Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"Name's Flynn. Flynn Porter."he said with confidence, his hands in his pockets. The posture and tone of voice suddenly make him look more like a cool rebel than a rude jerk. "Embarressment is the worst emotion ever, isn't it?"he questioned, though he doesn't expect an answer. In fact he is surprised that she actually spoke to him.
((Yup, it's official! Flynn and Ajax will be great friends xD P.S. How many children will you be having? :3 I must go create all the names of your 50 children naoz xD ))
(wait, are you directing this 50 children comment toward FLESSA?!?! Flessa does not need to have any children, thank you very much, as of now, Nessa barely knows Flynn's name!)

Flynn. Flynn Porter. Nessa liked this Flynn so far, he seemed nice enough.

Oh god. He brought up the embarrassment?!? She had a feeling this whole flat-chested incident was going to haunt her for a long time. Instead of replying to the embarrassment comment, she looked around again, everyone was rapidly pairing off to dance... and this Flynn was as good a partner as any...

"Flynn, would you like to be my partner during this dance? I must warn you, though, I have no idea how to dance and I think it might be more toe-stepping on than dancing." Great job making the prospect of dancing with you sound appetizing! Inner-Nessa yelled when Nessa finished her sentence, and Nessa realized it was true and hoped he wouldn't reject her as a partner too harshly - well, she had been rejected in the form of being mistaken as a boy, so any rejection this Flynn threw her way couldn't possibly be worse than that.
(Hahahahaha being just sitting there in the middle of a room with nobody to talk to is still pretty funny with these characters)

"What's wrong?" Metus asked as he watched her come out of the 'washroom', whatever that was. Maybe to wash clean the Communism of the world? 'I sure hope so...' He hoped Eona was okay. Did it have something to do with Nessa? He had seen the kraken with her earlier. "At least we're not over with Mr. Manly and his dancing, ja?" He grinned. Metus really hated dancing.
((ERMAGERD!! FLYNN'S GOING TO SERENADE NESSA!! That's what always happens after the dance, well, either that or he proposes xD Sorry, waaaay too much romances movies for me xD ))


"What's right?" the kraken quickly evaded the question, flashing a silly grin towards Metus. Eona didn't want to answer it because, well, she didn't even know what was wrong! Perhaps she was having her time of month, but the kraken was very confused with herself. Ever since she turned human and went to this school, Eona has learned and experienced so many things! It was very overwhelming!

Nessa was shocked at his acceptance but decided to hurry up and start dancing with him before he changed his mind.

She looked around again at everyone and thought how hard could it be? But as she watched them she realized it looked quite a bit hard.

She grabbed Flynn's hand and led him to the center of the room where everyone was dancing, where she bit her lip and tried to figure out how to do this ballroom dancing.

"I'm confused," he said as he beamed a smile back at her, "is the sky down?" Metus chuckled as he remembered when he had just crawled out of the burning portal to Hell. So much fun was had that day! So many soul-- er, lots of pretty cupcakes. "Yes! Cupcakes!" He yelled out randomly, laughing like a madman.
(Pai, I think Mr. Manly might need to help Flessa learn how to dance xD AND NO BLITZY DONT JOIN THE INSANE FANGIRL ARMY)

"I... have no idea. It doesn't seem like many other people have ideas on it, either. They all look quite a bit confused." Nessa replied, sighing also.

"Maybe the teacher will actually, y'know, teach us something? Although judging by how terrifying he is, I'm not sure if we want that to happen. Let's just pretend like we know what we're doing." Nessa suggested, putting her hand on his back and holding his other one, she'd seen some movie or something where someone ballroom danced, and she was a bit sure this was how it worked... maybe?
((Ajax does have a mixed harem of both males and females... xD ))


"What are cupcakes?" the kraken frowned at Metus's sudden outburst, pushing away her guilt to the back of her mind. Eona was still very new to this land for two legs and was wondering what coop-kiks were. Were they some sort of weapon you could use to behead and gut someone? If so, Eona wanted to try out this coop-kiks...
(guys, Nessa might go all dragon on y'all and roast you if you aren't careful about your insane shipping > :D just, y'know, a friendly warning~)
Mr. Manly

The giant minotaur skipped happily up to the blooming love and pushed the two closer together, positioned Flynn's hand a little lower down to the waist, and placed Nessa's arms around the other's neck.

"Now dance!" With those words, Mr. Manly pulled out a saxophone and began to play Careless Whisper by George Michael.


"Yeah, I don't see the teach being helpful at all."he said, chuckling. He looks around at the other students, and does his best to mimic what they're doing. "It would help if I watched more movies with this kind of stuff...but chick flics aren't really my thing..."he said. He hears other students, who noticed us, commenting on us looking good together. "Well there goes my reputation....damn..."
His laughter came to screeching halt. Metus truly could not remember what they were either! Were the cakes of cup a beverage? Or a gun from the Great War? Perhaps something the enemy had created to brainwash his dear Fürher in the Second World War. He did not know. "I..." he started, tears rolling down his cheek, "I cannot remember."
(I'm gonna do it soon muahahaha)

Kima sat until he got to the nervous point where he jumped up and ran over to Ajax. He couldn't figure out what to do in the situation and so he did the only thing that made him feel comfortable and that was running at Ajax and hugging him. Having turned into his human form Kima just sort of clung to Ajax being that Ajax was the only person he considered his friend and the only person he was really comfortable around. He tucked his head into Ajax's shoulder and started to half whisper, "What do I do?" repeatedly.
Where was the teacher keeping this saxaphone before he pulled it out? Nessa wondered, but she had no time to wonder this as she started dancing, trying to avoid stepping on Flynn's toes as she did so, and surprisingly it wasn't too too bad, she only stepped on his toes a few times - which was very good, she thought, for her surprisingly compromised concentration, as she danced she blushed yet again as she realized she had never been this close to a male.

"This isn't too bad. It's better than the usual PE things. I'm not an athlete." Nessa found herself babbling as they danced.

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