Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

((Lol owch who would want a giant kraken falling on them xD ))


The kraken nodded and shakily got up off of Flynn, her body aching and feeling very uncomfortable from the fall. "I'm sorry, are you okay?" Was all Eona got to say before being picked off her feet and rushed to the nurse's office. Actually, the murse's office, have you seen how large that "woman" is? She was almost as big as Mr. Manly!
"And then there were two." Nessa said as she watched Metus sprint away with Eona. Nessa helped Flynn up then fought the urge to skip as they walked toward the nurses, humming a song that she added words to in her mind, words like : no more obstacle course, now I won't die young~
"Is your nose OK?" Nessa stopped humming to check in on her friend's well-being.

"Here, we're at the nurses, you'll be fine." Nessa said, smiling as they approached the door to the nurses.
"It hurts like hell and it's bleeding...but I don't think it's broken..."he says with a grumpy tone. He is obviously pretty angry about what happened...
Metus set her down on a nearby table. "Frau... er, Herr Nurse?" He called to the (very man-like) nurse, even though she was a mere foot away from him. "She is hurt! Can you help?" He asked with a smile, hoping Eona was not injured too badly. He felt another memory coming on, but pushed it to the back of his mind as he spoke to the nurse-guy-person.
"Well that's what happens when you catch people with your face." Nessa said, matching her tone to his grumpy one as she opened the nurses door, seeing Eona in there she debated about going over but decided instead to quietly slip back out the door and head towards the library, she and Eona were roommates, so she'd see Eona later.
The nurse quickly fixes up his nose and soon he is out of her...her office. After asking around, he finally locates Nessa in the library.
"Are you stalking me?" Nessa asks as she notices Flynn in the library, she migrates herself and her pile of books she's interested in that's as high as her chin over to him, smiling. "I take it your nose is better?" She asks. 
(guys has anyone else noticed how close we are to a 4 digit post count in this thread? ^-^)
((Hmmm injuries for someone who fell from 8 feet?? I've done that before and broke my arm in half, nothing too serious for this one))

Eona and the murse

The kraken stared up at the muscular nurse, doing her best to ignore the sharp pain in her arm. Eona wasn't used t breaking a bone, when she was a gaint squid, Eona didn't have any bones. She was trying to be strong, but the pain had brought tears to her eyes as she gripped her right arm.

After an x-ray scan, the murse came back and informed Eona that her bone was broken and would need to have a cast. Telling the kraken to extend her arm like she was shaking someone's hand, the murse began to put a cast on the girl's arm.
"Maybe.."he says. His nose is plugged up with cotton swabs to prevent it from bleeding again, and you can see a purplish tint with some swelling. "Yeah..just bleeding pretty bad." Voice is very stuffy sounding, like he has a cold. Its a funny sounding match-up. "Sorry about getting an attitude earlier...pain makes me grouchy."
"I'm glad you didn't hurt more than that - It doesn't sound very fun to have someone fall on your face. Upon careful consideration, I decide to accept your apology." Nessa said, adding another book to her stack absentmindedly.
"It isn't pleasant that's for sure" he says with a laugh. "Look...if I ever act mean towards you, please don't take it personally....I get that way to cope with things...emotions, pain, you know...difficult stuff."
"I won't." Nessa chirped, deciding not to say the sarcastic remark she had prepared as a reply, and instead just continued to smile, wishing her stack of books wasn't so high that it'd topple over if she wasn't focusing everything into balancing it, because of the height she couldn't hide her face in a book like she liked to do when she was conversing with people in the library.
"Thanks. I'm glad...a lot of people take me seriously when I act like that... So I tend to get dismissed as a jerk all the time...though the list of "nicknames" extends way beyond "jerk" and "asshole"..."he sighs, remembering his old school. He then looks at your stack of books. "You really like to read, don't you?" He questions while looking at the book titles...and notices a book near the top on Kitsune. "Taking an interest in foxes suddenly?"he says with a smirk.
(See you later, Blitzy! I think I might be going in a while too, I want to keep on the thread at least till we hit 1000, but it's past 3 AM and I need to get up in less than 4 and a half hours xD )

Nessa decided not to let this boy know her original selection of nicknames for him when he burst into the gym as he said this, instead she kept them to herself, feeling a bit bad.

"Yes I do like to read." Nessa says, then her face heats up as he notices the book on Kitsune. "Well, considering what the books about dragons here say, it won't be very informative, they tend to get books written by humans that tell all sorts of lies about dragons!" Nessa was quite passionate about this particular issue, and tried to reign in her passion as she remembered she was in a library. Hey, maybe this will draw his attention away from the Kitsune book, at least..
"Yeah I bet. Dragons and Kitsune are both hated on pretty hard. Between roasting and eating people to tricking and seducing them...we're both pretty bad from the human's view..."he says, picking up the book. "Nice to see you're interested in my kind though."

(Oh ok.)
"Hey, I've never roasted or ate anyone!" Nessa defended herself, "Although I have considered it..." She added, lost in her thoughts about roasting people, which made her hungry for marshmallows. Roasted marshmallows. Yum. They should have a roasted marshmallow day in this school - Nessa would be more than happy to provide the fire. If Nessa ever started a school, she would make everyday roasted marshmallow day.
Flynn laughs. "And I haven't seduced anyone, so I think we're both rebels against the stereotypes."he says. "Although...I have wondered if I'm even attractive enough to seduce anyone....probably not. What do you think? On a scale 1-10, how good looking am I?"he asks, legitimately wanting to know. And he feels it's a question he can ask.
Nessa liked the idea of being a rebel. Maybe they could have national Rebel Roasted Marshmallow Day! It would be amazing. Nessa blushed - it seemed like she was always blushing ever since she met this boy - at his question, lifting her stack of books up to hide her face as she contemplated her reply.

"Umm.... I'm not god with scales." Nessa said, stalling, then she muttered an answer under her breath, one intentionally muffled with books, one sounding remarkably like '10'.
Nessa was upset about having to repeat herself, she, for some reason she didn't know, she who loved questions, answering and asking, did not like this one. She lowered the stack slowly so she wouldn't have to repeat herself again, and muttered, louder, "10."
Flynn, not expecting anything above a 6, gasps slightly and his face instantly turns bright red. "You....really mean that?"he says, very shocked at your answer.

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