Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

He lets out a sigh. "Yeah I'd wager you will make me feel very small. And that doesn't happen often. I mean...look at me. In human form I'm over 6 ft tall. I tower over a lot of people. But my Kitsune form on the other hand....it makes me wonder what the hell is so scary about a baby kitsune...."he rubs the back of his neck idly. "I think i know a place we can go where we won't get caught by the way."
"I will. I'll make you feel like even more of a little baby Kitsune~" Nessa said, smiling, and she raised an eyebrow when sheheard the second thing he said. "Really? Where?" She asked, leaning closer to him conspiratorially.
Nessa gobbled down the rest of her good, intrigued by this place Flynn had found. "Cutting? As in cutting school? You'll never graduate if you do that!" Nessa chided as she dumped her tray then set it on top of the trashcan.

"I'm ready!" She cried, this time completely forgetting to whisper and blushing when heads turned to look at her.
"Yeah yeah I know...lesson learned ok?"he groans. "I was giving myself a private tour of the school." He leads outside the building to a corner of the campus. Due to the gardening, any view from the school is blocked in this area, meaning that no one would see us from the school.
"Good little fox." Nessa says, patting the fox on the head as she follows Flynn outside to the corner of the campus, and she grins.

"You're right, it is a good spot." She says, nodding in appreciation, and then she remembers how she's going to change into her true form and a little bit of the smile fades, she hated transforming in front of people... but Flynn wasn't just a person, they were firebuddies! She told herself as she looked around the place, wondering when to transform.
"I told you. There's no way to spot us from the building when we're in this area." He says with a proud smirk. "Anytime you're ready to show me all your might and glory Ms. Dragon, I am ready to witness it."
"Shut up, tiny little baby fox." Nessa said, grinning, she closed her eyes and the grin melted, instead she thought dark thoughts, angry thoughts, the thoughts that propelled her transformation.

First she felt the fire burning in her lungs, this was always the weirdest part of the transformation, for some reason, and then she felt her human body change into her whole true form.

(BTW, this is Nessa's true form B)

just wanted to let you know so you could form a mental image~)

"What do you think, little fox?" Nessa asked, her voice was deeper, more of a growl, than the voice her human form had. The dragon looked at her wings as she spread them out, she tried to view all of this through the eye of someone who had never seen a dragon before, but she had grown up with dragons, this was her, so it was hard to fathom.

Nessa considering showing off by burning something up with her firebreath, but decided against it - she didn't want to get in trouble, and a burnt classroom would be easy to trace to the giant blue dragon standing near it.
His smile instantly changed to a gaping expression, and eyes widen. "Ho...ly....shit!"he manages to say...but thats about it. 
(Thanks. Pictures are awesome)
Nessa smirked. "I told you I'd make your little Kitsune feel like a baby!" Dragon Nessa said, proud of herself for proving it to little fox.

(I know they are. You're welcome. I just used the one from my charrie sheet so it was easy c:) 
"You sure you don't want to take advantage of my offer of flight?" Dragon Nessa asked, folding then unfolding her wings to draw special emphasis to them, she knew little fox wouldn't want to, but Nessa liked showing off.

(Do you mind if I go to sleep? It's 6:30 and the sun is up where I live xD I would love to continue Flessa tomorrow or whenever though - I'll be back on in like 4 or 5 hours xD )
(Im afraid I dont have any pictures of a baby kitsune but Ill do my best to describe it for you then)

"Y-yeah..."he stutters over his words. "D-definitely making m-me feel like a b-baby...." 
"N-no thank you..."he shakes his head.

(Sure...its 6:30 here too xD )
(I'll just picture a kitsune, then make it all tiny and little and babyish :P At least, that's the way Nessa views Flynn the Kitsune xD

And maybe you should get some sleep :P )
((Holy crap you guys! Just holy crap! I'm only on at the moment because I can't sleep ^^" Insomnia perhaps? *sighhs*))
(I just woke up to do a quick check of the site and either you guys have very different time zones with me or you need to stop drinking coffee)
(Aww that sucks. I hate when that happens) 
(Btw I'm cleaning my bathroom, so I wont be responding to much here very often. I'm almost done though)

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