Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(@Prowlzerz oh well. Like I said, Nessa is still in the library, EVEN IF NO ONE ELSE IS, so *pushes Lucien towards library* for some reason, the library seems to be where everything happens. c:

OH BTW DO U SHIP.. (paipai what is the ship name?) Hitagi & Umbra?)
((You could always join Ajax the asshole :3 He most likely won't go to the library cause he's too lazy and Eona's with Umbra...so...yeah. ^^"))
(@Nanashi I do not ship anything, ever. I'm really confused, we need a library head count :P .

I bet Lucien's alternate personality would get on well with Ajax xD )
(Good whatever to you too! :D
(Okie dokie, Nashi) 
(Wait guys I totally forgot what we were saying in the library. Do I just start with some random stuffs?)

Metus turned to his new-found 'acquaintance' an chuckled. The students that were angrily staring him down earlier seemed to have gone back to their normal states; reading quietly at the tables. It was a good thing, too, as the librarian was about ready to explode, by the looks of it. He decided to tone down his voice, just a bit. "So, Nessa, what are you?" Metus asked, oblivious to the fact that a lot of the students here didn't like getting asked that question, being about race and "all that junk." Metus enjoyed telling others what he was, however, and was fully willing to show them. By show them, he means pulling pranks.
(dude you people talk to fast)

On his way to the library, Lucien decided to walk past the main entrance, outside he saw someone being carried along by some cyclops, 'Now that, that is the way to live. Did I ever tell you about the time I used a dragon to fly around? No? Well let me tell you: this dragon flies along and is all 'hey stop burning things, it's not nice to just melt somebody's house, or face...' and I said 'you're a dragon, you're always burning things,' and then he was like blaah fireball then I was like fire hands. Fire hands are cooler because you're not like burping fire and can still use your mouth to gloat when you win. Then I made the dragon fly my about which was cool. Oh how great times were before I died and ended up hopping through elementalists and then to end up stuck with this geek...' Lucien's alternate personality rambled inside his mind,

'Hey I'm not a geek!' Lucien thought back to him,

'Dude you're carrying a book about slits and quantum what-nots, you're a geek.'

Lucien eventually arrived at the library and walked in. He eyed a nice looking spot to sit at and sat on it. It was only then when he realised he was sitting close to one of the girls from his class, and some other people he didn't recognise. He opened his book and concentrated on each word, hoping they wouldn't beckon him into their conversation if he looked busy. He wanted to get through the book soon, he had a lot more books to read in two weeks - even though he could probably get all this information off the internet free whenever he wanted it.

(I just realised scrabble must be easier in America. You guys over the really deep big pond ocean thing use the letter Z more than we do over here)
Nessa was a bit surprised by this question, not many people had asked her this, probably because most had seen her transform in the classroom, so they didn't have anymore curiosity.

She noticed that he had dropped his voice a bit, which was good as in now the library wouldn't murder him, but bad as if now they were far away and she would need to go closer to be able to converse, as there was still the space Hitagi had left between them, so she moved an inch or two closer.

"Dragon. You?" She finally said, pretending to be interested in a particular spot in the wall behind Metus as she replied.

Eona smiled softly at Umbra, she didn't even notice the personality change until now. Although the other Umbra seemed like a jerk back in the classroom, the kraken felt that that Umbra was a lot more easier to talk with than the current Umbra. Then again, they're both Umbra! "It's fine, didn't even notice really." Eona brushed her hair back as she continued to walk through the hallway, going nowhere in particular.

Randomly picking a door, Eona threw open the doors to the library. How does it seem I always end up here...? The kraken frowned at the sight before her, so many interesting books to read, too bad that Eona didn't even know how to read. Glancing around the library, Eona spotted a familar figure of...

"Nessa?" Eona blurted out when she saw the people crowded around the table, wondering what they were doing. Leading Umbra and herself over to the group, the kraken beamed brightly at the people, a bright - and slightly idiotic - grin on her face.

"What's swimming??" The kraken used the term she did undersea, oh how she loved to make fish puns. Eona glanced over the group, ignoring how awkward she was being to have just popped up like a little guppy hatching from its egg.
"Eona!" Nessa cried at the sight of her roommate, she was glad Eona had come, she was someone Nessa knew well, although she'd brought that Umbra guy, the one who Nessa didn't know much.

Nessa did not like conversing with people she didn't know much.

"We're just talking." Nessa replied to the girls oddly phrased question, smiling at her.

"Hi Umbra!" She called afterwards, not wanting him to feel left out from her excited yell at Eona's presence.

(sorry this is so short! I couldn't think of more to add -.- BRB)

Metus grinned at the thought of being a dragon. Were the stories true? Did they really breath fire? Perhaps he would ask later. Happily, he responded to her question without hesitation. "I'm a shadow demon thing. I eat the souls of the weak-minded!" He laughed at his own 'joke' before continuing, "Well, I used to. I came from Germany, with the rest of my kind. We're the incarnation of fear itself!" Metus smirked, before turning to see some newcomers walk through the door.

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