Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

((Lol I love Lucien's alternate personality xD ))


The kraken gulped as she saw the PE teacher, she could remember how large Mr. Charge was in her first class, but this PE teacher was gigantic! Although, to Eona, it wasn't the height that scared her, it was Mr. Manly's bulging muscles. It looked like he could crush diamonds with his teeth! Break everyone in half with his little toe of his right foot! Good thing, as a giant squid, Eona didn't really have bones to crush, if she did, the water pressure at the bottom of the sea would've killed her. Eona backed up a little only to bump into Tira.

"Oops! Sorry!" Eona quickly apologized for bumping into her phoenix friend,k keeping her eye trained on thee humongous Mr. Manly.

Mr. Manly

Mr. Manly stared down at the students, wondering how they were so skinny and wimpy and not manly. Hearing someone apologize, Mr. Manly was suddenly brought to tears. Running up to the girl that apologized, Mr. Manly gestured to her in an exaggerated manner.

"You took responsibility of your actions! That is so manly!" The giant minotaur suddenly began posing, showing off his huge muscles. "Being a MAN is not about how strong you are, it's about being a gentleMAN and helping everyone out." Mr. Manly striked another pose, showing off his trapedius muscles.
(...I have a urge to whack the teacher around the head with a bat?)

Tira gave a small, but meek nod to her Kraken friend. "I-its okay..." She whispered. When the man ran over to Eona she let out a small squeak, only to run off towards Lucien who she hid behind, head peaking out behind him. "...S-so...n-not natural..." She whispered, eyes wide as she went pale. "W-why is this school hiring people like this..." She was certainly concerned to how these people got teaching licenses...
Lucien watched the giant teacher run over to Eona and Jumped a little. His eyes turned to Tira who was running over to him and he froze when she hid behind him, "Er.. hi," he whispered.
Another insane teacher. Great, just what Nessa needed. She thought, terrified as to what this insane 'gentleman' was going to have them do for the actual lesson part of this class.

She tried to stand towards the back of the crowd that had gathered around the track, hiding herself, hoping that he wouldn't see her and thus engage her in conversation or anything like that. Maybe she could just stick in the shadows for this lesson, and not have to do anything... the idea was very appealing.
((But, Pear! That's an Umbra move! xD ))


The kraken froze up at the sight of the muscles so up close, she could already picture herself being torn apart by those monstrous things. "Erm...thank you....?" Eona mumbled out, her eyes still on the teacher's bulging muscles.

Slowly inching away from the PE teacher, Eona wondered how anyone could even get so big? Then again, Eona didn't know much about land creatures, they were so weird and funny to her.

Mr. Manly

The giant teacher backed away from the tiny student - well, tiny to him - and beamed brightly at his class, for some reason, Mr. Manly began to sparkle....in a manly kind of way. His muscles gleamed under the sun, the sun rays seemed to bounce off the man killing machines.

But, Mr. Manly was not one to kill, he was and is quite the gentleman. How do you think he got to marry such a wonderful Minotaur woman? Mr. Manly sighed at the thought of his beautifully manly wife, Jenniman.

"Everyone! Pick a partner!" Mr. Manly exclaimed, stroking his very manly moustache. A partner activity? What kind of partner activity would this be? Well, now that you have an outline of what Mr. Manly is like, you must have an idea on what this PE lesson will be on. "We're going to learn how to ballroom dance!"

Ajax the sexy asshole

The sphinx raised an eyebrow at the huge teacher, to him, Mr. Manly wasn't that impressive, nor was he intimidating. Then again, this is Ajax we're talking about, he's very hard to impress. Running a hand through his silky locks, Ajax quirked an eyebrow at the idea of ballroom dancing. He's had his fair share of dancing, many times when he was younger, his parents would bring him to parties so he had to learn how to dance. In fact, not to brag, Ajax was quite the graceful dancer, he was very nimble and elegant.

Yawning widely, Ajax covered his mouth with his hand and leaned back, glancing around the group of students. He would have to dance with one of these peasants? Great. Shrugging it off, Ajax really didn't care about this, as long as he got his catnip he was fine.
Kima looked at his new teacher and began to nervously blink all his eyes and laugh uncontrollably. He heard no directions being spoken or even notice what everybody was doing. He decided in the end to greet Mr. Manly and held out his hands to shake closing all the eyes on his hand.

(Autocorrect made me a dentist named Liam for a bit)
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Lucien's eyes widened and he took a few steps back, forgetting Tira was standing behind him and he walked into her, "Sorry," he whispered.
She squeaked, feeling Lucien bash into her . Fingers held her forehead as a whimper escaped her lips. DANCING? She almost cried. She had learnt how before, her fathers business parties often included this type of thing, however she was a person who enjoyed preforming. Oh no, she hated it. She'd freeze, cry, then run as far as possible. She had to get out of this. She raised her hand timidly, the occasional shake following her movements. "S-sir..I already k-know how to dance...can't I b-be excused?" She asked.
"But... But..." Metus had always hated dancing. He had seen others do it, and it seemed 'painful' and 'Russian-like'. He would prefer not to, but arguing with this boulder of a man would surely not end well. He simply laid upon the ground, face buried in dirt and whimpering softly.
After a long flight and drive to the school campus, he finally arrives. Being a shy person, he does his best not to attract any unwanted attention while he locates his first class. But it's hard to remain unnoticed when you are new to a school.
((ermagerd guiz earl grey smells AMAZING!! x3))

Mr. Manly

Mr. Manly beamed down at his students, having to strain his neck to look over his bulging pectoral muscles. "Now, everyone must pick a partner of the opposite gender, alright?" the gigantic minotaur chuckled lightly as he reminisced over the first time he took Jenniman to dance at the Mantide Beach. It was wonderful...


The kraken glanced around, not sure what she was supposed to do. The teacher had said to pick a partner of the opposite gender, and Eona thought she was a girl. Wait. She is a girl, right? Quickly checking, Eona nodded in sureness as she agreed that she was a female. I'm a girl. That means I have to find a boy....

Eona wasn't very sure about dancing, but, she would have to try, yes? The kraken really didn't want to get on the bad side of this huge teacher. Skipping over to some random person, Eona took their hand in her own and beamed at them. She was a little excited to learn this dancing, did you have to tackle people?


Ajax stood silently as he examined the female population of the class. Phoenix, dragon, kraken, that weird girl from before... The sphinx was, secretly, a little excited to dance. He actually enjoyed dancing and loved how you could express yourself in both an elegant and fun way.

He folded his arms over his toned chest, although, Mr. Manly's was like a frickin' rock! Ajax rolled his shoulders and walked off to go pick a partner, any partner, really.
Pause. "I suddenly hate my life." She whispered before she spun on her heels, quickly moving as far away as she could. Of course, being Tira she had her head down, her thoughts just a jumble as she was thinking of remarks she could make at that scary teacher. Oh yeah, she could come up with a lot. Smack. She walked into the 'Sphinx dude' as her mind labelled him as she did not know his name, nor had she tried to. "A-ah! The kid I w-wanted to draw!" She exclaimed, pointing at him. She had yet to learn his name since the whole time she as here she just had repeated heart attacks from this nut-case teachers! "I-im sorry..." Sighing softly she rubbed her head, grumbling. Why is it she either walked into people, or had them walk into her. CURSED! "IM CURSED!" She shouted, shocked. Shaking her head quickly she glanced up at the sphinx dude before taking a few steps back.
Metus sat up and looked around. "Who wants to my partner~?!" He called out to the others. He didn't really want a partner to 'dance' with, but hell, he might as well find someone who wants to be his. "Anyone?" He stared at 'Mr. Manly', sad that he would have to dance with someone he may or may not know. He just wished he could fly away... Metus could, but he was pretty sure it was against school policy.
The opposite gender?!? Not only was Nessa going to have to completely make a fool of herself with this dancing with someone, but of course it was going to be a boy who witnessed her mortification.

She sighed and looked around for familiar faces, and not familiar ones, not sure if she wanted to mortify herself in front of someone she knew, or someone she didn't know.
He stands at the edge, observing the other students, but not saying anything to anyone. He quietly thinks to himself. "So many interesting people....."he mutters.
((omg I have the best way to insult a girl for Ajax/Eona... xD Let's use...Eona for this one. > :D ))


The kraken quickly ran up to Nessa and took her hand. "Ness-a! Do you want to be my partner?" Eona beamed brightly at her room mate, feeling very excited to be able to dance with someone. She couldn't wait to get started! What do you have to do first? Tackle them or do you just grab their head and snap it off? The kraken's wild imagination of the time when she terrorized any ship near the Norwegian seas. Good times...

((@Nanashi lolololol I have a very gill-arious idea! xD ))


The sphinx stared at the phoenix, raising an eyebrow at her when she stated she was cursed. "Would you like me to exorcise you?" Ajax folded his arms over his chest once more and waited for the girl's reply. His voice stayed the same the whole time, no emotions were perceived here. Ajax could easily recall when a group of humans brought "cursed" offerings to him, telling him that the "cursed" human needed to be eaten.

((@UnholyRedemption meep))

Mr. Manly

Spotting a student off to the edge, Mr. Manly's heart was suddenly struck with grief. The poor boy was all alone! The gigantic minotaur rushed over the the student and dragged him over to the group, explaining what they were doing.

"Are you okay, little weird loner boy?" Mr. Manly slung the student over his shoulder like a potato sack, every step he took shook the ground, most likely causing an earthquake over in China. "We're learning how to dance, weird boy, so pick a lady and charm her with your moves!"

((@Maxais Inazuma this is for you, bro :3))
He panics when he is picked up by the teacher. "Ah! Put me down!"he cries, trying to worm his way out of your grip. "I...I can't dance....and I don't know anyone.... This is my first day," he says shakily.
"Um, Eona, didn't the teacher say opposite gender? As in, two girls shouldn't dance together, but instead we should find boy partners?" Nessa asked gently, giving her roommate a smile, "This teacher is kind of weird, do we really want to annoy him?" She continued, lowering her voice, the last thing she wanted was for the teacher to hear her, even though he didn't seem too threatening, he did seem rather odd, and quite possibly insane, like the other teachers Nessa had met here.

(@paipai900 should Nessa be scared about this idea? xD )
Tira, although intelligent, could be very idiotic and naive. "E-exorcise me?" She asked, tilting her head softly to the side as she frowned. "E-eh!?" To be honest, she actually believed she was cursed. "Y-you can?" She paused briefly before she spoke. "W-will it get worse? W-what if it kills me?!" She began to panic as she glanced over at Lucien "L-Lucien! I'm c-cursed!" She called out before she felt tears swell up in her eyes. "I-im scared!"

(Does Ajax believe in gods etc?)
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After escaping the teacher's grasp, Maxais looks around at the group of students. He never had to talk to girls before, unless having to tell them he was unavailable at his old school. His shy nature and secluded childhood make it hard for him to interact with other people, especially of the opposite gender.
Lucien sighed heavily, 'I can't believe we're dancing. I mean dancing of all things! I honestly think I'd rather run a track, fall over, split my head open on a rock and let my brain dribble out onto the floor,' he thought to himself,

'Oh dude dancing seems like your sort of girly thing,' his alternate personality thought.
He continues to watch the other students who have partners dance. He is too nervous to talk to anyone. After deciding that he won't find a partner, he makes his way to the edge again, keeping an eye out for the teacher, so he doesn't get in trouble.
((DarkAncient, Metus needs a partner. He's currently on the verge of tears because "dancing is for bad German-hating Communist Frenchies." :D ))

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