Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

She frowned, flinching slightly when she heard a voice. "A-ah...hello Chrys..." She greeted, raising her head to glance over at him. "I d-do not believe it was c-cool...I a-am ashamed of my a-actions..." Sighing softly she shook her head. "M-my parents...would be very disappointed in me...B-being raised as I w-was makes w-what I d-did unacceptable..." She wanted to cry, yet she held it in.

(Damn! Flessa! ; n;. That's it, new couple has to appear now.)
"So would my parents, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't have done it!"

Chrys frowned for a moment, realizing he had mentioned his parents, but didn't dwell on it, "I... uh, I had a plan... but the fox wouldn't move away from you guys, I guess all is well, I can save that favour for later." Chrys said, putting his feet on his desk, flipping down his sunglasses and promptly beginning to snore softly
(Tira and Chrys are in the class, waiting for it to start. Two people have gone to eat and will be away. Luckily we started a new day before you arrived so just walk in.)

Tira sighed, giving a soft shake to her head as she put her head back on her folded arms. "I g-guess so..." She mumbled softly, fingers reaching up to run through the thick blonde locks that fell around her face. She was tired. Glancing up, she looked at the clock with a small sigh. "C-Class will s-start soon C-chrys.." She replied softly, glancing over at him. She was hoping Lucien would be here today, since him and Nessa were the only ones she could talk two without this insufferable stutter getting involved. She wanted to cry, and these two were possibly the only two she could ask to help her. 
(Again, welcome to de'Rp Nico)
(I'm back! But in the transfer from my dad's house to my mom's, I left my glasses, which I have to use when I'm using the computer or reading for more than half an hour or else I'll get a headache, so I'll be on in spurts until late Sunday. c:)
((wasn't getting alerts so I just liked everything on the page. Time to wake up, right? Well, Eona's also in the infirmary and Ajax was sleeping the whole day. Whoop di doo!))


As the morning sun shone down on her face, Eona awoke once more, feeling quite refreshed and assured that she wouldn't lose control of her body again. Hopping off the blood stained bed, Eona was once again covered in slime and dried blood from her wound. It had stopped bleeding after the murse stitched it back up again.

Crawling to her dorm, Eona yawned, covering her mouth with her slimy hand. It was very icky feeling as a human, so the kraken followed her usual morning routine. Taking a shower, lotion, change into clothes, brush hair, and EAT!

Skipping happily down to the cafeteria, Eona had to follow the bright neon signs that directed her to the cafeteria, it was put up by the school because they all knew how this kraken always seemed to get lost.
(I guess I'll go to class then~)

Rubbing his head, Lucien pushed himself off of his bed and made his way to class, he looked around and saw it was rather empty so he sat as far back as possible, waiting for something to happen.

AR-E25, which had gotten bored walking around the school, decided to make its way to its very first lesson, the excitement was clearly noticeable on its face as it walked into the classroom and sat at the very front. It had seen the boy from yesterday make his way to class and decided to follow him.
Ayra stood in front of his new school and walked though the doors. He made his way to class and walked thought the door of the class. He looked around with his bright blue eyes and a sharp fang sticking out of his lip. He looked at all the others in the classroom and sighed his tail swaying in an annoyed way. He had to do this, it was masters orders. He looked and found seat in the back of the class and another at the front. He took the front one and sat down. "I have to do this, it was an order." he said to no one in particular.
Nessa decided to go to the cafeteria to get breakfast, she hadn't had dinner or anything last night, so she was hungry, she set down the book she had been reading and skipped from her dorm to the cafeteria.
He got the clear from the nurse to attend class, though he isn't allowed to do anything too strenuous. His arm is still hanging in a sling to keep stress off his broken collarbone.
Ayra took a sniff of the air and snapped his head back to Flyn and Chrys. He smirked showing his rows of sharp teeth. "Puppy dogs~" he giggled with malice.
Flynn sighed. "Ok ok." He looked down at the new student. "Eh? I'm no dog." He growled lowly, but stopped himself. "No...I can't get into a fight. I don't wanna be near that nurse again..." He told himself.
"Obviously your nose is a bit off, I mean, the fox demon I understand, but you call me a PUPPY!? I should show you just how wrong you are." If I wasn't on probation

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