Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

His dream about foxes and dragons roasting marshmallows together suddenly becomes a nightmare. He dreams that he becomes a 9 tailed monster and scares Nessa and makes her leave him. He awakes suddenly in a sweat.
((I'll need Chyrs's player's permission. Haha!))

Sassy Kraken Hafgufa Time

"GREETINGS, MORTAL!" The kraken sat up in its bed, stretching the stitches in its wounds, causing blood to pour out all over the hospital white sheets. A sadist lay in place of Eona, smoking a very old fashion pipe. It looked like Eona, and, it was Eona.

To explain, Hafgufa is what Eona really is, a complete sadistic b**** who doesn't give two s***s about other people. This was Eona before she had been sunk to the bottom, Hafgufa was the original.
Tira looked shocked at how Eona spoke, her face pale as she shifted behind Nessa. "E-eona...what's wrong w-with you?" The shy girl asked quietly, tempted to turn and run from the room where this...changed Eona sat grinning. It was far to odd. "A-ah! You are hurt a-again..." Shifting out from behind Nessa she took a few steps closer, her eyes worried. "L-let me heal t-them Eona." She asked cautiously, her steps got slower as she got closer to the girl.
Nessa was shocked by Eona, something seemed... off with her. This was not the Eona who freaked out over scratches, she could tell, this was an Eona who Nessa was scared would hurt Tira as Tira approached her.
((Mor, this is for you!~))

Sassy Kraken Hafgufa

Spotting a ghost floating around in the background, Hafgufa let the young phoenix bird thing do whatever she wanted. Stripping itself of its shirt, Hafgufa lay almost completely naked in front of the girls, the wound didn't hurt Hafgufa much, it was kind of like a little pinch whenever it moved, but it was currently killing Eona.

"So, little ghost," Hafgufa smirked as it stared directly at the spirit, seeing her every detail. "Shall I grant you a wish?" The kraken lay still on the bed, the blood still oozing out of her wound. If you undid the stitches, you would find that, as a human, Eona's womb was cut open, which prevented her from ever having children.

((And that's why there are no other krakens in the world))
(Phoenix - Fire. Kraken - water)

Tira nodded as she stepped towards the Kraken, well she couldn't even say this was Eona! She reached the bed and reached over to her wrists, the red and gold feathers ruffled as she began to pluck them from her skin. It hurt, like a dull pain that faded immediately. She settled the two feathers upon her spread hands, watching it carefully before she sighed. With a deep breath she let the flames burn the air as she parted her lips, letting it flow to the feathers where it ignited instantly. Those flames, they were not normal. They were deep red, the blazing colour seemed to spread across her skin as the feathers were reduced to ash. The little grey specks rest upon her hands as she gently pressed it against the wounds. This worked in a simple manner, once similar to how Phoenix's went through their rebirth cycle. This was shorter. The ash would fall into the wounds, numb it for a few minutes before the healing factor would pound itself into the wounded area and repair the skin and any internal damage. Tira wanted to be healer, but she was not proficient enough to do healing without the use of her own feathers. "T-there..."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/529863-mysterious_girlfriend_x_ep_1__62_.png.5834e0f833ace65a42475fa74a2dade8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5159" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/529863-mysterious_girlfriend_x_ep_1__62_.png.5834e0f833ace65a42475fa74a2dade8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Spire stared at the grotesque oozing thing blankly, her hair rising on the ends like flames. "I... do not understand..." she whispered in a wavering voice, her expression impassive.



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Sassy Kraken Hafgufa

After its wound had been healed, Hafgufa turned its head and grinned, showing off multiple rows of sharp looking teeth. "Do you want to be noticed, little ghost? Would you like to be seen?" As the kraken said those words, the wound slowly appeared again, blood trickling down it's abdomen. This was a wound that couldn't be healed physically, the appearance of a grudge.

The kraken grinned, it seemed to be slowly turning into more of a monster every second that passed by. "So, whaddya say? I'm being generous today and I'll give you the wish for," Hafgufa paused for a moment to ponder upon the price. "...Free. I don't want anything of a filthy spirit, you can have the wish for free."
Flynn began to get a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, as if his fox instincts were warning him. Of what, he didn't know, but it scared him, more than anything he had ever felt before. And what was the voice he had heard in his dream? Free me...it had said. Flynn couldn't even imagine what it had meant.
Nessa was terrified. First Flynn had transformed into a giant scary Kitsune, now Eona had transformed into... something creepy... what was happening to all her friends?!?

"Eona, are you feeling OK?" She asked her friend, softly, walking closer to Eona, worried about her. 
(BRB guys)
( xD well the voice he heard is actually the voice of the 9 tails. It had gained its own consciousness when he had transformed. Gonna be fun~)
Spire nodded bluntly, her eyes beginning to glow with anticipation. With a cautious air, she removed her top hat and held it in front of her. "Are there no consequences?"
((Quite fun indeed, Flynny! xD ))

Thousand Year Old Wish Granting Kraken Hafgufa

The kraken pondered upon the ghost's question. "Well, there's a chance that my magic will fail and send you to the deepest part of Hell." Hafgufa added in a very nonchalant way, leaning back against the blood stained pillow and playing around with the stitches. "But, that's quite unlikely." Flashing the spirit a sadistic smirk, Hafgufa played around with its hair after accidentally snapping one of the stitches.
He suddenly felt an intense pain, as if his very soul was tearing in two. "Uhg...what....what's happening...to me...?" He groaned before passing out. A dark shadowy aura arose from his body, with one thing on its newly formed mind.

(Future note guyz: Shadow Flynn as I am dubbing the 9 tails will be in italics~)

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