Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Sedrian stayed in the corner of the room in the dark. He didn't want to dance with anyone, he hated interaction, he hated people, and he hated both at once. Especially dancing, it just wasn't his thing, he hoped no one asked him to dance.
Kima looked around the room with all hundred eyes in bewilderment. He was confused and he didn't have a partner and to make things worse he really didn't know anybody. He began to blink his eyes so fast it almost seemed like they were strobe lights and as he did he sat down in the middle of the room and just looked around really fast unable to think of a better alternative.
He watches the other students in the room, observing them and their habits, noting them in his mind. He sees the outcasts as well as the popular students, and wonders if any of them would accept him. His fear of interaction prevents him from asking.
((aaa sorry i replied so late... @DarkAncient sorry about not replying! So, is the whole "interaction with Shou" thing still going? Or should we just go our separate ways and be in the gym?))
Noah morph's back into his human form and raises his hand for the attention of the overly manly teacher. "Sir, wouldn't it be better to assign partners instead of having them frantically run around like chickens without heads?" Noah asked.
(You could always just restart the conversation with him now while he is freaking out consider what happened earlier my character saying hi in a hallway before going to class)
With an air of cockiness and an attitude to rival a grumpy bear, Flynn barges into the gym. "So this is the gym, huh? Tch...kinda small isn't it?" He says and laughs. "The other school's was bigger." He takes a look at the other students, who are dancing. "Dancing? What kind of gym activity is that? Where's the weight lifting and actually cool stuff at? I'm no tutu wearing princess. No way am I dancing here." He says with a grumpy condesending tone, before picking a wall and leaning on it, unlit cigarette hanging from mouth.
(@Flynn Porter sorry for Nessa's mental rudeness, maybe she and Flynn will eventually become friends!)

Nessa turned as some guy barged into the gym, she frowned subconsciously at him as he made a big scene, well, this dude was a jerk. She thought as she continued frowning at him for a moment before turning her head back to face Eona.

She looked around at the few partnered up students, who were clumsily attempting to dance, and yet again wondered what partner she'd get - if Eona would ever stop holding her hand.
(Maybe. Flynn may have a secret soft side..according to rumors anyway lol)

He notices a few people giving him looks, and in response, he gives them a terrifying glare. "What are you lookin' at, huh? Just like my old school, all over again. I wonder which class'll be unlucky enough to get burned... Heh, it's a good reminder: never screw with a Kitsune."he said with pride, his voice filled with confidence. He let out a cocky laugh, enjoying his memories of burning classrooms at his old school. Although unknownst to everyone else, the confident jerky exterior hid a scarred and pained heart, who really just wants to fit in somewhere. Being a half-blood, Flynn never quite felt like he belonged anywhere.
((mwahaha! A little insulted with the next part xD ))


Eona beamed at Nessa and squeezed her hands, a giant friendly smile on her face. "Wait." The kraken's smile was suddenly wiped off completely, a look of confusion plastered on instead. "You're not a male...?" Eona's eyes stared at Nessa's chest, wondering why a female was so flat. "But, you're so flat..." The poor kraken didn't know this was an insult on land, it was just a simple observation.
((I have a feeling he's going to get along very well with Ajax. Actually, it's either they're best friends or worst enemies xD ))
(All I know is that he is THAT guy. The jerky asshole who you both love and hate at the same time xD He always has something to say.)

The sphinx raised an eyebrow at the panicky phoenix, weren't phoenixes supposed to be proud and majestic creatures? Shrugging the stereotypical idea off, Ajax chuckled lightly at her actions, it seemed to amuse him for some unknown reason. ".....Perhaps...." Ajax said in his usually whispy voice, the sphinx always sounded like he was about fall asleep for some reason.

((@UnholyRedemption Ajax thinks he himself is a god xD ))
(@paipai900 I laughed so hard. I feel bad for Nessa, though c: She's awkward enough right now without having this added xD )

Nessa's mouth open and closed a couple of times at Eona's observation, she wasn't sure what to say to this as she'd never been insulted in this way before... it wasn't obvious she was female? Was she really that flat-chested? This had never happened before, and she'd never thought of what to do if it did happen.

"I promise I'm a female, Eona." Nessa decided to finally say, through her teeth, her cheeks and the tips of her ears burning with red from the embarrassment and horror of being mistaken as a male in full public view by her best friend.

"I'm going to go find a dance partner now, Eona, if you'll excuse me." Nessa said, again through her teeth, she didn't want to hurt her best friend's feelings by being rude, but in some situations, like this one, she felt like it was acceptable to dash off, and so she did, going pretty far away from Eona, her cheeks still flaming as she stood in an abandoned corner, wondering idly if she could manage to sink into the floor as she considered her prospects for the dancing - hopefully no more females would approach her with a dance offer, and hopefully no one had heard what the kraken had said, although she knew that was a false hope as probably the whole room had heard.
He lets out a loud and exaggerated sigh. "Even more boring than my last school..." He continues to lean against the wall, with no motivation to leave his spot. He can't help but feel a little sorry for the flat chested girl. And that his words didn't help. Against his nature, he decides to stroll up to her. "Hey!"
((lololololol poor Eona, so clueless xD ))


Eona watched as her friend dashed away, wondering why she was feeling a little gill-ty for her actions. It was just an observation..Had she done something to offend Nessa? The thought struck Eona like a lightning bolt. Oh, no. I just insulted a friend! She hates me now! Glancing over to Nessa, Eona didn't know what to do in such a situation. She liked Nessa, the kraken didn't want Nessa to hate her.

So, being the crybaby she is, Eona began to cry, her bottom lip trembling as she excused herself to the washroom and speed walked away to avoid looking weird.
Nessa looked up at the jerk from earlier with surprise - why had he come up to her?

She tried to hide her surprise as she responded.

"Hi." She squeaked out, she sucked at making conversation with strangers.

She noticed out of the corner of her eye that Eona was walking towards her, and she purposefully looked at the jerk instead, she was still hurt by Eona's comment, even though she knew Eona meant well.
"Hey. Don't take it to heart ok? You are who you are. And if it helps, I could tell you were a girl the minute I saw you." He said, with a surprising amout of sincerity in his voice.
Metus noticed Eona run off crying, and ran behind her. he hated seeing others cry, especially a friend. "Eona!" he called out as she ran into the washroom, "are you okay kleines Madchen (little girl)?!" He hoped that nothing horrible had happened, it wouldn't be the first time he had lost a friend. Except the last time the Russians had kidnapped and shot the Major down in the street like a dog; a sad day for the Germans indeed.
(oh gosh. PaiPai, you better not go all crazy extreme fangirly about this xD )

"Thanks." Nessa said, slowly smiling at the boy, the initial horror at hearing his words and realizing he had heard Eona's remark faded when she realized he was sincere, and being nice, although she couldn't help but feel her ears go red again as he mentioned the thing about telling she was a girl.

"We haven't met before, I'm Nessa." Nessa said, realizing she hadn't yet introduced herself, debating about holding her hand out for him to shake but deciding against it.
((I SUPPORT FLESSA!! xD Flessa is the official shipping name, okay?))


Hearing someone call out her name, Eona blinked away her tears and emerged from the washroom, a bright smile on her face. "Oh! Hi, Metus!" The pain in her chest was still there, but, Eona didn't know why she was crying, or what crying even was in a matter of fact. The kraken was somewhat confused about why there was water coming out from her eyes, but, her thoughts were all muddled up from the guilt she was feeling. Eona didn't understand all this ugly guppy things! It was so weird and unfamiliar!

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