Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

He looked at Nessa with an embarrassed look on his face. She was still going on about him baking. He looked back at Chrys. "The name's Flynn. Flynn Porter."
Tira, having calmed down from her angry fit at a certain asshole named Ajax was carrying a mountain of books in her arms, borrowing from the manly nurse that still scared the students at the very sight Tira liked her, she taught her the medicine techniques that she needed to learn. Healing was such a glorious topic! With a soft smile, mostly because she expected the infirmary to be empty except for the nurse she slammed open the door. Pause. She stared at the people inside with a shocked, yet pale expression before the books fell from her grasp. "I U-urm..N-need..." She trailed off, her cheeks ablaze as she stared at them all. She hated crowds, she hated talking even more. However she saw Nessa. "A-ah...N-Nessa...H-hello." She stuttered, leaning down to pick up her books before she put them on the nurses desk. "W-why are you a-all in here..."
(Chrys is a tiny baby to Nessa too, then :D )

Was this weird Chrys guy asking what Nessa's true form was? Nessa smiled.

"I'm a dragon~" She said, deciding to keep the reminder that she could roast him if he upset her again to herself.
Tipping down her top hat, Spire floats in the background behind the group, a small black kitten clinging to her shoulder. Blinking her squinted eyes, she yawns, folding her arms in her over-sized grey sleeves.

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"Hi Tira!" Nessa said, once she heard her friend. "A fight happened." She said in response to Tira's question, grinning despite the subject matter, Tira was another one of the friends she would like to roast marshmallows with, and she hadn't seen her in DAYS.
"Oh, that's Tira." Nessa said to Flynn, getting up and setting the tray back on the table so she could grab the girl's arm and bring her over to Flynn. "Tira, this is Flynn, Flynn, this is Tira."
((Spread the love bug!~ :D ))


In a separate ward of the infirmary, a half alive kraken lay in a sickeningly white bed. There was another part of the infirmary, one that deals with mental issues. No, Eona wasn't crazy, but she could be. Many times monsters will hold a dark secret in them, something that will haunt them forever. Eona had a grudge. A grudge against humanity.

Seven hundred years in isolation was what had caused such a thing. Imagine, as a child, you tried to play with other kids, only for them to hit you with cannonballs and stab you with swords. "But, Eona was a kraken and was killing the humans!" Yes, but think of this at Eona's perspective. She was a child, she didn't know any better, it was quite twisted around, but both sides had suffered. Humans had many lost, the kraken was sunk to the bottom of the sea and stuck there until the sea witch was heard of.

A steady beat went through the room, signifying that Eona's heart rate was at a regular speed. Her stomach wound had to be stitched up back again, but the doctors were quite confused at where it came from. They had investigated the scene and the witnesses, but they found that nothing had caused Eona's life threatening wound! It seemed to have just...opened.

((ermagerd guiz. I'm really really really REALLY in the mood to type something up dark! xD I wish Monster and Me was still alive....I loved that rp, I had so much character development planned out...it was so BEAUTIFUL!! QAQ))
Tira bowed her head as she glanced towards the one Nessa introduced. "H-hello." She greeted, a small smile on her face before she looked to Nessa curiously. "N-Nessa? W-what do you mean a f-fight? H-has the nurse s-seen them?" She asked, walking over to the girl to look at the two infirmary patients.
"Yep, the nurse has." Nessa said, deciding to keep quiet about the fight details as she still was a bit upset over it. Nessa turned to Flynn as he yawned.

"Do you want to sleep? I can stop talking." Nessa said to him quickly, she didn't want to be annoying the tiny baby fox and keeping him from sleeping.
((I'm just going to use Ajax for the next month of the rp, Eona's currently out of commission until someone visits her or something))


Is still sleeping with the markers on his face.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_mhm19fs3OF1rmeimio1_250.gif.2cae84182d703e8914ca2da13560e238.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5157" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/tumblr_mhm19fs3OF1rmeimio1_250.gif.2cae84182d703e8914ca2da13560e238.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Nessa smiled at Flynn and nodded. "Goodnight, tiny little kit~" She said, then she decided she and Tira could go visit Eona, she was here too, right? Somewhere... Nessa frowned, looking around the infirmary. If she opened enough doors, she could find Eona, probably.

"Want to visit Eona, Tira?" Nessa said as she walked towards one of the infirmary doors she had no idea where it led, realizing she might want to inform the friend she was taking with her what her plans were.
He fell into a deep sleep very quickly. He dreamt of marshmallows and a chibi dragon and fox roasting them.

(Can i just say....DAWWW Flynn having cute dreams~)
((Whatever you guys want. :3 Although it may be Hafgufa you'll be talking with, I just feel like playing it. So fun and SASSY!! xD ))
Tira smiled softly, her stutters seeming to calm down at the boys sleeping state. "S-sorry Nessa... I w-would of came and seen you earlier...but I had stuff to deal with." Ajax and family was the main cause to this. She smiled slightly as she calmed down. "I d-didn't mean to interrupt you...The nurse is helping me l-learn medicine so I come here a-a lot.." She glanced over at Flynn, tilting her head. "I n-need to go check the other wards... F-for a report to the n-nurse." Nodding, she followed Nessa. Walking up to the what she deemed the mental asylum with a sigh, pushing the door as she expected it to be empty, yet Eona was there. "E-eona?"
((I don't really know what to do here anymore... should I just leave the role-play?))
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(Don't leave the RP! I'm sure there will be somewhere you can go soon! If you want, you can come down to the infirmary PARTY IN THE INFIRMARY~ and visit Eona with Tira and Nessa :) )

They found the right door on their first try! Yay! Nessa peered in and saw Eona, and suddenly she remembered what had smashed Flynn into the wall looked like a Kraken... but it didn't really look like Eona... and Eona wouldn't have done that, right?

She shook the thoughts from her head, deciding to think about it later, and beamed at her friend.

"Hi, Eona!" She said as they walked in.
(I second this Eona and Chrys pairing... although they don't really have much of a ship name combination potential xD )

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