Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"If you say so, Bookworm." He joked. He then noticed something about one of the books on Kitsune that made it stand out. "Is that one...on Kitsune kits?" He asked, using the correct term for a baby fox. 
(*breaks out singing "The Circle of Life"* i have no idea....)
(So, we're singing Disney songs? xD WE NEED AN OOC THREAD FOR THIS RP!!! And bye Flynn! *waves*)

"...possibly." Nessa said, stroking her books lovingly, looking at the one he had pointed out. She actually hadn't noticed it was about tiny baby Kitsune's like Flynn, she'd just grabbed every book that said Kitsune on it, without much reading of what they were about or even reading the titles very thoroughly. But this would be good, she could find out stuff about little baby Kitsune's!!
(Lucien's free if you want to talk to him, Unholy)

AR-E25 looked at her in confusion, why would she give it a name that wasn't its own name? It thought, "My favourite colour?" It asked, wondering what colour he liked, did he even like colours? "Err... White," he said eventually.

(I changed AR-E25's age to something that makes more sense)


I thought white was a shade...? That's what everyone else told me. Shrugging the thought off, Eona flashed Ari a bright grin and told him her own favourite colour. "I like razzmatazz! And yes, it is a real colour. Google it." With a very proud facial expression, a smug smirk appeared on Eona's face as she folded her arms over her chest. She knew razzmatazz was a real colour! Even Google said it was!
(..Damn...Ill bug you both. )

Tira, ignoring her issue, was looking around the school for Ajax. She did not want to be cursed! Stupid humans...stupid people...stupid everything! What in hells name would compel someone to curse her! She hadn't done anything wrong right? She paused in her quick steps as she tilted her head. "No I d-did nothing wrong." She nodded to reassure herself before she continued to hunt Ajax. After ten minutes, she found the sphinx. "A-ajax-san!" She called out as she finally found him, pushing the hair away from her face as she huffed. " I f-found y-you!" She exclaimed happily, seeming to lose herself in her own dillusions for a moment. "Y-you need to help me! I d-don't want to be c-cursed! I c-cant believe someone c-cursed me!" She sobbed.
((I wonder if Darky's on at the moment... Oh well.))


The sphinx looked up lazily to stare at the cursed phoenix woman who was babbling about something incoherent. Rolling his eyes, Ajax leaned back against the comfy seat of his shrine, for it had been brought to where he was by the cyclops guards. The women were also still there to.

"What do you want, pheasant?" Ajax raised his eyebrow at the phoenix, a hint of an amused smile at his little pun. Pheasant and peasant? Yes? Yes? No? Okay... Stifling a yawn, Ajax deemed that now would be a good time for his sixth cat nap of the day.
"P-pheasant?" This caused her eye to twitch as a soft glare came to her blue orbs. "I am not that weak and useless bird!" She hissed, hands settling on her waist as she glared. She had pride in her species, the name of that little humane bird made her sick. "I mean they are so easily killed! And they are tiny compared to my species!" She then went on for a bit about Phoenix pride, how amazing she believed them to be, even went into customs before she snapped out of it. "S-sorry..." She sighed, shaking her head before she turned back to him seriously. "Y-you need to h-help me! I h-have to get r-rid of this curse!" She whined.
AR-E25 looked at her in confusion, "Razzmatazz is a noisy, showy and exciting activity or display used to attract attention, it's origin most likely being an alteration of razzle-dazzle," it said rather proudly, remembering part of a book it read about words, the dictionary it was called.

(How ya gonna talk to two people at once? Is Tira gonna split in half?)
((lololol I miss the old music of the 21st Century, those were the good times.. In fact, I miss the 90s cartoons sighhh))


The sphinx has already fallen asleep during Tira's little rant about phoenixes, her babbling voice was a good background sound to fall asleep. It wasn't too soft, nor was it too harsh, so her voice was easily ignored by the sleepy sphinx.


Eona frowned and furrowed her eyes. "That's one definition! But, Google says that razzmatazz is a colour! It's a pinkish-red colour thing!" Pouting and folding her arms over her chest, Eona was being very stubborn about the colour razzmatazz. "It's a colour, okay?"

The kraken didn't realize how immature she was being, but who cares? If Eona thought that razzmatazz was a colour, then razzmatazz was a colour - Unless you want a sad giant squid on your back, but who would want that? People who like calamari. *badum tsst*
(Marker time!~)

Tira stared at the sphinx before she hissed. Birds were prey to cats...but in her defence, she was a fire breathing bird that turned to ash. Feeling braver she reached into her bag to grab a marker she used in her drawing. She uncapped it, ignoring the 'kitties' as she dubbed him, little group as she leaned over to draw a mass of swirls on his cheeks and face. In the end, he looked ridiculous. A giggle escaped her lips as she put it back in her bag, pulling out her phone as she took a picture. Oh, her family would be ashamed at this behaviour. Once it was taken, the loud 'snap' of the camera clicked as she took a few steps back.
AR-E25 shrugged and agreed with the girl. Clearly she knew more about the world than it did, which would make sense considering it had only been sentient for three years, "Okay, it must be a colour," it said, nodding.
He laughed and wrapped an arm around you. "Hey I got a nickname for you now. Wormie. Cuz you're a bookworm. Get it?" He smirked.

(Cue the dramatic entrance music! I have returned after eating a filling meal of chicken, potatoes and broccoli! Haha)
(*cues dramatic entrance music* sounds good(except for the broccoli :P ))

Nessa looked at Flynn. "Yes, I get it, tiny fox." Nessa said, grinning. Wormie wasn't too bad of a nickname, she guessed, compared to other nicknames.
((I like broccoli...))


The kraken nodded in satisfaction, a bright smile on her face. Leaning on the arm rest of her chair, Eona stared at Ari in curiosity. "So," Eona began, her eyes twinkling with interest. "What are you? 'Cause I'm a kraken." Seeing as how everyone here was a monster, Eona had begun to become more open with her kraken heritage, wait, she's the only kraken she knows.

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