Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(YOU SAID SHE was disappointed, sorry capslock)

"hang on you inconsiderate prick, she's obviously... well I don't know what she is but it isn't right"
((I suggest walking into the cafeteria, that's where mostly everyone it, Ajax is also currently sleeping in his shrine, Tira doodled on his face xD ))
Spireona's ((Mash-ups. :D )) expression didn't waver. In fact, she inclined her head innocently. "Wrong? There is nothing wrong with me. Perhaps there's something wrong with you?"
"Burn." Is all he says. Chrys suddenly feels an excruciating burning on his right arm. Foxfire raged up his arm, burning a bright hot blue, nearly white.

(Ah blue and white flames. Hottest types of fire out there)
"Alright, I will call you later, yes, I promise, okay bye." Coyoty said closing her phone and turning her head to look out the tinted window of her limousine. She breathed out like she needed to and cupped her hands in he phone looking down.

"Coyoty you will be fine I am sure you will fit right in." A friendly voice came over the intercom as she coaxed down her ears to blend them in with her hair to better. "And you do not have to hide them, they are good qualities." The butler whom was dark haired pale skinned similar to Coyoty but slightly different said as he and her exited the limousine in front of the large school.

"Thanks Jack, and I like them I do, but I shall try to fit in, you have a good day." Coyoty smiled pushing herself off the car and towards the school. She smiled and waved as the limousine pulled away. She then looked at the school her wolf ears twitching a moment standing still before moving towards the school.

"Break a leg." Coyoty laughed slightly walking into the school at last. She was not entirely sure where she was and school map or otherwise she left it at home but people seemed to be talking here, a cafeteria maybe? She smiled warmly pushing some of her hair behind her shoulder looking around. She was too shy to approach someone directly but there appeared to be some nice people here. She blinked glancing around wondering who to talk to and who to ask to chat with.

{took that long to write this terrible of a post? I feel so bad I am sorry for the terrible burning of your eyes that it takes to read this. xD }
Chrys doesn't even finch, now totally focused on Eona, protective instincts taking over

"Uhh... Are you sure, Eona? Something's...I dunno, different, do you need water?"
Being ignored pisses him off further. In anger, he transforms, and due to his boost in power, he is temporarily a 9 tailed fox. He trashes most of the cafeteria, howling in absolute rage.
Chrys quickly grabs Eona and dodges away from the now hulking fox "one sec" he says to Eona

Chrys shifts, arms forming into great talons, legs forming into those of a large, tawny buck stallion, hair splitting into golden feathers and face forming into a large eagle's

He let out a battle SCRAW! and leapt at the still comparatively larger flynn, although much less so and delivered a midair mule kick worthy of Pan
Without turning her head, she raised her hand and a blast of other-worldly air blew through, extinguishing Flynn's flames while also making his hair stand erect comically. Beaming, her head twisted almost upside-down, ghostly vapors escaping her mouth. "I do not understand."
Lets out a howl and swats him away with a forepaw. "Burn!" His voice is no longer his. He sounds demonic, yet godly in the same sense. He is a beast that is regarded as a deity. Chrys feels the sting of foxfire on his back buring his feathers and spreading to his hind legs.
Tumbling out of control, Chrys regained his balance midair and landed gracefully on feet, not hooves bellowing "WHAT IN THE FIELDS OF ASPHODEL? HAS AIOLOS HIMSELF ARRIVED AT THIS SCHOOL?"
(What has happened since math!? I get an answer and boom! I have even more questions! I tried to read from page 79 and I just couldn't do it!

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