Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

((Oh mah gawd! Shadow Fynn and Hafgufa should meet! xD Then they can have a party! In fact, everyone's alternate self should meet! Ahahaha!))
((I want an evil self. :D In my first role-play, we called them the Evil Cores.))

"I accept," the soul murmured, slowly lifting her head. Flinging her hat into her invisible closet, she folded her hands, waiting expectantly.
"So the sea beast wishes to play God, does she?" A dark inhuman voice echoed throughout the infirmary. A shadowy darkness moved across the wall, closing in on the group near Hafgufa.
(Last I checked was page 153 I think... and that was to ask what has happened, everything moves so fast q.q)
paipai900 said:
((Oh mah gawd! Shadow Fynn and Hafgufa should meet! xD Then they can have a party! In fact, everyone's alternate self should meet! Ahahaha!))
{ah.... I dunno if this is a good idea, I mean Coyoty has a alternate self but... She hates it. I personally love her side- wait am I talking about e like she's real? ~Walks into a wall~ oh my gods I am!}
(Nessa has Inner-Nessa, but she's more of a chiding mother figure, but more of a jerk than a mother would be, who calls Nessa out on her stupidness at various points, I'm not sure if she's really a split personality xD BTW, I'm back~)
((Ah! Not the hat! QAQ))

For-Some-Random-Reason-Being-Haunted-By-A-Kitsune-Hafgufa (lol xD this is going to be interesting)

"Good! Great!" Hafgufa clapped her hands together enthusiastically, her sadist smile turning into one that was similar to Eona's. Taking the blood that was oozing out of her stomach and flicked it at the ghost. Instead of going through the spirit, the blood stuck to her and began spreading across her body, a tiny drop turning into millions.

With that action, Hafgufa suddenly dropped, looking very dead. A few moments later, the kraken rose with a pained groan. "Wh-what happened...?" Great. Eona's back. And it was right in the middle of the transformation to. The ghost was now only half visible.
Once the wound heals she sighed happily, but she was tired. The flames she used had to be condensed to a point it could actually burn feathers that were usually ignited when in her true form. She rubbed at her eyes tiredly, ignoring the dull throb from her wrists as a smile set itself upon her lips. "It w-worked..." With a slight wobble, although one that wasn't to be noticed she walked over towards Nessa. Using flames in such a small body was tiring. "E-eh?" She glanced back at Eona worriedly. "E-eona! A-are you okay?" 
(Just come infirmary Prowl-chi)
(the nurse already treated everyone.. maybe her and Mr. Manly are having a drink now, Mr. Manly would love the Murse. xD )
The voice chuckled deeply, seeing amusement in the kraken's actions. "Foolishness is punished harshly by the power of a true deity." It forewarned.
((The hat shall make a comeback.))

Her head tilting almost upside-down in a grotesque fashion, she raised her hands with long black fingernails to her face, twisting them back and forth. Half-formed and translucent, she observed the scene, a pleasantly haunting grin on her face.
( Do you think Water, like a large amount should be Tira's weakness? That or the idea that 'her wings could be clipped' meaning her freedom being taken? Or both? I always think of my characters weaknesses, but I forgot to do Tiras)
((Sorry if turning Spire visible was a little god like, but I didn't want her to be left out! ^^" Besides, she's almost a thousand. It's most likely natural for Hafgufa to be powerful, so don't hate! Eona makes up for her weaknesses in the brain anyway, Eona's an idiot xD ))


Seeing her long time stomach wound open up again, Eona shrieked in terror. "SCRATCH!!" It was a huge one to! The stitches were undone - Hafgufa's fingernails doing - Eona bgan to hyperventilate at the sight of the life threatening wound, where the hell was the murse?!

Somewhere Off Into The Rainbow

"Oh, Jenniman...I love you." Mr. Manly took the murse into his muscular arms, being the only one able to withstand her weight.

"I love ya to, Manris." the murse, Jenniman, whispered in her low and raspy voice. The scene began to fade out as the muscular couple leaned closer together...

((I added Jenniman to the murse's name, okay? Mr. Manly is married to a woman named Jenniman, so the murse has Jenniman in her name.))
(No im not mad. Shadow Flynn thinks himself a god and hates seeing anyone nearly as strong as him. Superiority complex...or something like that.)
She hummed, her head bobbing as she made queer noises. "Blood... gorgeous scarlet blood...." She grinned insanely, staggering a bit on her feet.
((Actually squids blood is blue... xD When I play as Eona I learn a little too much about squids and octopi! xD And okay, I'm just clearing it up and stuff. Oh crap, Shadow Flynn and Ajax will not get along well..Ajax thinks he's a god to! xD ))

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