Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Kima was surprised by the forcefulness of Ajax but couldn't complain. He wasn't hurt and it wasn't uncomfortable it was just, different. It did hit him too that they were in public and he really hoped that nobody was starring at them or was about to come up and yell at them but he didn't care so much at that point. he was new to all of what was happening and kept letting Ajax lead him through it not really knowing how to respond to a lot of what was happening.

(Alright well I have to call it a night)
(oh Blitzy did you read back and notice the horrible thing that happened AKA Eona confusing Nessa's gender xD )

"Don't worry, most everyone here seems pretty nice, they seem like they wouldn't judge you over something like that." Nessa said, smiling. She seemed to have made a new friend. Hey, maybe Eona's flat-chested comment wasn't too bad, as it had led to her meeting her new friend.... No, it was still very bad. 
(goodnight @DarkAncient !!!)
"You think so? Maybe I'll stick around and give this place a chance after all."he said with a chuckle. "If people like you are here, then I guess I don't have much to worry about...except my grades....I hate schoolwork..."he grunted, a obvious annoyed expression plastured on his face. "And then because they're low scores, I'm suddenly an idiot..."
"You should! It's a nice place... despite the obvious insanity of some of the teachers they choose to employ." Nessa said, referring mainly to the saxophone playing Minotaur, "Hey, you're not bad at ballroom dancing, which means your PE grade won't be too bad! Plus, a lot of the classes are a bit...unconventional." Nessa said, she was fully back to being an optimist with a childlike view of things, and she was happy about this.
"I took notice."he says, laughing loudly. "This place is pretty nuts...but I kinda like it. It's different from where I used to go...and not burnt at all....they learned a painful lesson for messing with me though...they deserved it." Suddenly his eyes are full of a burning anger again and this time you spot a few balls of foxfire forming in the air around us. Obviously I hit my own soft spot and angered myself.
(OK so Nessa is extremely awkward, suckish at speaking, AND so flat-chested she was mistaken as a man. Try not to fight over who gets to date her her, men, form an orderly queue. xD )

"Why don't we try keeping it non-burnt." Nessa suggested gently as she noticed the fire forming in the air - she was not very good with people, and she was especially not good at doing things like calming people and it showed in this situation.

"I'm sorry about what happened at your old school." Nessa decided finally to say this, hoping it was the right thing to say.
He takes notice of the foxfire and puts it out. "Yeah...sorry. It likes to show up when I get angry...which happens...a lot."he chuckles nervously. "Don't worry about that... The past is the past. I never have to see that place again in my life."
"Your fire is cool." Nessa said, grinning, happy they were back off serious topics. "So, my turn to ask you a question!" Nessa said, remembering how he had asked her one earlier, she often liked to ask people questions when she felt she had no other ways of continuing the conversation.
(sorry to dissapoint Blitzy, if there ever is Flessa romance, I think they should at least, y'know, kiss or something before whipping out rings :P )

"What's your favorite color?" Nessa asked, she liked these kind of questions, quite probably because they weren't very serious, and there was almost no way someone could get upset about this question. Now that she thought about it, there were a lot of reasons Nessa liked this kind of question.
(Unless its if they ask you to jump off a cliff, with sharp rocks at the bottom. Then thats a no.) 
"Easy. Blue."he says with confidence. Foxfire happens to burn a blue color, so it really doesn't surprise you.
"Everyone always either says blue or razzmatazz to that question." Nessa says, as she realizes that they have been dancing for a very, very long time.... was the teacher planning on ending this class anytime soon? Even though she didn't mind dancing too much, the more she danced, the less attention she paid to her feet, and she had started stepping on Flynn's feet again, and she did not like doing that.
(*cough* self-advertisement *cough* :P just kidding, I will listen to it later, right now it's 2 in the morning and my family doesn't really appreciate me listening to music 3 hours after everyone's fallen asleep xD )
"Sorry I'm being so typical then. Ow."grunts when you step on foot a bit hard. "But it's true. Blue is my favorite color. I'm sure you know why...foxfire is the extension of my soul...what color is it? Blue. Naturally."he rambles on a bit.
"Well, that makes sense. I'll forgive you for being boring because of your explanation~ At least you didn't pick razzmatazz!" Nessa said, grinning.
((You guys can go ahead and end the lesson, I'm going o disappear into real life for a bit. I just want you guys to end it by doing 10 laps around the track :3 brb))
He laughs. "Gotta have a reason for things. I may act like a jerk at times, but I'm no liar and I will defend my answers with evidence!"he says dramatically.
(Should we just pretend Mr. Manly made an announcement about these laps then?)

"You're good at answering questions, I'll need to ask you more in the future." Nessa said, elated that someone was answering her question like this.
((OH NO LAPS. Metus better run like somebody's shootin' at him with their Commie Laser Rayz of Deaths!))

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