Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

{it's fine Pai wrote a three part right between two of my characters because- I could}

Coyoty's ears fell flat and her face look like someone just beat the crap out of her heart friend right next to her. She jumped at the sound of the vibrating table the only tiny crossing her mind: "WHY IS THIS TABLE SHAKING!?" It was only after her shock wore off that she realised it was a voice that shook the table, a creature obviously angered by being awoken in the midst of their slumber. "Oh my gods." She whispered hiding behind a pillar but peeking around it for a better look. She saw the fox demon getting scolded and half of her wanted to say he deserved it and half of her wanted to just intervene, she being on mutual respect walked up to the two I affairs of Hafgafa or (his her) fury and blinked looking at the fox. "I am a friendly stranger here to apologise for his rude behaviour. I assume you are very much appalled by his actions." She bowed pulling her hidden poorly wolf ears and blinked glaring at the fox.

"Are you mad?" She directed at the fox. "Have you absolutely lost your mind!? You do not just walk up to people and spitfire at them like some creep!" She nearly hissed at the fox like he was her son, probably twice as young as her, acting like it I defiantly but still she was not, probably more likely around his age, she just hated acting like it, being a technical sixteen year old was boring you had nothing, humans were so boring anyway.
Pissed Off Hafgufa

Children these days...don't know when to stop. The kraken rolled it's eyes and slammed Flynn against a wall, most likely rendering him unconscious. Oh, there was a large mark in the wall to. Not paying for those. Hafgufa yawned as it sucked back in all the water and dropped Flynn, it had been stung by many deadly eels and jellyfish, do you really think a kitsune could do much to it? Kitsunes were more likely to find victory through trickery, not by strength. Well, that was the kraken's ancient view, but who cares about that? Hafgufa was sleepy.

"Well, mortals. I shall sleep now." And with that, Hafgufa fell back into it's "eternal" sleep with only one thought in it's mind, Fish....
"Stay out of this!!" He roared, his voice no where near human. It's apparent he has really lost his mind.

( xD yeah...but thats with people) 
He howls in pain when he is slammed into a wall. His energy is nearly exhausted, yet he holds on somehow.
{~Eyes go wide~ Flynn hate to be the barer of bad news but it seems as if you hit a wall just now.. Talking might not be possible.}
Nessa was standing in a corner of the cafeteria, where she'd gone when this whole fight business had started and things had been getting destroyed and she wanted to be out of the way to lower her chance of accidental death, when she saw Flynn hit a wall.

Even though she knew it was a stupid idea, and Inner-Nessa yelled at her, Nessa ran over to Flynn.

"Are you OK?" She asked the Kitsune... who wasn't very little anymore...

The sphinx pondered upon the oni's question, feeling much too lazy to even answer it. "The number you have contacted is not available at the current moment, please leave a message after the tone. BEEEEEEEP!" Ajax stifled a yawn and brought Kima closer to his body, placing a soft kiss on his forehead before falling back asleep.

Ajax didn't really care if he would be late for class, and his servants could get food for him. All he had to do was just lay in bed and do almost absolutely nothing. Kind of how a pride works, the lion would just do nothing as the lionesses do all the work.

Coyoty's eyes to wide and her ears fall flat, she face palms herself wondering why there was no help for this child. She blinked and looks through her fingers at the wall and then approached the fox. "Come on quit being so sour." She crosses her arms hoping there is refuge for this fox. "Can we please just be rational about this!? AND make it out alive!!? I have no idea who you are but dying does not seem like a good plan." She blinks looking around her for a second to make sure she is safe just standing there.
Frustrated by the ignorance of living souls, Spire shrunk in size, moping in the back of the room with dark vapors radiating from her.
After hearing all the commotion, Umbra made his way to the cafeteria. He looked inside to see the chaos. He looked for a few seconds before shutting the door. 'No thank you!' He then began to walk away from the fighting.

He stopped when a thought crossed his mind. 'Nobody tried to wake me up...' He had been asleep for almost two days and nobody noticed. Well, you couldn't blame them, he wasn't a memorable person.

(Against my better judgement, I will be going to sleep. I'm expecting thirty more pages to catch up on when I wake up...)
Nessa was quite terrified by Flynn's new terrifying form, but decided to not back away and instead continue engaging the Kitsune in conversation - after all, she thought, she knew this Kitsune so she was safe, right? Sigh. Your reasoning is horrid. I think you have the IQ of a green been, Nessa. Inner-Nessa said, but Nessa ignored her as she stood next to the Kitsune.

"...Flynn?" She asked, finally, feeling like calling him a tiny baby would not be very appropriate in this situation. 
(night night, Umbra Lucem! We'll try to write more than 30~)
And we're back to the Eona show!

The kraken groaned in pain, centuries of hatred and grief had bottled up inside of her, creating Hafgufa. Rolling over, Eona gripped her casted arm in pain, trying to direct the pain spread out her entire body to just her arm. Eona didn't know what had just happened, in fact, Hafgufa seemed to work as what the humans call, "Multiple Personality Disorder", they don't even know the other personality was there and have no memories of what the other had done.

All Eona could smell was the familiar scent of ocean seawater on the ground, her mind falling into unconsciousness as she struggled to open her eyes. Oh roe.
He continues to growl until his energy exhausts, his body spent. At that moment, his humanity returns, as his body transforms back into his human form. He lay there panting, gasping in both pain and exhaustion. He couldn't move, not even an inch.
Kima was a little upset with the reaction but he did know enough about cats to know how lazy they where. He sighed and figured he could find where his room was a little later maybe when Ajax was feeling more energetic he could even ask a servant to look for Kima. He was almost taken back by the rudeness of his own comment but he had to admit it was sort of true. From what Kima had observed Ajax had his servants do most of the work for him, then again that was what the Dodomeki did when they were still worshiped. He stifled a chuckle for a moment as to not wake Ajax and remembered a question for later before drifting back to sleep.

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