Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

((I wanna bake a cake for some reason...Oh well, incoming kraken by the way))


Spotting her friend with a little fiery fox, Eona suddenly stopped at the corner and fixed herself up. She had crashed into many things, be it a wall, another person, or even a little cat that was in her way. Making sure she looked at least somewhat presentable, Eona began to step out into Nessa's view, only to freeze in place when she realized she didn't know what to say!

Blue eyes slowly moving over to Nessa, Eona gulped before robotically walking over to Nessa, her palms becoming very sweaty. Standing in front of the dragon, Eona stared down at the ground, feeling very guilty.

"I'm sorry for mistaking you as a male. I didn't know that having a flat chest was an insult on land." Fumbling around with her words, Eona hoped she didn't mess up this time.

"I should've known, though. Having a small chest is usually seen as having little to no sex appeal, there males won't be attracted to you as much." Eona's guilty eyes would glance at Nessa's, looking for any angry expression. "But for the record! I think having a flat chest isn't bad at all!" The kraken began chattering out nonsense, not even knowing what she was talking about.

"Sure, that means your mammary glands aren't as big and can't feed your future children as much, but who cares about that?" Eona kept telling herself to stop talking already, she was probably just making it worse. "But, isn't it all about the hips?" The kraken gestured down to Nessa's hips, still babbling non-stop. She didn't want Nessa to be mad at her, Nessa was one of her only friends here at school.

Tears welled up in Eona's eyes as she began sobbing, her lips trembling. "I'm sorry! I'm stupid, okay?!" The kraken tried to wipe her tears away from her eyes, the salty taste reminding her of the ocean.
(Ah so suddenly mobile happens and the banner blocks the text box...great.)

Sensing that they may need a minute to talk, Flynn transforms back into a human and walks over to a nearby flower bush, observing the flowers, so you two can talk.
(oh gosh, poor Eona. xD That post made me laugh so many times xD )

Nessa was mortified and stopped petting the fox as Eona kept talking, and Nessa kept blushing, she had almost forgotten about earlier, when Eona had mistaken her as a male, and she was sure this was one of the weirdest apologies ever.... but Eona was trying, and it's the thought that counts - not the horrid embarrassment your new-found baby fox friend is witnessing - and Nessa smiled as Eona rambled on.

"It's fine, Eona. I do have nice hips~" Nessa said, standing up from the crouch she had been in while petting the baby fox as baby fox walked away. A large part of her was still, inside, mortified by Eona's words, but it was more out of embarrassment than anger at Eona, as she knew Eona, the poor kraken who was terrified of scratches, didn't know any better, she was like a small child. And Nessa just wanted this whole embarrassing ordeal to be forgotten.
(It wont let me. Uhg)

Flynn continued to observe the flowers, hoping he wasn't making anything awkward, though he wouldn't be surprised if he was. A guy like him makes everything awkward. 
(Never mind. I got it. So much better)

The kraken suddenly shut up when she heard Nessa's words and pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry...your boobs will grow someday..." Eona mumbled lowly as she dried her tears with her hand, her arms still wrapped around Nessa's neck.

Letting go of the dragon, Eona beamed brightly and playfully smacked her hips. "You know what Shakira says! Hips don't lie!" Giggling lightly, Eona pushed away the negative feelings, happy that her friend wasn't angry at her.
While doing his best to give you two some privacy, Flynn ends up getting bothered by a very angry bee. "Ah! Go away!" He cries trying to get away from it.
Nessa didn't know whether to be insulted or comforted by Eona's remark about her boobs, and decided on the latter choice of comfort.

"Yup, and my hips are awesome~" Nessa said, grinning mischievously at her kraken friend.

Nessa then realized that maybe a way of getting this conversation away from Nessa and her chest would be to introduce Eona and Flynn.

Now, where did that little fox baby go? Nessa wondered, and then she spotted him in a corner, studiously examining a flower bush.

And he wasn't a little baby fox anymore. Darn it. Nessa liked the cute little baby fox.

Nessa pulled Eona over to Flynn.

"Eona, this is Flynn, Flynn, this is Eona." She said, hoping that now the kraken would stop making remarks about her boobs, and then she realized Flynn was getting bothered by a bee.

Nessa considered roasting it by transforming, but decided against it, instead backing herself and Eona up from Flynn and the bee. The last thing Nessa wanted was to get stung! She'd heard that bee stings hurt, and she did not want one, Flynn could be the sacrifice instead.
After panicing and trying to get away, Flynn finally gives up, takes off a shoe and throws it at the bee, hitting it in midair. "Bullseye!" He shouted
((lol sacrifices! That's Ajax's thing xD ))


Eona stared down at the little baby fox in slight confusion. Who was Flynn...? Suddenly, the guy who got a bloody nose from her fall popped into Eona's doughnut shaped mind. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" The kraken hung her head in shame once again, she was apologizing a lot at school, wasn't she? "Are you alright?" Eona panicked over the little fox, hoping that she hadn't hurt him.

Glancing over at Nessa, the kraken covered her face with her hands, feeling very embarrassed - No, ashamed - with her actions. "Urgh! I'm terrible!" Eona exclaimed to herself as she furrowed her eyebrows together in slight annoyance with herself. So much for good first impressions.
((Sorry for party rocking!~ *shot* Ehem. Nevermind.))


The kraken began fumbling around, just like how she did when apologizing to Nessa. "I kind of fell on your face during PE." Eona's voice got quieter as she spoke, good thing that fox had those huge ears. Her face red with embarrassment, Eona wasn't worrying about her weight, she was worrying if that nose of Flynn's was broken or not. Although, the kraken could remember many time when she had broken the femur bone of a human, apparently that's the most painful bone to be broken.
"Oh that. I'm fine. Don't worry about it. The past is the past." He says, putting his hands in his pockets and gives her his trademark smirk. 
(Cue the music and lights! *split second dance party*)
AR-E25 looked at the large building in awe, "Wow... It's huge!" it said to itself, it's mouth agape at the sight. As it walked through the main entrance it began to feel confused, "Where am I supposed to go?" it asked himself, looking around the unfamiliar territory.

(Where is Lucien? I lost him?

Also anyone AR can interact with?)
((Rave party activate. B) *dun dun dun dun*))


"Ah, that's right." the kraken flashed Flynn a bright smile, agreeing with his statement. The past was the past, Eona didn't need to worry about cannonballs heading towards her or Norwegian insults being thrown as ugly guppies charged towards her with swords.

Shuddering at the thought, Eona glanced back and forth between the used to be little fox and Nessa. "I heard you guys were dancing during PE." Eona winked teasingly as she stifled a giggle, she had managed to escape the dancing, even though she wanted to learn how to dance. The kraken had heard Ajax was quite the dancer, Eona made a note to choose Ajax as her partner next time they danced.

((omg I love Beyonce))
"Yeah."he said rubbing the back of his head nervously. "How many rumors did that spread...?" He didn't mind people thinking he and Nessa looked good together but he didn't want people thinking they were dating or anything...though he has considered asking her out.

( xD )
(@Prowlzerz Eona, Nessa, and little tiny baby fox are gathered in a corner of the campus where no one should be able to see them, and I don't think anyone else is on, if you want Lucien to make his way over and join the party xD )

Nessa decided to skip over the whole Flynn part of this dancing subject, and instead talk about the dancing part. "Dancing isn't actually too bad, at least, compared to the obstacle course. Mr. Manly definitely has... interesting views on what to do for a PE lesson." Nessa said, smiling at Eona.
"I preferred the course...but dancing was ok, I guess. I got to know you a bit better, Nessa." He said 
(We gotta throw them a bone every once and awhile dont we?)


The kraken giggled softly, a bright smile on her face. "Eh, not much actually. I just hear stuff." Eona winked at Nessa, an enormous grin plastered onto her face. "Aww! You guys are like squidmates!" Eona squealed at the two lovers, enjoying this quite well. The kraken liked to use fish puns, didn't she?
"Squidmates....? Don't you mean soul mates?" He said, then realizes what she was getting at. "Wait...you...think we should?" He means to ask if he and Nessa should date.
Nessa decided to stay quiet during this whole squidmates conversation, it was making her blush, for some reason, and instead she stared at the bee Flynn had killed with his shoe.

Are we squidmates? Nessa wondered, then reassured herself, No, of course not. Although right after Nessa thought this, Inner-Nessa voiced her opinion loudly in Nessa's mind, an opinion that was contrary to Nessa's, and Nessa, even though she hated admitting it, knew that Inner-Nessa was often right - was she right on this matter?
((oh mah gawd. I just noticed how made for eachother Flynn and Nessa were! They both are fire creatures, get along well, and have smoke coming out of their mouths! :D ))


The kraken giggled once more before humming a happy tune and skipping away. "Well, I'll see you later, Ness!~" Eona quickly kissed Nessa's cheek before leaving the two lovers by themselves. "Have fun! But, not too much fun, if you know what I mean!" The kraken burst into giggles as she skipped off to...no where in particular actually.
He blushes like mad when she says that. "Too much fun...does she mean what I think she means?" He asked, looking down at Nessa. "You ok?" He wondered if what Eona said about us being squidmates was true...he knew how he felt about Nessa...but did she feel the same way?

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