall I? If so, this post will turn into his introduction post))

"Carry me, slaves." An Arabian dressed man laid in a French Girl position as he was carried by the cyclops guards. The dark haired man rested on a very colourful pile of blankets and pillows as the guards carried him into the school like a king. He leaned back in his little shrine of some sort, the man's hood fell back revealing his silky black hair and gorgeous blue eyes, a complete work of art that seemed to be magical.

The cyclops guards looked to be very pissed off, having to carry such a lazy, sarcastic, and cocky man on their backs, from Arabia to this simple highschool. Frowns covered their face, as with a bunch of leeches, scorpian bites, and bloody wounds from the harsh journey. Now, if you looked up at the man, you would see absolutely no sign of labor on him, not a single cut on his slim fit body. No wonder the cyclops looked so irritated. This guy was a complete asshole!

The man's deep blue eyes scanned the area, looking for a decent spot for him to lay. Finding that under the most beautiful tree's shade, the man ordered the pissed off cyclops to lay him down gently over by that area. "Hey, watch the gold." The man furrowed his eyebrows together in annoyance, not liking how the cyclops were treating them. Even though they were treating him like the king himself.

"Of course, Ajax." The lead - or what looks to be the lead - cyclops bowed his head in mock respect, hiding the large scowl on his scarred and beaten up face. The journey from Arabia was a hard one, and the man - Ajax - refused to come to the highschool, causing the cyclops to have to go there and get him. Of course, Ajax denied the offer of going on a plane and made the guards walk through boundless of sand and dangers while he laid on top of them away from the possible deaths and hardships drinking a glass of wine and surrounded with beautiful women.

"That's master Ajax to you." Ajax smirked at the wounded cyclops as they set him and his little shrine under the tree's shade, oh that man must've been dying from laughter on the inside as his face remained a monotone expression. The cyclops guards stumbled away from the man, muttering insults and threats as they did so.

Ajax raised an eyebrow as he observed as their weak forms faded away into the distance and jnto the infirmary. The sphinx was just much too lazy to get here by himself, it was just such a bother! And so, I introduce to you, Ajax Sarrok of the Jerk Desert.
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(@Prowlzerz I haven't caught up yet. xD But come join me in the library! At least Nessa hasn't moved. c:

edit : Wait I read the post you're talking about. How did I manage to miss that? 0.o)

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