Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Nessa gasped at the re-opening of the wound, she suddenly realized how odd it was that they were in an infirmary and she hadn't seen any nurses for a long time.

"Erm, Tira, do you know where we could find a nurse?" She asked the phoenix, she remembered her saying something about coming here a lot and knowing a nurse.
Tira eeped before she rushed over to Eona, putting her hands on her shoulders, attempting to push her down. "Calm down Eona!" She demanded, her eyes narrowing as she quickly pulling some more feathers from her wrists. God, she'd collapse eventually. Far to quickly she had began to burn the golden feathers to the grey ash that her body would soon take to begin her rebirth. She quickly pressed her hands against her stomach, this time it was a lot harder than the pressure before. "N-Nessa...You can't tell the nurse I used this...She already warned me not to.." She mumbled before removing her hands. "Please c-calm down Eona..."
Chrys was sitting in his ward, wondering if there was catering when he noticed a familiar scent

feathers and...soot... well soot might be fox-boy, but... is there another bird here?

chrys cautiously opened the door, looking around, and he saw a room with a door open, and he noticed a new scent, something very old, very powerful, and very sinister. He dropped into stealth stance, creeping up to the doorway and peering in, seeing nothing out of the ordinary besides a spectre giggling to herself and a strange shadow on the wall, he entered and said "hey, guys. Is eona okay? She knocked me out and--" he cut off abruptly when he saw golden feathers "Another bird? Fantaschick, i'm chrys, what's your name?
((...It sounds like Eona's giving birth...Oh, wait, she can't...))


Nodding her head frantically at Tira's words, Eona reached out for the closest person she could grab, which happened to be Nessa because Eona didn't want to mess Tira up. Gripping hard onto Nessa's forearm, Eona felt tears well up in her eyes, from both the physical pain and mental.

Every time she saw that wound, Eona was reminded that she would never be able to bear a child, she would live and die as the world's first and only kraken. I'm going to die! The kraken sobbed uncontrollably, the pain from her womb shooting through her whole body.

((I just thought of an idea for Nessa and Eona! You're going to have to find it out by yourself xD ))
Tira glanced over at Chrys, despite the fact her blue eyes had dulled considerably as she was close to unconsciousness. "I-im Tira..." She murmured quietly before she nodded. "H-hai....Im a P-phoenix...Y-you?" She asked, now resting her hands on the side of Eona's bed, staring forwards. Another bird? That was something she did not expect, a surprising twist. Glancing back down at Eona she smiled, slightly off. "T-there...the s-scratch is gone..."
"Hippogryph, basically a gryphon from the chest up, horse from the waist down, and that includes everything from the waist down, have you been nervously preening, your feathers are looking a little... bedraggled" Chrys said "Mashed grubs help with that, if you aren't afraid to get a little gooey"
The shadow watched the weak fools before it, wondering how it was that they could ignore one such as it; a deity. Kyuubi no Kitsune are to be worshipped, not sidelined like yesterday's garbage. "Fools." It said, a dark edge to its voice. It decided that enough was enough. It summoned all of its power, and changed from a distorted shape of darkness. Its shape changed to that of a silhouette of a 9 tails. Where its eyes are to be, two piercing red eyes take shape, with a gaze that could see through any lie. The lights of the infirmary flickered at the sudden change of power levels in the room, and bright blood red balls of foxfire formed throughout the room. "I am a God..."
"Really? Which one? I may not have payed much attention in my theology lessons, but a giant fox doesn't fit any of the High Twelve."
((Oh dear lord! That scratch was freaking scary! *shudders*))


After the wound had been healed, Eona began to calm down a bit, her breathing slowing into a more regular beat. The kraken had a little hope that maybe Tira's powers had healed her womb, but that was an unlikely chance. Eona's inability to bear children was caused by a cursed sword, that wound would continue to be there, even if the outside is healed.

"Th-thank you, Tira..." Eona's eyes suddenly flickered to the shadow of a fox that was in the room. If you are a god...will you allow me to have children...? The kraken thought, depressed at her state. Although Eona was much to early to even think of having kids, she still thought of the future, how she would never have little krakens swimming around in her den.

((get ready for some angst guys....ready for some angst. Oh, and Holy, I will make an rp! Oh, god. It'll be sad, dark, and angsty...with a whole bunch of gore. :D ))
Chrys gasped and made a three fingered gesture, muttering something unintelligible under his breath.

(Why are we still in the infirmary?)
She nodded slightly, way to tired to complain. "I will t-try that.." She mumbled before her attention was grasped by the flames. How dare he. To use such a beautiful element in the false idea that he was God. "The title God belongs to none for he does not exist." Was the only words she spoke, eyes shadowed by her hair as she frowned. She did not stutter. "The day that the foolish belief that a God exists is believed to be true by me, will be the day I am forced to bow on my knees." With the natural prideful nature the Phoenix clan had, that was very unlikely to ever happen. "So shoo!~

" She replied with a soft smile before she glared back.

(Pissed Tira!~)
Nessa looked at the sudden appearance of something odd in the room, it looked kind of like Flynn looked when he changed into a giant scary Kitsune, but it looked different, scarier. It was a god? I don't think so. Inner-Nessa said, in a sarcastic tone, It doesn't look like much of a god, it looks like a little Kitsune. Nessa didn't know if she agreed. It was kind of terrifying.

"Who are you?" She asked the scary Kitsune. Good idea, Nessa - engage giant scary thing in conversation. Inner-Nessa said grouchily.
"Well..." Chrys said, stretching lazily, "but I have yet to pick up my schedule, so... bye" Chrys said sauntering out of the room, pleased with himself at the rage he knew he'd enduced

If I can just get him away from the others I can call in that favour...

The shadow let out an amused laugh. "A phoenix, why am I not surprised? Your kind have denied the existence of absolute power for far too long." It said coldly. "Be warned. Your words weigh heavily in the scales of Hell. I am a God. You are nothing more than a weak pigeon, a mere pest at best." It said, venom dripping off its words. "You cannot even touch me, for I am a perfect being."
Chrys stopped dead at the word pigeon. "What. Did. You. Just. Say?" He growled back at the fox-thing without turning. 
Snapped. "You arrogant! Useless! Disgusting a vile fox!" She screamed, her eyes burning as he let her hand become engulfed in the deep red flames of her kinds. "COWARD!" She shouted before she shot her hand to the side of the flames stretched to the walls, burning it instantly. Instantly she lost the small form of a human she once held. Replaced by a size that crushed the ceiling she took the form of a large bird. Blue eyes peered angrily down at the shadow as its beak peered open. Loud. The screech that echoed around was described only as deafening, the tips of its golden wings burning wildly as it spread its wings to crush any other solid object near her. "I DARE YOU TO BLOODY SAY THAT AGAIN YOU BLOODY RAT!!" The bird that could only be called slightly smaller than Eona in her true form roared in anger, only causing the flames to grow.
((This calls for a Sassy Kraken Hafgufa time but Hafgufa is currently unavailable at the moment..)) 
Eona being controlled by Hafgufa

"FOOLS!" Eona bellowed, water pouring into the room once again. "YOU'RE ALL BENEATH ME!!" The kraken's voice had sounded like the same one back in the cafeteria accident, it was not Eona. It was Hafgufa. Eona's eyes were glazed over like there was no soul in the body, just two spirits fighting over it above.

The kraken suddenly snapped out of her daze, wondering what had just happened. "Wait, what? I'm sorry! Please ignore what I had just said!" Eona curled up into a little ball, hoping no one was angry with her unexplainable actions. She felt like she was being controlled by another...it scared the kraken to not be able to control herself.
The shadow laughed coldly. "Is that all? I am a master of fire. What could a beast of your status hope to accomplish?" It laughed once more. The silhouette shifted and distorted. "I will strike thee down and show thee thine place!"  
(Uh that wasnt towards hafgufa.)
She giggled, glaring. "You shouldn't challenge a race you do not know!~" She closed her wings into her, looking down at the shadow fox with a smirk that was unseen. "Phoenix's are masters of fire too, just like you claim yourself to be. I will survive just as long as you in this area of battle!" Her eyes narrowed as she leaned her head down, the feathers upon her wings ruffled as she spoke. "You...are new to this school, new to being with other creatures...so let me explain something little brat!" She paused, glaring harder, full of hate. "I despise your false idea of yourself, you will not last in here if you wish to take this belief to heart. I will personally crush you if you continue. I will take your organs from that furred body and burn them in front of your lifeless gaze, only to shove it down the throat of your corpse! I will use you as a bloody trophy for my father, I promise I will crush each bone one by one if you dare continue." 
( ; n; im sorry Flynn-kun.)
Lucien, somehow, had managed to bump his head off something and it had started to bleed, so he decided to take himself to the school nurse, much to the regret of his alternate personality. On the way he passed a boy who looked rather lost and had things that looked like cat ears on his head, "Do you need a hand?" He asked the boy, that wasn't a boy, "Err... Where do I go?" AR-E25 asked Lucien,

"Where ever, there's no lesson on right now," Lucien replied,

"Have you hurt your head? Hey let's go to the infirmary! If this school has one..." It said, remembering the word infirmary from the dictionary.

Together, Lucien and AR-E25 walked into the school's infirmary, swapping information such as names on the way, and saw a bunch of people,

"Hi!" AR-E25 said to all of them, who was clearly more confident than Lucien, who said nothing.

(I swear if you guys have left the infirmary I'm going to jump off a very big potato)

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