Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(I hate pulling all-nighters, the lack of sleep always hits me all at once and then I'm extremely tired for the rest of the day c:)
((I didn't even try...I just couldn't fall asleep...although I do feel perfectly fine, it's just that my eyes are just a little bit heavy. :3))
( xD thank ye.) 
(Hm...i should like to continue where we left off if you would like to. Its getting so fluffy. Literally and not so literally...baby kitsune are fluffy!)
(I wouldn't mind continuing where we left off... is it my turn to post or yours? I'll have to look back. And haha, little baby Kitsune, tiny little fluffy baby~)
"Finee. You sure~" Dragon-Nessa asked, she really liked teasing little baby Kitsune about his fear of heights.

"So, what does a little baby Kitsune look like?" She asked, smiling a dragon smile.
Flynn sighed, knowing he had no choice but to show you. "Promise you won't laugh at me?" He said, brushing off the fact that you teased him about his phobia.
"Promise!" Nessa said, a bit sad she wasn't allowed to laugh at little baby Kitsune, but if this was what it took to see little baby Kitsune, then she guessed she wouldn't laugh.
"Thanks.."he said concentrating on his transformation. As dramatic as the sight was, cloaking himself in foxfire and transforming that way, the end result...was anti-climatic. Flynn in his Kitsune form was no larger than a medium sized dog, and he still has his baby fur, which is much longer and softer than adult fur is and matches the blonde color of his hair in his human form. At first glance, anyone would assume he is an ordinary fox, but further inspection proves he is not. If it were darker out, you would be able to see the golden glow coming off of his fur, and the floating balls of foxfire that formed when I transformed definitely would frighten a human being.
(sorry for my late response, family decided to stop by for a surprise visit ;-; I don't like surprises xD )

"Awww! Cute little Kitsune!" Nessa cried when she saw the Kitsune transform, she went to pet the baby fox but then remembered she was in dragon form and she'd probably hurt the tiny little Kitsune if she attempted to pet it, crush it with her giant dragon feet.

She quickly transformed back into a human, just so she could pet the little baby Kitsune.

"You're so cute!" She cried, petting the fox, grinning at the baby.
"C-cute? Me?"he said, a bit surprised. It is a bit strange hearing his deeper manlier voice coming from something so cute and fluffy. He perks up a bit when you begin to pet him, remembering how good it felt earlier.
"Of course you're cute! Tiny soft little baby Kitsunes, like kittens and puppies, are always cute!" Nessa cried, petting the baby Kitsune's ears and liking how soft his fur was.
He couldn't help but smile, hearing that statement. His confidence in his kitsune form was boosted just from hearing you say that. "Ah~ that feels good~"he sighed, a content tone to his voice.
((Awww! I'm going to update what was happening with Eona naoz))


Water splashed onto the floor as Eona stepped out of the freezing cold bathtub, a bright smile on her face as she stood in her naked glory. Flicking the water off her body, Eona quickly wrapped a towel around herself before stepping out into the bedroom.

Her feet were still a little wet, so the floors of the bedrooms were a little damp from Eona's footsteps. Opening up her drawer, Eona slipped on some clothing and tied her long hair in a ponytail. Hoping that Nessa wasn't too angry with her, the kraken took a few deep breaths before rushing out of the room in search of her dragon friend.

And, of course, she got lost.
Nessa pet the little baby Kitsune contentedly, her hand going on autopilot as she got lost in her thoughts yet again.

And then she realized the whole time she'd been lost in her thoughts she'd been staring right at the Kitsune's face. For some reason, this happened to her a lot when she got lost in her thoughts, so she was used to the embarrassment of having accidentally been creepily staring at someone, she often chose to apologize to the person, but this time, she hoped little baby Kitsune was too busy being petted to notice she had been staring at him for what seemed like a rather large quantity of moments.
Flynn noticed her spacing out but he decided not to question it. Pretty soon he began making a sound, one very similar to a purring cat. He really did enjoy the feeling of being petted. It was much better than being dragged around and picked up by the scruff of his neck like his father did when he was even littler.
"Are you purring?" Nessa asked, bemused, grinning at the little tiny baby Kitsune, he was such a cute little Kitsune!

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