Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

( We haven't. Tira has gone beserk and is burning the school!~ :D Starting from the Infirmary. -Hugs Prowl-chi- You' fire type, stop her so I can make her unconscious)
(the others are about to fight again, I believe, but Nessa's in the infirmary awkwardly not doing anything, if you want to talk to her c:)
He laughed at the dramatic words she spoke. "I am all knowing. I am the bringer of plagues, the master of fire and caller of lightning. I can change my shape to my will, and fool even the greatest of scholars. I am the master of Illusions, and slayer of fools. Stand in thine place beneath mine feet and bow. Beg for forgiveness and perhaps I will be so kind as to forget this crime you have initiated against mine self."
How fun! " As if! I will beg when I am forced to my knees idiot!~" She cooed as she grinned, slowly re-taking her human form within the mass of flames. "So, let us battle and see oh wise one!~ If you win you have to shut up about this God crap!~" She chimed, her timid smile strangely on her lips as she clasped her claw like hands together. "As per my clan customs! You can pick something if you win!~" She replied before she let the fire engulf her arm. "Don't be a coward dear!~" She paused. "Come out, Come out wherever you are!~ "
((OMG GUYS!! Hafgufa should be like Excalibur from Soul Eater!!))


Eona was suddenly thrown against the wall, knocking unconscious. After a few moments the kraken stood up with a look of triumph on her face. "ONCE AGAIN YOU ARE ALL FOOLS!!" Hafgufa laughed obnoxiously at the actions of the much younger monsters, Eona may have been quite old with 713, but Hafgufa was as ancient as the sea herself.

Not wanting to obliterate the children, Hafgufa just wanted to teach them all a lesson to not be a complete bastard who thinks he or she is better than everyone or else. "Now, I want you all to take deep breaths." The kraken began to teach a yoga class. "In," Inhale. "Out." Exhale.

Taking a seat on the bloodied bed, Hafgufa pulled out a smoke pipe out of nowhere and began her tale, "My legend begins in the-"

Nope. Hafgufa was knocked unconscious by some unknown force. "I'm sorry, what just happened?" Eona stared at the smoke pipe in wonder, what had happened?

((My legend begins in the 12th century....*shudders*))
The shadow let out a quiet chuckle. "If that is what thy wish is, than so be it." It said coldly, and the shadow disappeared from the wall. A green gaseous mist started to enter the room from seemingly nowhere. The shadow's cold laughter echoed throughout the room. "Believers will be spared from mine wrath. Fools who do not believe will suffer an unimaginable fate."

(Man...i love this shadowy fox. And using the mythos behind kyuubi no kitsune is fun)
Lucien looked from person to person in confusion, "What is going on here?" He asked,

'Now, from all my experience at life I have carefully analysed they are fighting,' his alternate form thought sarcastically.
She almost purred happily. "Spare me the crap asshole.." She mumbled as she grinned. "I really hate you..." Slits stared ahead, the grin feral as her flames moved. A new voice. Her eyes glanced over to Lucien, a sight which brought a smile to her face as she waved. "Hello!~" She called out before glancing over at the 'god'. "I want to see your flames again, ignite them!~" By now, she had let her flames consume the next few rooms. Unconsciously, she was shocked a teacher had not came.
The shadow just continued to laugh. Suddenly the phoenix felt as though she was being choked, like claws tearing her throat apart. It was the toxic gas that now filled the room. Surprisingly none of the other students felt a thing, as if the gas was not dangerous to them. "Suffer." Is all it says.
((Isn't that controlling...? Not to be a party pooper, but the part where it says the phoenix felt as though she was being chocked is controlling...I think... Sorry, this is my first time actually enforcing a rule ^^" Just ignore me if you and Unholy talked about this or something....))
(We haven't talked ^^'' Also, Flynn could you please not underestimate Tira. All creatures in this school are powerful, you wouldn't easily overpower a user of the same type, it seems unrealistic to me ^^ Also she is a lot older and her flames are not the usual kind either.)
(Hmmmm...forget the fumes then....*facepalm*) 
(Make it a thick mist! Cant see through it. I could make Shadow Flynn use trickery with that.)
(Ok im fixing this....)

The mist flooded the room, thick and unwavering. It hindered the visibility of even the sharpest eyes. Only the silhouette of the kitsune could be seen, but was it really the beast?
( Sure!~ I play a Kitsune so I understand.)

Mist. A growl left her lips as she hissed in irritation. "Cowardice..." She murmured, ignoring the faint voice in her head that was reminding her that her parents would go ballistic at her behaviour! Meh, she'd deal with that moaning later. She shifted her weight to the balls of her feet as she glanced around. Her flames, they had a destructive property, a factor which made them break down what it touches quicker than a normal flame. It was painful, one that had only one way to be put out. Twisting her hand slightly she felt the feathers fade from her skin, leaving them to float in the air before they burned, creating light around her. "You fight as a shadow...how weak..."

Mr. Manly


Mr. Manly held two stun guns, one pointed at the kitsune, the other pointed at the phoenix. "This is not manly at all! Children, control your hormones!" The minotaur roared, shaking the Earth. Remember kids, eat your vegetables.

Tucking the guns back in his pockets, Mr. Manly threw the kids on two different beds, glaring harshly at them. "Time out time! Now I want you two to stay there until you make up!" With those words, Mr. Manly walked out of the room, every step he took making an imprint in the ground.

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