Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Ayra snickered and rolled his eyes "Your all still canines to me. Eh, whatever, though your blood smells delectable." he said with a sadistic look in his eyes. He hadn't fed in four days, that probably wasn't the best of ideas.
(Temper of a bucking bronco, Fury of a roaring lion, and... eagle... whatever)

"You know what, NO" Chrys said, cracking his knuckles and adjusting his leather flight jacket "You want some, come get it"
((And so, enter the kraken. :3 Oh and NICO!! AS THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT, I WELCOME THEE!! :D ))


The kraken burst through the doors, a large smile on her face as she skipped into the kitchen and brought out her usual meal of living seafood. But, this time, it was quite the giant tank. Inside the tank of water, was a shark. It wasn't a big shark like a Great White, it was still a shark.

Eona wasn't very picky, so she wrestled the shark, stabbing it in the eyes with a spork before bringing it to one of the tables and biting into its side. Watching the guys get into a fight, the kraken thought it would be best to stay out of this one, the murse had said to take it easy fr her stitches to heal.
(Chyrs, RESTRAIN YOURSELFF! I've gotta go help with then consume dinner, then I have to watch a movie, so I might be gone for a while. ttyl guys!)

Ayra laughed and closed his eyes "I haven't fed in a few days, so please don't tempt me." he said and stood up. Ghostly fire pulsing on his palms. "Your blood smels foul." he sneered.
Chrys stopped, cocked his head to the side and seemed to listen for a moment then relaxed out of battle stance "You get off this time, furball, things were about to get much harrier" he said, and returned to his seat
Ayra snarled and diminishing the flames and sat back at his desk. He heard his master's voice in his head 'Arya don't fluck this up, play nice and co-exist.' Ayra smiled at his master's voice and relaxed. "Sorry Sir." He said and looked out the window.
(I feel like Chrys and Flynn have a weird understanding of each other. Like...Flynn understands a grunt as words...its weird. Mind reading! Nah not really.)

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