Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"I definitely agree." Nessa said, grinning back, about to elebarate on how she felt about school - how did she feel? On one hand, itwas nice being away from her parents, and nice for a change of scenery, but the teachers terrified her, and to be frank, a lot of the other students terrified her. She had never been around this many monsters before, and even though she knew most wouldn't harm her, what if one did? But, she had also made new friends! Sigh. So many things to think of! - when she saw Eona's nose start to bleed.

Oh god.

If Eona had freaked out over a scratch, how would she feel about her nose gushing out blood? Eona looked terrified.

Nessa looked all around for something to hold against her nose to soak up the blood, but she didn't see anything.

"Just relax, Eona," Nessa said, even though she was panicking, she knew nosebleeds were no biggie, but she knew Eona was freaked out over it, and so she wanted to stop this nosebleed as quickly as possible.

"C'mon, let's find a bathroom. There will be papertowels there. Until we find one... just tilt your head back or something. It'll be fine!" Nessa said, already pulling her friend behind her, wondering where the nearest bathrooms were, or if they had to go all the way to their dorm...

Black became frustrated at the boy's rejection. She wanted more of his power. "Do you not think I'm cute? Do you not to want me?" Seeing her plan was obviously failing, Black's eyes turned into crimson red slits and looked straight at the boy. Her expression pulsating pure mischief. "Do you think you have a choice?" She hissed, tilting her head as a threatening gesture.

"Even whenyaa~ I'm gone, I will always be here. And I will use you." She smiled with her fangs out, her hair frayed out as if she was a hissing cat. She enjoyed teasing and scaring the pants off this boy. Even though her threats seemed honest, her 'mistress' Hitagi still always has some control of Black and would never let Black hurt anyone for no reason.

Black's body then quickly curled into a ball as her hair slowly became purple, she was giving Hitagi's body back to her. As the cat ears descended back into Hitagi's head, she grabbed her head as if in pain and slouched back on to her bed. She could feel someone else's power swirling inside her, Hitagi hadn't felt that feeling in a while and it made her feel a bit sick. She looked up at the boy and began to glare. "Thanks. Do you know how long it took me to keep her away? 70 years, you hear me? 70!" Hitagi realized she was now on her feet, she quickly became light-headed for standing up too fast and stumbled back clenching her teeth.
((Hitabra it is!! I shall make the group and show you the power of fangirls *thunder and lightning in the background* mwhahahahaha!!))

The kraken was frozen still, completely in shock with what was happening. Her face was so pale, you could mistake her as a ghost. Slowly, Eona began to turn a little blue from the lack of oxygen, she was holding her breath. It seemed that the kraken‘s whole body was frozen from a mixture of fear and terror, if you felt for the woman's pulse you would think she was dead. Eona was flat lining from the blood.

As said before, under the sea, the blood was always washed away by the waters, so this whole bleeding thing was new to Eona. Sure, she's inked her seabed before, but this was something different. Eona suddenly shuddered, her one human heart beating once again. Nodding in agreement with the dragon, Eona let herself be dragged off by Nessa, her body still paralyzed with shock. Eona's little doughnut shaped brain wasn't working very well as the blood continued to drip down her face. The kraken could taste the metallic flavour as the thick, red substance poured into the kraken's mouth.

Oh, dear. Am I having what humans call...a period?
(You know, in every RP I've been in... I never got in a relationship :C xD )

Before Raven knew it, she now noticed small amounts of people clutching their ears and running away. Well, that's odd. Raven wasn't even trying to scare them, she was just trying to warn them.

By scaring them...

Well... You know what she means, right? Good, now back to what the Devil's daughter is doing. Raven continued to sing until the song ended, as she headed to the office. Oh, people were fine until another song played. Kdrew - Circles. An awesome song, known by millions. And there goes the crowds of people who hate the new kid, apparently.

(Someone catch my attention)
Umbra began to sweat when all these questions were thrown at him. Of course he didn't want to be her master! Who would!? (Every other man in the universe.) When she asked him the question about her being cute, he had no idea what to say. She was cute, but he wasn't attracted to her, or was he? School life was terrible, his head was starting to hurt! It didn't matter if she was attractive, he was being sexually harassed!

Umbra gulped when he listened to her threats. This was just awful, why did all of this happen to him on the first day. He couldn't handle any more of this!

He relaxed when the girl was back to normal, but the glare was scaring him. When Umbra saw the girl stumble, he ran over. He helped set her down on the bed, trying to make her more comfortable. "D-don't push yourself too hard. Y-you should r-rest."

Umbra went over and turned the lights off. He walked to his bed and thew the covers over his body. When the covers were over his head. He curled up in a ball. It was dark! He hated the dark! It seemed impossible since he was a shadow, but he was absolutely terrified of the darkness.
(oh gosh, PaiPai, that last thing caught me off guard c: And technodragon, I feel your pain... wait, this is the first RP I've been in, so maybe I don't feel it on your level.. But I'm sure Raven and Nessa will both find eligible bachelors in due time :) )

"Here." Nessa said, when they finally reached the bathroom of their dorm, handing Eona a wad of papertowels, then realizing the girl was far too freaked out to be able to competently wipe the blood off of her, so she wet the papertowels for her then instructed her to pinch the bridge of her nose with another papertowel, guiding the girl's hand for her, as she still seemed paraylzed by fear.

"See, it's almost done, Eona, what are you so freaked out about?" Nessa cooed, much like you might reassure a small, small child. "Everything will be just fine."
(I just realized we have done 283 messages in this thread in a day and a half. We are magical beings. xD


On an unrelated note, sorry if I'm acting insane, I'm tired, and when I get tired, I get hyper c:)
(Yes, I see the dilemma clearly. The guys are outnumbered and being pressured to form relationships.)
Hitagi's vision became blurry and everything was rushing so fast, one mintue she was in a strange new bed with the covers restricting her, then everything was suddenly dark! What had Black said to this boy? I don't even know this kid's name! Hitagi was so frustrated and confused but was slowly slipping under.

"Whaa-wh-who the heck are you?" She quietly mumbled as she fell into a very needed sleep.

(I AGREE. We seriously need more guy characters. And I'm not pressuring you into a relationship Lucem, it really wasn't my intention whatsoever you can do what you want I never really cared for any of that ^_^ )
(Well.. Don't look at me. I freaking suck at being a gy And I get uncomfortable, and go inactive with Male characters. :C)
(I'm still here, so thats one more guy in here. Just haven't really posted much. Metus needs some interaction too, amirite? :D )
((I will not create guy for this job. I will create a man. A man who will knock the panties off of you girls out there.))

(@ethericalAlchemist , we are currently in a men recession, so we are talking about men a lot, but as in anime sorry, I have anime on the brain D: Sorry for the confusion! I meant roleplay! terms, the first day of school is done, everyone is in their rooms, I think)
(But you see, if I'm even going to have my character enter a relationship I wouldn't want it to be all awkward and whatnot...if you don't want to have your character do it then why go through the awkwardness? 0_0)
(we all mainly have roommates, umm @Blitzy & @ethericalAlchemist & @TechnoDragon, I think you three are the only three without roomies so far, so if two of you wanna pair up and then one will be temporarily alone, just until the next person joins the RP?) 
(oh my god PaiPai, you are awesome. Best group ever.)

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