Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Nessa decided to instead of saying the titles or subject matter, she would just move her arm that was covering them away, it would be less embarrassing than her having to vocalize her recent obsession.
AR-E25 beamed a smile at the girl, it hoped it was a natural smile otherwise it would just look weird, but it didn't know what a natural smile looked like. It thought it would be a good idea to ask the girl a question, so it decided to think of a question to ask somebody it had just met, "What is your name?" it asked her, feeling proud of it's question.
A second after seeing the titles of the books, a fox-like grin crept onto Flynn's face. "Oh I see. Well..I'm certainly an interesting topic aren't I?" He says, sounding a bit full of himself.
"I'm not reading these books because of you, I just like reading about Kitsune!" Nessa lied, the realized it was a stupid lie and one easy to see past and decided to stay quiet instead of defending the books more.

(Btw guys in like 5 minutes I have to go to eat dinner ,but I'll be back ASAP ,it shouldn't take too long. ^-^)
((If you know what he means, Nessa ;D))


Eona giggled softly at the boy's question, opening the door to the office. "Aren't you supposed to introduce yourself before asking someone of their name?" Shrugging it off, Eona flashed the boy a cheerful grin and gestured for him to sit down, her muddy feet leaving marks on the polished marble ground. "Well, I'm Eona." Eona extended a damp hand for the boy to shake, not caring if she was soaked down to the core.
He couldn't help but laugh at her poor defense. "Sure. Say that now, but you'll see just how awesome I really am." He boasted.

(Ok. I might eat too...hmm...food)

Tira was walking through the halls, in all honestly she was disturbed. First she was 'cursed' and now she was expecting a call from her siblings. Her brown back was clutched to her chest and her eyes shut as she whined. Stupid school. The second the slight vibration from her phone appeared she reached into the bag to pull the red cell phone out. She quickly answered the call as she brought it to her ear. "B-brother..." She whispered, although this was a common way the phoenix greeted people. 'AH! Tira-chan!' A very flamboyant voice escaped the speakers, causing her to wince. 'Tira-chan! How is Ishika high?!~' He asked happily, a question that brought the smallest of smiles to her lips. "H-hai...its very good Brother..." She replied before she heard a feminine voice enter the call. 'Hey! Idiot! Let me talk to Tira-chan!' The youngest child just laughed softly, putting her bag down as she sat against the wall. "S-sister...B-brother..Im glad you are b-both the same..." Closing her eyes, smiling she hummed as she heard the silence she brought to her siblings lips. There was a thud then a pitiful whine as her sister put her brother on the floor to take the phone. 'Tira-chan...We've got news...' She opened her eyes, worried at the wavering tone her sister held. 'Father has is ill once more, this time he is announcing that the idiot is his heir so he is holding another party..' She stopped. What? Her silence left her siblings fearful for her reaction before she put the phone down. Snap. Standing up she sighed before letting a small and happy, but fake smile on her lips appeared. "H-he should really take care of himself more..."

(Sorry, I wanted to use her 'brother and sister' once.)
"I'm sure you'll amaze me with your awesomeness, Flynn." Nessa said, sticking her tongue out at the fox - she had almost called him baby fox instead of Flynn, but decided he deserved a break from being reminded of his tinyness every three seconds.
AR-E25 felt like an idiot for getting social protocol wrong, "Sorry, I'm.. err.." it said, trying to think of it's name, it didn't really have a name like what normal people had a name. It had an experiment name and number though, so it decided to use that, "I'm AR-E25," it told the girl, feeling proud with itself.

"AR-E25?" the kraken frowned ever so slightly, his name was so long! Eona beamed when she got an idea. "I'll call you Ari, okay?" Giggling lightly at AR-E25's new nickname, the kraken took a seat next to Ari, soaking her seat completely wet. "So...what's your favourite colour?"
"I decided to take pity on you and stop making fun of you and pointing out things you can't help, like your tininess." Nessa said, grinning at the little fox.
"I think so. They don't have too many books on Kitsune's." Nessa said, and smiled at his offer. "I can carry them, but thank you." She said, smiling - she was weird and didn't like other people holding her books, even books like these, library ones, and even though when she took care of them she played Jenga with them and they fell all over.
"I didn't think they would. We're pretty reclusive so not a lot of stuff is known for sure about us Kitsune."he smiled at her, understanding that books mean a lot to her. "You and your books." He sighed.
"Yeah, that makes sense." Nessa said, although she wished there would be more books on Kitsune's, 5 or 6 books was not enough to make her an expert. "Hey, you can't blame me for loving them, books are awesome." Nessa cried, grinning at her book pile.

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