Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Hitagi made a small jump in surprise as she heard an unfamiliar voice aimed towards her. She unglued her eyes from the book and saw a girl she had never seen before looking directly at her. Hitagi gave her a blank stare.

She wasn't very good in the conversation department, and stood there for a long time thinking about what to say back. "Well..I think it's a very real book, it doesn't lie or give you false hopes." She spoke blatantly, simply telling the girl her opinion. She then turned her head back down to her book and continued to read, not knowing what else to say to keep the conversation going.

A slimy and thick tentacle came out from Eona's side, grabbing the alarm clock and smashed it against the wall, ceasing the annoying sound from echoing through the room. Eona groaned as she turned her body the other way and snuggled into her pillow. A low growl escaped from the kraken's lips as the bright morning sun beamed down on her face, causing her to furrow her eyebrows together, trying to shut out the light. The alarm clock lay wimpily on the ground, broken into many pieces and covered with slime.

Eona frowned as her blue eyes opened reluctantly, she flinched back as the bright sun seemed to be stabbing her in the eye with its rays. Down under the sea, where Eona used to live, there was absolutely no sun and all the creatures down there had to create their own source of light. Even after the few years Eona had been human, she had never really gotten used to waking up with such a light. Then again, the kraken never really was a morning person.

The monster sat up abruptly, showing off her gill-arious bed head, her usually silky dark locks were all tangled up, stuck together with knots and what looks like to be slime. A hand reached up and scratched her messy head, a slight frown of displeasure on Eona's face. Pushing herself off the bed, Eona stumbled into the bathroom and turned on the shower, jumping in immediately and washing off her body. When the kraken woke up she was always covered in slime, from head to toe, most people would find it disgusting, and it was. The slime was apparently a protective moisture barrier that kept Eona from drying up. Sure, it was gross, but guess why the kraken had such amazing skin?

Eona sighed in pleasure as she let the stream of ice cold water hit her body, you must be thinking, why is she taking a shower with ice cold water? Well, at the bottom of the ocean, it tended to be below freezing level, Eona loved the feeling of the ice cold water, it gave her a sense of familiarity. Then again, in hot water, Eona thought that she was going to become calamari! But, the giant squid enjoyed all temperatures of water, as long as it's not too hot.

Stepping out of the shower, Eona quickly applied her daily routine and walked out into her dorm room stark naked. Seeing that Nessa wasn't there, Eona hummed a light tune as she changed into her clothing. Being new to this human society, Eona didn't see what was so embarrassing about being naked! When she was in kraken form she never wore any clothes and no one seemed to care about it. But the old couple that had taken her in told Eona that being naked in public was very bad, and Eona trusted their words and followed what teachings they told her like a good girl.

Walking into the hallway, Eona stretched her arms and legs before skipping off to class, or so, where she thought class was. In the end, the kraken had gotten lost and ended up going to one of the cyclops guards so that they could take her to class. As the kraken stepped into the hallway of the classroom, she suddenly tripped over the stairs and smacked her face into the waxed floors.

I hate mornings..!
Nessa frowned at the girls response - not so much at the response itself, but as to the fact that the girl stuck her nose back in the book afterwards.

Now Nessa was going to keep this conversation afloat. Nessa was not good at that.

Oh well, she could simply ask a lot of questions, it seemed to work well in keeping conversations going in the past! Plus, this girl looked interesting!

"So, do you have any siblings? What about parents?" That was always a conversation starter. Nessa was proud of herself - partly from her amazing way of keeping the conversation going, partly from the fact Nessa had just inconspiciously managed to slide back onto the shelf the book she had previously stole.
Metus was confused with the layout of the school. It wasn't his first time here (hell, he'd been going here for quite awhile), however his species have an incredible tendency to forget everything they don't find important; in this case, it was the school. Having forgot where anything was, he wandered aimlessly through the hallways of the establishment. Perhaps he could find someone that knew their way around this place that had so recently been wiped from his mind.

Noticing a sign above a door that "Library",the young Schatten was sure he could find someone that knew the school. "After all," he thought to himself as slammed open the library door, "Libraries are for the smart people, right?" Smiling nonchalantly as if he didn't just open the door very loudly in a place that is specifically made to be quiet, he walked in, seeking out a suitable student to ask for directions. "Anybody, uh, know where stuff is here? I kinda forgot."
Nessa turned from the girl with her nose stuck in a book at the sound of someone making a lot of noise and talking very loudly in the very quiet library.

It was a boy.

His voice was made louder by the fact he was close to Nessa and the girl, so Nessa decided to answer his question, as everyone else was just frowning at him, and the librarian was shushing him.

"What kind of stuff?" Nessa asked, honestly not knowing where to direct the boy to as his question was a bit vague and confused her - besides, she probably would get the boy lost if she told him any directions, she had lost her map and just arrived yesterday, so she got lost pretty much every time she tried to go anywhere.

(@Blitzy Yay! I'm glad you joined in on the fun!!)
Hitagi moved her eyes off her current spot in the book, but didn't look at the girl. She began thinking about why this girl would suddenly care about who she even was, or where she came from. The question obviously hit a soft spot because Hitagi quickly shifted her body towards the girl and gave her an annoyed expression.

"Why do you even care? Who are you?" She gave the girl an expressionless face as she waited for a reply. Geeze, all these people acting like they care so much around here. She then heard a noisy boy and tilted her head towards the sound as the girl she was having a conversation with called out to him. Hitagi's purple hair fell messily into her face as her head turned towards the boy and then looked back the the other girl.
Nessa riveted her gaze back to the girl quickly, her eyes going wide for a moment at the girls unfriendly words.

OK, this unfriendliness was not planned for, what do I do now? Where's bold Nessa when I need her?!??! Nessa panicked mentally, but physically she smiled to the girl.

"I'm Nessa. I don't care much, I was just trying to move forward the conversation. Pleased to make your acquaintance. And you are?" Nessa asked, trying to make her tone sincere and friendly, when mentally she was still flipping out over what to say.

(Nessa is way too blunt for her own good. xD )
"Maybe a vending machine? I am kinda hungry for some candy," he said absentmindedly to the girl that responded to his question, "or, like, the dorms maybe?" Metus turned to the other girl with the book and grinned. "She cares 'cause she's a good person?" He looked around before laughing at the expressions on the other frowning students. He didn't care much for the sassy tone in the book-holding girl's voice, however he would just act kind as to prevent any further complications. Smiling at the nicer one of the two, he held out his hand and introduced himself to the young girls, "I am Metus, an Angst Schatten as they call me in my hometown."
When Umbra heard the sound of a crash, he became paranoid. His paranoia was justified lately and his first instinct was to hide. Of course he tripped, but this time it was worse. Way worse.

Umbra was about to collide with and unsuspecting student an he feared the worse. Rather than crashing into the student's body, he landed on his shadow. He slipped into the thing like a portal and he immediately began to freak out. This was not good. This was possibly the worst thing that could happen to him. He remembered the last time this happened and it did not end well.

Umbra prayed for the best and escaped the boy's shadow when he wasn't looking. When nothing happened for awhile, Umbra thought he was home free. 'Yes! Nothing happened! That was a close on-' his thoughts were cut off by a tingling in his body. 'Why!?'

Umbra stood still, as his fears became a reality. His irises became a golden yellow, like how they were in his true form. His body gave off a smoke-looking black aura and began to change his appearance. The shadows tinted his bangs red and a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt ran through his now closed eye, just like the one the other boy had. He yawned and began to make his way towards the sound of the crash.
"Well, the dorms are to the right, towards the end of the hallway... and I'm not even sure if we have vending machines. Sorry, I kind of suck at directions."

Nessa looked at the boy's - Metus, she reminded herself - extended hand for a moment in surprise before deciding to shake it.

"I'm Nessa Maroe." She was about to add on some apology for the rude tone of the girl, but she decided that since she didn't even know the girls name she would let the girl fend for herself.
((I'd have Eona join but she won't see what the point is to go to the library if she can't read. ^^"))
(true... plus, she is prboably emotionally traumatized from the nosebleed occurence. xD ooh, maybe nessa could help eona learn how to read, since they are roomies!)
"I'm Hitagi...Hitagi Hanekawa." Her voice was now calm and her expression became softer. She then looked at the boy called 'Metus' with a confused look. She didn't really feel comfortable telling them what she was, fearing they'd become afraid and disgusted by finding out her true form just like all the other's she'd encountered back in her homeland. Hitagi became a bit nervous and started to play with the book in her hand.

She came to the library to avoid people, but hey..maybe this was a good thing? This 'Nessa' girl didn't look so bad, she didn't even quiver in fear like her roommate when she spoke. Maybe this wasn't going to be as bad as her first encounter.
Umbra eventually found the source of the crash, when he looked down to see tentacle-girl. "Hey, you okay?" He spoke with a very bored tone and his face didn't seem to change expression even one bit. Yes, things like this always happened when he fell into someone's shadow. And every time this happened, things went bad.

Umbra helped the girl up and stared at her. "Not used to legs yet or something?" He released another yawn and put his hands in his pockets. "You should probably get to class. Our teacher might be an ass and yell at us or something."
(Dear Nashi, would you do Eona the honour of having your character become her best friend? :3)

"Ass? As in donkey?" Eona frowned at Umbra's words, quickly checking for any injuries. The kraken had landed on her face, there was a growing bruise on her forehead, but it was almost covered by her bangs. Shrugging the pain off, Eona got up and dusted off her clothing, wondering if this school was cursed. Eona's fear of scratches had turned into a simple dislike as she did some more thinking about their evil plan. The kraken had realized that Nessa's words were right! Scratches weren't evil and trying to kill us after all!

Flashing Umbra a bright grin, Eona nodded curtly to the guy and rubbed her sore forehead. "I'm alright, thank you for asking." The kraken stood for a moment, not knowing what she should say. Then, Eona remembered what Nessa had said when they were having an awkward moment. "What's your favourite colour?" The kraken beamed brightly, feeling very proud of herself for coming up with such an idea.
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(Nessa gets a best friend? Nessa's always wanted a best friend!!! Nessa gratefully accepts this offer of best friendship. ^-^ Thank you, Pai. <3)
Hitagi. The girl didn't seem as mean now, she looked kinder, and when she introduced herself, her tone was a lot kinder.

"So, what's your favorite color, Hitagi? And yours too, Metus?" Nessa had no idea what else to say so she went back to her strategy of what to do when she had no idea what to do.

Metus and Hitagi were turning out to be interesting, though, and she was glad she had met them - she was quickly making more friends here than she had ever had in her life.
"Favorite... color?" He looked at her with a puzzled expression. "I don't get it." Metus had never been asked that. He wondered how someone could choose a color to be a 'favorite'. Remembering he was literally a shadow, he shouted out the easiest thing he could think of, as to not look like an idiot. "Black! Yeah, black! I think..."
Metus was almost as weird as Eona, Nessa thought, as she listened to his reply as to what his favorite color was.

"Black is a good choice." She said, choosing her response carefully, still wary of another event like Eona's big scratches flipout. 
(this is my hundredth post!! Whoo! :D )
Hitagi blinked at Nessa as she asked her peculiar question. She never really had a favorite color because she had never really thought about anything as simple as that before. "W-white I guess.." Her voice changed into a louder, nervous tone. She then decided she would try to do the question technique too. "D-do you like...uhrm books?" Her voice trailed off, realizing the question she asked was quite stupid. Her face turned a light pink, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to talk.
((You have Hitagi *nudge nudge wink wink* on and I edited my reply before to save up on space :P )) 
"White is the new black, people say." Nessa said, repeating something she had seen in a commercial once. She realized she had no idea why she said it and mentally kicked herself after saying it, smiling at Hitagi like Nessa didn't know she sounded like a complete idiot.

"Yes, I sometimes like books. It depends on what kind of books they are." Nessa replies, smiling at Hitagi. She had finally cracked Hitagi's mean shell!

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