Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Nessa continued studying Mr. Dead Bee. "She probably does mean what you think she means. She is way too happy over this prospect of squidmates." Nessa said, nervously laughing, although her joke wasn't very funny.

"I'm fine." Nessa said, in response to his question, although she still didn't move her gaze from the dead bee, she then realized she might be making Flynn feel like a dead bee was better company than him and lifted her gaze to his.
A point? Oh gosh. Nessa blushed even more.

"Maybe she did." Nessa found herself saying, almost against her will, she felt like the normal filter between what she thought and what she said was gone at this moment, right when she needed it the most.
"Yeah, I do think so... she might be right." Nessa mumbled the last part, but it was still audible, she hoped, she wanted to repeat that remark even less than she had wanted to repeat the 10 she had rated him earlier.
Nessa's eyes went wide and she blushed profusely. She tried to reign in the stuttering she knew she was going to do as best as she could as she contemplated the best way to reply to this question.

"S...sure. I... would like that." Nessa managed to stammer out, surprised she had managed to function well enough to stammer five words in response.
"Really? I...I'm glad... I thought you would say no...girls don't usually date guys like me..." He begins to ramble about having a poor personality and sloppy appearance and mannerisms.
This day had been full of surprises - at least they were good surprises. Nessa thought, grinning, as she listened to Flynn ramble on, although she quickly got lost in some rather happy and surprised thoughts about how she had somehow managed to acquire someone to date. And not just someone - a baby fox! Nessa could now pet him forever~
He notices you getting spaced out again. "What are you thinking about now? You always get that look when your thinking about things..."
"What? Oh, I'm thinking about nothing." Nessa said, blushing at being caught spacing out. "Just about certain tiny little baby foxes." Nessa said, grinning at Flynn, glad the awkwardness that she had felt just moments ago had passed.
"You're not gonna let up with that are you?" He said with a bit of annoyance in his voice. "I may be a baby in Kitsune terms but as my human side says: I am an adult." He looked a bit ticked off at being called a baby so much. Calling him little, he understood, but he hated being called a baby. It felt insulting after all he had suffered through.
"Fine, I won't call you a baby. I'll just call you tiny little Kitsune." Nessa said, grinning. She didn't seem to quite grasp Flynn's annoyance, and she resolved to just call him baby Kitsune inside her head for now, and not tell him this.
He lets out a sigh. "Thanks. I've seen too much to be called a baby...and I am pretty small in my fox form..."he admitted defeat. And almost as if that was a switch, it begins to rain...

( xD )
(nessa's a cougar xD ) 
"If it means that much to you, I won't call you a baby. Like I said, you'll just be my tiny little fox~" Nessa said, smiling, then she noticed the rain.

"Blech. I don't like rain." Nessa said, frowning at the rain, since a dragon was so fire-oriented, and water dulled the power of her fire, it made sense why a dragon like Nessa would hate rain.
"Thanks." He said looking up at the overcast sky. "I'm not much of a rain person either but...it kinda feels nice sometimes." He didn't seem to care that he was getting soaked.
"I guess." Nessa said, although she actually did not get the appeal of the rain and was just saying this for Flynn's sake as she looked at the rain with annoyance - of course the one time it rained when she was here, was the time she was outside with no roof over her.

Then she saw some lightning.

"I don't know about you, but I don't want to die from getting struck by lightning. I think I might head inside and go to the library~ Y'know, I always need more books, I don't have enough." Nessa said, grinning, glad that she could use the lightning as an excuse to get away from this rain.

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