Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

She simply rolled her eyes. "No, You need to learn to stop underestimating people..." She muttered as she felt her flames begin to die out. She glanced over to the dying fires worriedly. "Really! E-exhaustion! Why the hell does it catch up on people like tha-" The evil, scary teacher appeared as she froze. "S-sir..." She murmured, squeaking as she was thrown onto the bed. That hurt. She pulled herself up, clutching her head as she stared worriedly at the man. "O-oh my..." The bell rung, signalling that students were to return to dorms.
((Ajax's been sleeping through all of this...funny... And Mr. Manly does not approve of a cat and a bird fighting, it's not very manly unless in an arena. Y'all be messing with the wrong minotaur.))
The shadow laughed. "Mayhaps it be time for the boy to awaken and turn the key to mine lock. I will have mine chance another day." It said as it faded into a dark aura once more, floating back to the slowly awakening Flynn.
Nessa was glad the teacher had broken up the fight, she didn't like fights, especially not fights between that scary thing and Tira. She slipped out the door after the teacher broke it up, back into the main infirmary room. She wondered if Flynn was up from his nap yet, and decided to stop by his bed, then if he wasn't, she'd go to the library to return her books.

Her plan all thought out, she went over to Flynn's bed.

"You awake?" She asked, deciding against poking him to see.
(Poor flynn. He cant control Shadow(im just nicknaming shadow Flynn that)) 
He groaned, waking up from the sleep he had been forced into by the voice. "Y-yeah....ow..."he moaned, holding his aching head.
"You're awake! Did you sleep well?" Nessa asked, grinning at the tiny little fox, she was glad Flynn was here, as it meant any suspicion of him being that scary Kitsune who was a jerk to Tira was gone, there was no way he could have been that Kitsune, right?
Tira was sulking, sitting on the bed with a scowl. Of course, she felt like crap. Her cheeks were flushed, for once not by her blush and her eyes were dulled from her exhaustion as sweat began to bead up upon her skin. Despite that, she just sat upon the top of the bed, her eyes shut as she sighed. There was no point sleeping, it would be a waste right now. She pursed her lips together before opening her eyes to look around. "W-when can I leave?"
"Kinda...but I heard something weird. This really scary voice...it told me to free it." He said. "That's when I woke up...but then I heard it again...and I started feeling weird...and I think I passed out again. But now I'm awake again...and my head hurts like hell...and I have this feeling like something bad happened."
Uh-oh. OK, maybe her suspicions weren't completely gone. So, little baby Kitsune is the big scary Kitsune? Inner-Nessa pondered, and Nessa wondered.... She hadn't seen Flynn during the time the big scary Kitsune had been talking to Tira... so it might be possible.

So, the boyfriend you find has a god complex? You really know how to pick them, Nessa~ Inner-Nessa applauded, laughing, and Nessa frowned.

"There was a big Kitsune in the other room of the infirmary... he thought he was a God or something... do you think there's any way that Kitsune could be you?" Nessa asked, frowning more.
With a shaky hand, the girl rubbed her throat, gently massaging it as she walked over to the sink. She poured herself a cup, watching the flow of water as she brought the plastic cup to her lips with a frown. "F-fever..." She often got sick, so this wasn't a huge shock to her. She downed the cup before walking back over to the bed, falling onto her side upon the sheets.
"Probably." Nessa said, she wanted to believe him, but thanks to Inner-Nessa, she wasn't too convinced. So, we're going to believe this guy? Why, exactly? Inner-Nessa said, then continued, I don't believe him, it's all far too convenient for my tastes, I have a feeling he's lying - although he may not know he's lying.
(I blinked and missed everything ever so I'm gonna send my characters back to their rooms)

Confused, Lucien shook his head and walked back to his room, 'I'm sure the cut is nothing bad anyway,' he thought to himself as he lay on his bed.

Not knowing what to do, AR-E25 decided to just walk around the school until something happened.
"You think it was me...don't you.....?" He doubted you believed him. "But it wasn't me. I swear!" His eyes began to tear up. "You don't trust me...."
Tira walked to class the next morning, exhausted. She felt horrible. Walking slowly, but very early to her first class she slumped into the seat that was the furthest from everyone. Right now, she felt that she should detach herself from them all, maybe it was the best...maybe not. She didn't really know. She felt her arms on the desk as her head fell onto them, using them as pillow. With a small whine she waited, hoping that this stupid day would just finished so she could go to her room and forget this all. 'I told them I didn't want to come here...being around untrusted people is dangerous...' It seemed that she lost her confidence further from her actions previously, and so was going to attempt avoiding everyone all day.
"I trust you!" Nessa said, it was Inner-Nessa who had doubts, and Nessa wasn't sure whether to believe her. "Er... I might not. But only because of the circumstances..." Nessa said, she wasn't a fan of lying.

(I have to go for about half an hour in a couple of minutes, sorry!)
Not one to pick up on emotions, Chrys sat down next to Tira, "Hey, that was pretty cool how you distracted that... thing long enough for me to get Mr. Manly"

(I hope its okay that I took credit, but I was the only one unaccounted for with knowledge)
He frowns at her words. "I thought so...." He looked down at his hands, scared that she might have been right...maybe he was that monster. What if it came out every time he went to sleep?

(Ok. Im gonna get some food here in a minute so ill be back soon.)

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