Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"Night. I'll you tomorrow." He says, planting a kiss on her cheek, because we're not ready for on the mouth kissing yet. He hoped that they would be soon.
"See you tomorrow!" Nessa cried, smiling as she headed to her dorm, hugging her books to her chest, excited about all the Kitsune reading she was planning on doing.
"Bye!" He waved goodbye to you then sprinted off to his own dorm, where he quickly changes into what he normally sleeps in...boxers.((cuz hes cool like that...))
((Ajax sleeps in his nude xD I wonder who would be Ajax's room mate now that I think about it....we got so many new people and haven't paired them up with their room mates!))
[QUOTE="Flynn Porter](Good question. he goes commando? xD )

((Yup! xD He finds clothing useless as he sleeps, besides, most of the time he was covered by other people's clothing *cough* his harem *cough*))
((Okay, so the summary of what happened is: Eona broke her right arm, Flynn the kitsune got a bloody nose, Flynn and Nessa got together, Eona was singing in the rain, AR-E25 pops up and Eona nicknames him Ari, Ajax got his face drawn on by Tira, and yeah. That's it pretty much.))
Kima was now wandering the school absolutely lost. He didn't know what he was supposed to do right now or where to go. For some reason somebody had forgotten to give him even the slightest bit of information about the school and what he was supposes to do. He had been told his stuff was at his dorm but not what dorm he was at. He was now wandering the dorm hallways talking to himself trying to come to a conclusion about whether he should try knocking one or not.

(So am I rooming with anybody?)
(I shall wake him up then)

Tira pissed was a bad thing. She was a docile girl and she rarely got into a state where she was angry enough to do anything dangerous. However, the insult of being called a pheasant hurt! She took in a small breath before she exhaled. At first it seemed normal, a simple intake of breath, except seconds, if not shorter, it burst into flames. The screams of his 'harem' or whatever they were echoed as it caught fire to anything near where she released them. A content smile on her lips, she bolted. She didn't want to see what she burnt. Now, walking towards the gym she was on her phone, sending the picture to Nessa, who was the only female she had properly spoke to.
(Yay burning things. Flynn knows how to do that xD ) 
Flynn awakens, seeing that it is mid-morning now and decides to get a shower before meeting up with Wormie again.

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