Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Reginald beamed a grin at the boy, but not a happy grin, a menacing grin, "If you think I'm a 'meanie' then I can't wait to see you being taught by other teachers," he said, implying there were teachers worse than him.

(Is anyone still doing their test?)
Smack. A ruler hit her in the head, causing her to instantly sit up, tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she glared at him. "What was that for!" She shouted, slamming her hand upon the desk as the other rubbed at the spot that the ruler hit her. "WHAT PERSON THROWS RULERS AT PEOPLE!" She screamed angrily, pointing at him. In her defence, her mood had been horrible all day, since she woke up. She just... supressed it. Grabbing her test she crushed it in her palm before she threw it onto his desk. "THERE!"
Reginald's eyes bounced from person to person his classroom: there was the Nazi boy, two sleepers, a crazy girl panicking over a scratch and this girl throwing a tantrum, he raised himself from his chair and stood above them all. He appeared as if he was going to kill all of them, but he just shook his head, "All you had to do was take a test and then wait for class to end! It's not hard!" He growled,

"A ruler is a somewhat decent punishment compared to what else you're going to get here."

He lowered himself back into his chair with a sigh, and when he spoke, his tone was a calmer tone, "I'm assuming you've all finished your test, that or given up on it, so now you can wait for the last ten minutes before you can go. You may talk. Quietly," he told them. He picked up the crumpled test and threw it off the girl's head at a certain angle so it bounced off her head and landed in the bin.

Lucien watched the test fly from the teacher onto Tira's head and then ricochet into the bin, "You can't deny it, he's got good aim," he said, trying hard to hold back laughter.
She stared, shocked and irritated at the seven foot man. She lost her necklace, woke up looking horrible, her book was missing and class started so she didn't get to finish her lovely breakfast and now there was another teacher. There was no doubt in the fact that Tira was a shy girl, she just had a very bad temper. A 'tch' came from her lips as she took a seat, eyes sending a glare at him. "Useless, brain dead psychopathic teachers...torturing kids...Illegal..." She mumbled, rubbing her head softly as she glanced over the class. Okay, she failed maths and a few other subjects, but she suddenly felt even worse seeing that everyone could complete the test when she did about a half. "I should go complain about you..." The girl whispered as her anger was replaced by a pout. "So mean..." Putting her hand in front of her she watched the feathers upon her wrist that had yet to vanish, not leaving when she took her human form. The faintest trace of red flames flickered around the feathers edges as she yawned.
((At least you didn't wake up covered in slime (COUG EONA COUGH) haha lol))

Eona stared down at the test, clearly very confused with it. The kraken just saw a bunch of lines and circles, she couldn't read one word of it, so, she improvised. Picking up a pencil, Eona began humming a light tune as she scribbled all over the page, making weird drawings of fish and sunsets, well that's what it seemed to be. Scribbled was a perfect word for what the kraken was doing. The page was filled with a bunch of scribbles that looked like a four year old did them, you could just barely see the test underneath it.

Feeling satisfied with her work, Eona beamed brightly as she leaned back in her seat and glanced around the room. There were a few people she hadn't met yet, a bunch actually, she wondered what kind of monster they were. The silence around the classroom began to get a little unnerving, so, once again, Eona improvised. "WHAT IS LOVE?" The kraken blurted out randomly, she had heard someone on thw streets ask this question, but no one answered him, they just stood there in a semi circle, clapping their hands and pointing some high techy things at the man.

((Good morning everyone, well, morning for me :P )) 
((.....is anyone posting...? ^^"))
( Well...I guess I could? ^^'') 
Emotion fuelled flames, it let them be weaker or stronger, cold or hot. Either way, they were dangerous but beautiful, a sight she adored. Watching the feathers she glanced up, instantly feeling her cheeks heat up as she blushed furiously. She shouted in class. Check. She was badly behaved. Check. She was rude and insulted the teacher...even if it was quietly...Check. Instantly it seemed as if someone told the girl the world was going to end. Eyes wide, skin pale and lips parted she gasped. She'd apologize after class, well after she tried to escape from her next lesson anyway. With a tired sight she dropped her head onto the desk with a thud, a seemingly pitiful whine escaping her lips. "Why cant I just burn this psychopathic school down?" She whispered softly, ignoring the red patch of skin that appeared on her head.
((Me too! :D ))

Metus smiled when he heard the question come from Eona. He knew this one! "Baby don't hurt, don't hurt me, no more!" He began singing the song he so faintly remembered. Where had he heard it before? Perhaps in the Fatherland. Or maybe the Global Music Confederation was using high tech laser-rays to blast it into his brain again. Either way, he loved this song, and sang it proudly.

((I made this just for the occasion: https://soundcloud.com/blitzyy/what-is-love))
(Sorry gueys, I've been to a drum clinic about hybrids~)

Reginald watch the two students burst into song, normally he would throw something off of their heads to shut them up, but since there wasn't much lesson left and he didn't have anything else for them he just let them continue.
(hey guys sorry school started again)

Kima looked around the classroom now confused and since it was all he knew to do walked up to the front of the class and sat there on the flat floor with his legs crossed and all his eyes closed. He appeared as though he was sleeping for a moment but every once in a while a single eye would open and his hand would shoot out to grab a floating object sometimes a piece of torn paper and other times even catching flies, though he normally missed those. It seemed as though he was meditating when in reality he was just doing what he always did to entertain himself.
(Still waiting for an opportunity to place my character. I've been stalking this RP for quite a while, actually...!)
[QUOTE="Bagel Meister](Still waiting for an opportunity to place my character. I've been stalking this RP for quite a while, actually...!)

((lol I recommend just popping into class :3))
(I don't know who's doing the PE teacher, but I'm waiting for them to signal the start of PE xD )
(I am just gonna be doing my whole meditating grabbing thing thingy until somebody gives me a good reason to move)
((I think I'm the one doing PE :3))

After many rulers being thrown and pencils being broken, the school bell finally rung throughout the school, signalling to change classes. The usual ring sounded from the PA, alerting that whoever was on the other side was going to speak.

"Class 1-A please proceed to the outdoor track, I repeat, Class 1-A please proceed to the outdoor track." this time the voice was a lot more softer, kind of computer like, than the voice before. Hm, I wonder what kind of teacher you'll have for PE...
Metus shot up from his seat and bolted out the door. He normally liked P.E., since he got to be outside, and for the most part enjoys exercise. "Yay! P.E.!" he shouted as he ran to the outside of the school, and towards the Track. Surely the teacher wouldn't be as bad as Mr. Francey-Pants that liked to throw things at him.
Kima stood up and opened his eyes in unison looking around and people began to walk. He wasn't sure where he was going so he just followed them to the track a little worried about what was about to happen. From what he had seen of the school the idea of PE seemed a bit scary and so he kept himself close to Ajax being that he was the only sort of friend Kima had made. He kept randomly blurting out observations about the area and people as they passed a bad nervous habit of his.
Blake sighed a heavy sigh, 'Great, P.E.' he thought to himself as he stood up to go to P.E. He hated P.E., more than any other lesson simply because he wasn't in the least bit athletic. He dragged his annoyed self along to where ever the rest of his class were going. Hoping they knew what it was they were doing.
Noah hears the announcement for P.E along with joyful cheers and unenthusiastic sighs. Noah gets up and jumps to the roof turning into a spider and crawls out into the hallways following the other monsters. While crawling around the walls and ceiling of the hallway Noah pondered on what activities will be done in P.E. Hopefully it will be more entertaining than math.
Spire drifted leisurely through the walls, wandering aimlessly about the building. She had no need or interest in physical activity, so she gave herself leave of the period to roam freely and familiarize herself with the campus, as she was still fairly new. No one would know it anyway, since she was rarely noticed, being a translucent apparition.

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