Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"I thought that would be your choice~" Nessa chirped, happily putting the spoon of soup into Flynn's mouth.

"Flynn, do you like marshmallows?" Nessa asked, the thought of soup made her think of roasted marshmallows, which made her think of roasting marshmallows with Flynn. Yes, the ways Nessa's thoughts branched out were weird.
{are to going to bed Noah?}

Coyoty grins slightly as the boy gets down. "Ah, well my delicacy allows me to touch virtually anything without breaking it." She says feeling like a crazy person as the words flew from her mouth Do I seriously sound that dumb? she asks herself and blinks away the shock at the boys own nimbleness. "Impressive." She claps feeling more inclined to play with the thread, it was shiny and something about shiny things always caught her attention and playfulness. "It seems they have." She says on a totally delayed reaction to his comment. "Sorry my mind I like your threads." She says excusing herself for a moment for her rudeness.
(no, @Prowlzerz, Flynn got thrown against a wall and lost consciousness and Nessa is currently spoon-feeding him xD ) 
(I think I might attempt to go to sleep, g'night everyone, try not to have too much fun while I'm sleeping. :P )
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(@Nanasi sounds... Interesting?)

AR-E25 itself did not experience the need to eat, but decided to visit the cafeteria anyway, else how else would it make friends?
(alright last post before bed this time.)

Noah manifests his human head on his spider body so that he could smile at Coyoty. "Thank you. You should visit my dorm room then, its full of these." Noah began weaving some of his threads forming a small spool of it. "If you twist 3 stands together it becomes as strong as steel cable."
Coyoty grinned her near perfect teeth at the spider and both his threads and nimble ways of getting around. She was shocked when he made his spider head a normal head but she could not fault him when he smiled. "Ah. I just got here so, I do not have a room yet, I mean I believe not yet." She closed her eyes housing a warm giggle in the back of her throat. So perhaps Jack was right, maybe she would fit in here, that was until her demon side took over. For now though she was a pretty well rounded semi shy kind of girl with a weird fascination with shiny things.
Spire resummoned her tea from the ether and slumped in the corner, looking somewhat like a forgotten marionette doll. Sipping the blue-brown liquid, she kept her eyes on the ground, drawing something on the floor with some other-worldly stuff from her fingers.
He nodded. "Yeah I do. I love sweet things. More so when I get to make them myself." He said passionately. Baking was one of his secret talents that he never shared with anyone.

(I'm back! Sorry for disappearing, I ended up falling asleep lol)
"uhh, how long was I out?" Chrys said sleepily his vision returning, he sat up in his cot, saw Flynn and Nessa making googly eyes at eachother "Not long enough" he said and passed out again

(you seem to have forgotten Chrys was injured too, alone in the infirmary my sweet patootie)
((May I ask what has happened? I fell asleep for the first time in 24 hours. Thank the good Lord for blessing me with such a sound sleep. TT TT I love sleep.))
(Pai, I think you were there for the fight, now Flynn is in the infirmary and Nessa is spoonfeeding him, and Chyrs is also in the infirmary. c:)

"You bake?" Nessa asked, surprised. Flynn did not strike her as the kind of person who liked to bake things. But it was a good thing. Maybe now they could all roast marshmallows together~ Although the roasting marshmallows might want to wait until Flynn could feed himself... Nessa thought, spoonfeeding Flynn more. 
(what Mordaedel, I don't know what two people you're talking about~ I like everything because I like one thing because it makes me laugh then I don't want anyone to feel bad about their posts so I like everything xD )
Becoming bored with feigned comatosity, Chrys sat up on his cot, rubbing the back of his head

he stood up and walked over to the couple, careful not to let the repulsive nurse, who was in the next room, know he was awake and active.

Chrys cleared his throat to catch their attention and did something he had never done before in his life

"I'm sorry for kicking you in the forehead, and hitting on your girl, Hippogryphs aren't real big on pairbonding, but you two really seem to have something" he said, extending his hand in truce
He blushed a light pink. "Y-yeah. Is something wrong with that?" He asked, because he felt like as a man he shouldn't enjoy baking. That was a woman's thing, wasn't it?
"That was a pretty cool shift, there, hatchling, what exactly are you?" 
(hatchling is a general term for anyone younger than you in the world of gryphons)
"A kitsune....but...I shouldn't have been that powerful. I'm only a 1 tail." He said, pretty confused at where that power had come from. 
(I figured as much. Flynn is pretty young so he's used to the child terms. (Just dont call him a baby unless youre Nessa...he forgives her))
(Maybe Chrys and Nessa can bond over both teasing Flynn about his tiny babyness xD )

Nessa decided to wait to continue their conversation on baking - she had a feeling it wasn't something little baby fox would like discussing in current company.
"Hm, sounds like raging blood-lust has an effect on you, Oh! I forgot my manners, My name's Chrysos Phaidra, but you can call me Chrys, and you... Nessa, was it? what do you bring to the table, powerwise?" 
(Chrys is only 39, still a fledgeling, but still older than flynn) 
(be back in like 30 mins)

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