Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"I'm fine. I can't speak for the books though," Nessa says, casting a dismayed glance to the books, but then she perks up "Oh well, tower or pile, at least I have books to read~ And it does sound more painful. Which is why I aim to never catch people with my face." Nessa says, smiling at the books as she gets ready to leave the dorm.

Hearing a crash come from the bedroom, Eona frowned as she brushed her long dark hair out of her face and stared at the bathroom door. After getting her arm casted up, Eona had placed aplastic bag over it and was currently soaking in a nice, freezing cold tub of water.

Shrugging the noise off, Eona continued to hum as she splashed around in the below freezing water, enjoying the feeling of the familiar temperature.
"I didn't exactly plan that either."he laughs. "Yeah books are books...and I don't really read much."he says shaking his head. "School stuff isn't really my thing..."
Nessa gasps at this statement.

"How can you not like books?" She asks, casting a loving glance over her pile as she hopes they don't hear the horrible words this heathen is speaking.
"It's not that I dislike them, it's just I never got into the habit side of reading...I also had to teach myself...and that was difficult enough, so I decided I'd rather not read as a hobby."
Nessa looks at her books.

"I don't know how you find joy in life if you don't read, Mr. Flynn." Nessa says, she knows she is being far too dramatic over this, but how can someone not read lots and lots of books?!? The idea is unfathomable to her.
"C'mon, the cafeteria is right down the hall!" Nessa chirped, flinging open the door of her dorm and actually skipping down the hall for a moment before reigning herself in. No skipping. Inner-Nessa chided, and Nessa, though grumpy about this, obeyed, as Inner-Nessa seemed, a lot of times, to be smarter than Nessa on these matters.
Nessa followed Flynn to the getting food line, smiling as she realized she now had another good friend! Yay! First Eona, now she also had this guy - Nessa really liked making new friends, she hadn't made any for a long while.

(Goodnight, Pai! Don't worry, you won't miss much, it's already past 5, so I'm going to be going too soon c:)
Nessa was wondering if she and her new friends could all roast marshmallows together when she vaguely heard something Flynn said, she came back out of her thoughts for the last word and noticed he said something about listening.

"Listening? Yeah, I'm listening." Nessa said, smiling and nodding quickly, hoping she'd gotten the question she believed she had been asked right.
He gave her a blank stare. "I feel like you weren't....I was trying to ask if you could tell me a bit more about your kind...dragons i mean...because I don't know much about them. I really wanna know. And....I'd like to see what you really look like sometime...but then I noticed you were spacing out."
Oh. Nessa felt mean as she listened to Flynn. If you keep this up, Nessa, you won't have any friends to roast marshmallows with! Inner-Nessa cried, exasperated with stupid Real-Nessa.

"I might have spaced out a tiny bit... towards the end." Nessa said, trying to cover for her lie, "And dragons are awesome. We can roast people and fly, what more can you ask for?" Nessa said, grinning, and then added, "Sure, I wouldn't mind transforming sometime, as long as no teachers see because I like this school and don't want to get expelled." Nessa said, continuing to grin as she said this, got her food, and walked to a vacant table.
"I think we could find a time to do that. As long as..we don't do any flying biz...I...don't tell anyone...but I'm terrified of heights...."he whispers the last part to you.
"Scared of heights? But heights are awesome! All the little people are so tiny!" Nessa cried, almost accidentally putting her voice much louder than a whisper. "But that's fine. We won't fly, little fox!" Nessa added, remembering what Inner-Nessa said about how she wouldn't have any friends to roast marshmallows with - she didn't want to be mean to one of her best friends!
"Gee thanks for that. I tell you that I'm afraid of something and that's your reaction..."he grumbled, a little hurt. "L-little? I am not....well maybe, but I'm still very young for a Kitsune. Considered a kit still...."he sighs. "So I'm not done growing yet."
"Sorry." Nessa said, looking down at her food, the warnings of Inner-Nessa playing in her mind. "Sure, little tiny baby fox, make all the excuses you want." Nessa said, smiling at her food, thinking about how tiny Flynn's Kitsune would be compared to her dragon form.
"Hey! I am not a baby...just...very young in comparison...when kitsune grow the final 9th tail, theyre usually about 900-1000 years old. I'm only a teen...therefore...damn I guess I would be considered a baby in comparison..."he sighs in defeat. "Go ahead and laugh...." He hangs his head in shame.
"So you are a baby!" Nessa cried triumphantly, glad she was right. "Don't worry, I won't laugh at you over things like your little tiny babyness." Nessa said, meaning her words to be comforting. "Besides, I'm sure you're not too tiny of a little baby kitsune, it's just the dragon in me, in comparison everything is tinier!" Nessa said, lifting her gaze from her food to Flynn to smile at him.

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