Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

((BUT NESSA! You should ship stuff too! I'm pretty sure Ajax the Asshole needs someone other than his hos loyal servants.))
He does his best to ignore it anytime she steps on his feet, blaming his height and large feet for the issue. "Really? You more of a book type of girl? I'm not one for either. Why use all your strength to kill a rabbit right? So why bother working hard for something easy."he began to babble on a bit. "Hey I have a question."
((awwww soooo cute!! :3 I'm seriously fangirling guys, like seriously xD ))


The sphinx raised an eyebrow at Kima, wondering what in the cat given world he was doing. Then again, Ajax was a master at this sort of thing, so, he instinctively took the lead and began to do a very fancy looking ballroom dance. "Just follow me lead, I guess." Ajax twirled Kima and then dipped him, going to the beat of the music. The sphinx didn't find dancing with another male awkward at all, he's danced with worse before.
"Yes. My strong suit is definitely not athletic things, at least." Nessa replied, trying to stop herself from babbling too much as they continued dancing, she found herself not having to focus too much on not trampling his feet, this dancing stuff was getting surprisingly easy as they continued. "Yes?" She asked, wondering what the question was.
Kima got a little confused by what was happening but his ability to observe well made it easy to learn from example. Quickly enough he was able to dance almost as well as Ajax not finding it strange to dance the woman's part because he didn't even know he was. Being in his human form he was able to smile obviously enjoying himself. "Thank you."
"I'm not really used to being around non-humans. I was just wondering what you are...if you don't mind me asking. Curiosity killed the cat, not the fox."he says albeit a bit nervously, as if scared to ask. He follows it up with a laugh at his joke at the end.
((holy crap darky! I think we should make Kima x Ajax a shipping... :3))


The sphinx flashed a tiny smile at Kima, dipping him once again and bringing him back up to the other side. "You're....welcome, I guess..." Twirling the other monster once more, Ajax and Kima seemed to be floating around the field, moving their feet and bodies in a very graceful and elegant way.
"I don't mind. It's a normal question in this place. I'm a dragon. Roarr! Although, don't worry, I won't roast you or anything!" Inner-Nessa facepalmed as Nessa said this. Rambling on again, Nessa! She chided, "So, er, what are you?" She asked, hoping the stupidness of her response would go unnoticed and he'd be distracted by her return of the question.
"Wow. Never would have guessed that."he laughed. "I'm part Kitsune...but also part human....a bit of confusion tossed in there somewhere too."he wonders if she knows what a Kitsune is, so he grows out a fox tail, hoping that'll help. "Bet you never guessed that a guy like me would turn out to be a fox of all things huh?"
(Yush that was the point!)

Kima gave a small sort of giggle as he was dipped again and having gotten a hang of the steps instinctively got a little closer as he danced. He was getting much more comfortable and gave another small laugh at Ajax's response. "I'm glad I made a friend here it makes it much easier to handle all of this."
(So much love(in the form of new ships) is blossoming over this thread tonight~)

"You have some fox-like qualities about you, it isn't too much of a shock." Nessa glanced at his tail, and smiled.

"Thank you for the clarification in tail form, but you might want to put your tail away, the school is quite strict about it's no transformation on school ground rule." Nessa whispered, hoping she wasn't sounding like a goody-two-shoes by mentioning the rules - she just didn't want Flynn to get in trouble.
"Really?"he sighs and puts his tail away. "So much for stretching out and relaxing a bit...I couldn't even show a hint of my fox side at my old school. Humans are easily frightened..."he smiles remembering what he did in retaliation for them shunning him.
(site went down for me too!)

"Well, sometimes teachers are insane and have you transform in class, and there's an arena for fighting in your true form, but other than that, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to transform. Yeah, humans definitely are easily frightened... although I can see how, if I were a human, I would be scared of us..." Nessa trailed off, frowning at a mental image of her true form, she didn't like thinking of herself as scary or terrifying to people, since she knew she would never hurt anyone, but humans didn't know that.
(I can't wait for this Ajax kiss. xD I totally ship that relationship, once Pai thinks of a ship name for it. xD )

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