Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(true. Cue Nessa's awkwardness~)

Nessa looked at poor little baby Flynn, biting her lip, she was glad Flynn wasn't a terrifying giant Kitsune, but sad that he was going to need bedrest for so long - he was such a tiny little baby, he shouldn't already be getting into fights!

Nessa wondered if Flynn was awake... or if she could wake him up. She had been sitting here for a while patiently waiting, and she got bored easily, so she decided to see if he was awake.

"Flynn?" She asked softly, not wanting to yell for fear the scary nurse who had been treating Flynn might hear, even though she didn't seem to be in the room.
"Huh...?"he moaned lethargicly. He was exhausted still, but had found himself unable to sleep. The fear of what he may have done while he blacked out was overwhelming. He turned to face her, careful not to upset his broken collarbone.
"Flynn! You're awake!" Nessa cried gleefully and then decded not to display so much glee and instead be grim... this was an infirmary, after all.

"How are you?" She asked. You might win the award for asker of the most obvious questions ever! Inner-Nessa screamed, and Nessa had to agree- she had been asking quite a few obvious questions, but what sort of question was she supposed to ask in this situation?
He chuckled softly, almost like he could see her inner fights. "Better than before." He said. "But I still feel like shit....and...I can't remember what happened.."
(I don't know what qued means but I did respond to you on page 149 and tagged you later on in the same page and sent you a PM.)
"That's good." Nessa said, and then realized how ambiguous her reply was and hurried to explain, "I mean, not about your memory loss, but about you feeling better. And as to what happened, you changed into a big scary Kitsune with lots of tails." Nessa said, deciding to omit the part of what happened where she was terrified of said big scary Kitsune. "And you got into a couple of fights. Which ultimately ended with you getting thrown against a wall."
"What...I really did that? I didn't realize I could." He said, seeming a bit happy about it. He doesn't realize just how much damage he did while in that form.
"Yes, you really did that. And you almost died because of it. So please try not to do it again." Nessa said, realizing as the initial glee at Flynn being awake wore off that she was a bit upset with how reckless Flynn had been - he had stupidly gone into a fight headfirst. He could have died.
He nods. "Sorry I worried you...I didn't realize what was happening...I couldn't stop myself." He said, then grunted in slight anger. "Damnit I must have been terrifying... I probably scared you...and I hate not knowing for sure."
(*cough* must put some fluff in this soon *cough*)

"I understand. It's fine, you don't need to apologize." Nessa said, smiling. "You were kind of terrifying, I like you better as a tiny little kit Kitsune." She added.
Coyoty jumps slightly and ten notices te thin line of thread from the spider. "Oh hi there." She says, her ears flicking as she inspects the thread. "Yes, I noticed, unfortunately I stayed." She smiled closing her eyes not at all afraid of the spider. "Mighty nice thread of yours." She said reaching for it managing to touch the thread without breaking it.

{SORREYYYYY!!! ~crais~ my friend refuses to let me use her computer so I could not see that you tagged me. Please may the alright powers that invest in you for you to forgive me!!! Please?}
(its ok. I have a family that hogs computers and I forgive people so that they can forgive me.

Noah crawls onto a wall nearby. "Thanks. My thread is stronger so don't worry about breaking it." Noah firmly plants his legs against the wall letting his hairs brush against it. "I think they stopped fighting. I don't sense any more big vibrations. Guess they got tired out."
(I find that as fluffy as a tiny little baby Kitsune~)

Nessa looked from the tray on the table next to Flynn's bed and then back to Flynn, whom was not supposed to be moving anything, arms included, smiling after a moment of thought.

Nessa grabbed the tray of food and decided to feed Flynn. She told him of her plan and then scooped up the first spoonful of soup, deciding to threaten him, just in case he didn't want to be fed by her.

"Oh, and if I don't feed you, the manly nurse probably will~. So I am going to feed you, and you are going to like it!"
"Ahg this is so embarrassing. But food is food and I'd rather it be you than that nurse." He grunted with an annoyed look on his face. He opened his mouth for the first bite.

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