Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(you know Ima just wake up Kima enough time has passed)

Kima woke up suddenly noticing he had collapsed on top of Ajax and jumped up. He had reverted to human form and was blushing quite brightly. "Oh hey Ajax uhm sorry for collapsing on you they never really told me what dorm I was in or if I had a roommate or anything so I kinda didn't do anything but wander the hallways last night and it was really exhausting and I almost cried but then I didn't and I'm kinda worried about my sword that I had sent to the room I can't find and..." Kima suddenly stopped talking and blushed a little more. "Sorry for babbling."
((Oh. Eona's back...I'm going to pull an Umbra/Hitagi/Lucien. Let's bring out Eona's alternate kraken persona... > :D ))


The kraken stopped herself before face planting on the ground, centuries of darkness seemed to overwhelm the room as the girl stood up properly and dusted off her clothing. This was no longer the happy go lucky Eona you used to know, this was Hafgufa.

Hafgufa glared harshly at the children around her, a scowl evident on her face. "MORTALS!! WHO DARES DISTURB MY SLEEP?!" The kraken roared, sounding like a thousand seas crashing together, destroying everything in their midst. The tables shook at the sound of the kraken's powerful voice, it was much different that Eona's.

Seeing that no one had answered her - was it even considered a her? - the kraken released a furious growl as water began to pour into the cafeteria from Poseidon knows where! Those poor fire creatures must be horrified at the amount of water that was building up in the cafeteria.

((I dun know. Just felt like it. Too much cake :3))
(Umbra will be awakening shortly! Just like me when I realized how much I missed, he'll freak out and have now idea what's happening.)
(Is...no one gonna stop the beast(Flynn)? What is this?!) 
"Foolish sea demon. I can summon your nightmare." He growled as sparks of electricity burst from his jowls.

(Did some reading on kitsune...electricity and foxfire be their thing)
((...Ajax the asshole time.. OMG that would be the best TV show ever!! xD ))


The sphinx's eyes fluttered open as he felt the pressure on him lift off and began babbling nonsense. To shut whoever it was up, Ajax wrapped his arms around them and pushed them over, holding them close to his chest. As Ajax's eyes adjusted to the light, he realized that it was Kima that he was hugging and loosened his clamp on the other monster. "Oh. Good morning." This sphinx was really much to nonchalant, wasn't he?
"Urgh! Release me at once, specter!" He cried, forcing the ghost from his body. This is not the Flynn that Nessa fell in love with. This is a truly monstrous beast.
Chrys squawked in surprise as he was thrust against a wall that is really underappreciated for all this harassment, knocked out by the sheer force of the blow

(He'll totally play it off, but I have to go, see you)
Umbra's head slowly rose from the desk, a groan escaping his mouth. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room. He paled when he saw nobody around. 'Where is everybody!? Did I sleep through class!?' This was not good at all. But wait, he could fix this! All he had to do was run to his next class! Problem solved, right? Right!?

He ran through the halls, hoping to make it to class, but froze when he saw a calendar on the wall. Two days. He had been asleep for almost two days! Umbra fell two his knees and clenched his pounding head. 'Why!?' Was he that tired after the fight!? Lesson learned, when a sphinx says Razzmatazz is a real color, you listen!
Kima let out a gasp for a second before being released. It was obvious that he was surprised by being grabbed so hard. "Hey Ajax." he sighed and sat down shaking his head "Do you know where to get information on your dorm nobody told me anything." He had taken notice of how nonchalant Ajax was but with his little knowledge of the world he just figured it normal just like the idea of carrying a shrine around seemed normal to him. "I hear something lit fire yesterday you know anything about that?"
Sassy Kraken Hafgufa

"B****, please!" the kraken waved the baby kitsune's attempts to take her down. That little kit was a thousand years too earlier for such a thing. "Like, what are you trying to, like, do?" Hafgufa flipped her - wait, is Hafgufa a girl or a boy? We shall say Hafgufa is a Hafgufa - hair over it's shoulder, posing in a very sassy manner.

Getting very pissed off at the kit's behaviour, Hafgufa remembered when kitsunes were respectful and mischievous, not rude and idiotic like this little kit before it! Rolling its eyes, a tentacle burst out from Hafgufa's side, grabbing the little kitsune and extending him in in the air. "Didn't yo mama teach you to respect your elders?" And with that, Hafgufa began scolding the kitsune like a mother would do when her child would misbehave.
Spire relented, releasing her hold on his spirit. Appearing in the middle of the cafeteria, visible but translucent, and not in her usual attire but in a tattered white gown, she began to wail a foreboding, rumbling wail. The room darkened, the only light the glow of her eyes. "Silence!"
((Guys, guys, guys... Don't you ever read the background of my characters? Hafgufa mean half steam, which is what people used to call the kraken. Wow, guys, just wow. It was included in Eona's background in bright green to))
He growls at her, all humanity in his mind has been pushed away. He is running purely on instinct. "Shut up!" He roars, while electricity produced by his fur courses through the tentacle.

(I hope you read the explanation earlier...Flynn is a baby, so when his life is threatened he can access all the power of a 9 tails, but loses humanity and will be left bed ridden for days. Heres a size ref from Okami.) 
(Please forgive meh!*bows dramatically* i havent read it)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.7bc5a6d87324a27135dccbb416509aed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5149" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.7bc5a6d87324a27135dccbb416509aed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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