Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Lucien watched as the teacher walked over to the late boy and scolded him. She seemed to like the idea of punishing somebody, 'what a weirdo,' Lucien's alternate personality thought.
Noah in his spider form crawls into the classroom from a window. Noah transforms from spider to his human form and sits down into a chair. Hopefully the teacher didn't notice him come in late.
((I'm back everyone! I was touring around and got lost ^^"))

Ajax silently stares at the teacher, looking as blank as a rock. The sphinx stayed quiet for a moment before opening his mouth and introducing himself. "Ajax Sarrok, I am a sphinx and I like the colour razzmatazz." After saying those words, Ajax suddenly felt very proud of himself, that was a lot words for him to say in one sentence! You should be proud for the guy!
Tira wanted to cry, or at least run out of the room. Maybe that was a possibility. She sat up properly, fingers brushing through her hair as she stared at the purple haired woman tiredly, pouting and upset. Sadistic, crazy, nut job , idiotic teachers. Did the woman even have a qualification. Wasn't this math not interrogation? Overloading her own thoughts she gave up, a pitiful whine escaping her lips.

Kiara stared at the kid. 'Communist huh?' The vampire thought, staring lazily at him as she began to pull lazily at the stray hair. "Uh-huh...communist or whatever, as long as it keeps you riled up!~" She purred, giving him a dissmisive wave as she dragged the paper off, dropping it to the floor. "Okay, since times running out and the headmaster will probably be pissed with me if I don't take this seriously!~" She trailed off. "I will put this short. I can't teach math....so...." She paused, staring out the window lazily. "Lets go get the PE teacher or something...Im sure he can teach a proper lesson." She shrugged it off before slamming open the door. "Nice idiot Sphinx." She giggled insanely as she motioned for them to follow. "Im putting you in teams. Team up in groups, four. I want fair teams idiots!" She cheered. Oh, she was just dumping them off on the gym teacher.
"Teams?" Metus perked up at this. He had always loved being a group and working together to achieve a common goal. He smirked, hoping he would get put with people he knew, and not strangers that would possibly test on him. He gasped loudly at the thought, and assumed fetal position in the corner, whimpering about dissection and evil people. "No! Y-You can't do this to me!"
Kima had changed to his Dodomeki form while in class and simply blurted out one of his observations. "You obviously don't like teaching here so why do you do it?" He blinked all of his eyes at once and then scratched his back a bit never really being phased by how rude he could be sometimes. "Wouldn't you be happier just terrorizing people?" He finished speaking and then registered what the teacher had said. "You can't even teach?" He was confused but the idea of teams scared him more. He immediately sort of slid over to Ajax silently being as he was the only person to have really spoken to Kima.
She just laughed, turning back to look at them with a grin. "Oh~ I can teach. I choose not to do it properly!~" She replied, turning on her heels to walk over to them. "Plus, I prefer PE, much better and seeing you kiddies fear, your reluctance to join in....Oh!" She squealed happily, hands resting on her waist. "Make your damn teams, I want to play dodge ball or something...or just fighting....OH, the arena!~"
(Parade raining time! No P.E. yet Muahahaha)

A loud knock on the door rang throughout the whole classroom, then - moments later - the door swung upon. On the other side of the door stood a very tall man. He swooped his head under the door frame to fit inside in which he stood almost seven foot tall, towering over everything in the classroom. His bald head glimmered in the light of the room, but this man was no PE teacher. The teacher glared at all the students down his long pointed nose. He gave off the impression of a classic snob who thought he was better than everybody else. He looked down at the vampire teacher whom he was almost an entire foot taller than, "PE?" he questioned her, as it came clear he somehow heard everything she said,

"These students have not had their maths lesson yet, how can you expect their PE lesson to be ready?" he questioned, but gave her no time to answer. Instead he turned his attention to the current name on the board and with a single cross of his hand with a cloth, the name was gone and he began to write his name on it: Reginald Briggs-Hound Beranabus. Even his name was a snobby name.

After writing his name on the board he turned back around to the students, but before he said anything he waited for the vampire to leave. He stood with his head angled upwards and his hands behind his back, holding his own wrist.
Metus ran over and hugged the tall man. He must be here to save them! "Mein retter (My savior)! Heil Beranabus!" He called out as he once again used the Nazis' salute. He was extremely happy that someone had finally answered his prayers and stopped the spooky evil lady from eating his brains; because that's what teachers do, right?
The purple haired snake shuddered, eyes snapping over to the seven foot man who sent a shiver down her spine. "E-eh...Hello Reginald dear!~" She said with false happiness, slowly inching towards the door. Scary man, that big, looming over people. "O-oh...Y-yeah...Must have made a mistake! Drunk last night you know!" She wasn't. "Anyway!~ Have fun with the class Reginald!" Cooing softly she bolted from the room quickly. She had to sort out her English lesson work anyway.

Tira stared with wide eyes as the psycho teacher left, a smile coming onto her features. "F-finally..." She whispered softly, sighing as she put her hands on her lap. She looked towards the male who ran and hugged the seven foot teacher, a small tilt of her head portraying her confusion. "E-eh?" She whispered, watching the interaction, and the direction that the teacher who ran at the mans very presence left in. "I-im confused..." She put her hand up. "S-sir...who was she?"0
Reginald stared down at the student hugging him and gave a very angered glare to him, "Are you purposely trying to make me angry?" he snarled at the boy, as he spoke a French accent started to become more clear, "Do you have any idea what those damn Nazi's did to the my land! Non: parce que vous sont tres stupide!(please excuse any terrible french :P )" he hissed in his mother tongue.

His attention turned from the disrespectful brat to a girl with her hand up, asking a question. Immediately his tone changed from that of a furious man to that of a calm, civil man, "She is a teacher from another department; I have no idea what she was doing in here," he told her. When he sat down he reached into his drawer, pulled out a ruler and threw it at the disrespectful child, "Sit!" he barked, pointing at the boy's chair.
After a well-earned rest, Umbra finally made his way to class. He wasn't worried about being late, since he was technically excused from classes anyway. He decided to go regardless. He really wanted to learn more.

As he opened the door to the class, Umbra froze. It wasn't the large man that caused this. The person responsible for his fear was the sphinx. He blinked a few times, looking into the room. Slam! Umbra was now outside, leaning against the door. 'I don't wanna die!'
"Hmmm," he walked to his seat and though hard, "no?" Metus wasn't able to recall any bad relations between his homeland and the French; only that they were kind of boring and prissy. Plopping down in the chair, hea realized something. "If you're against the Fatherland you must be an evil Space Soviet!" He got so upset about this, he turned into his true form, shadows slowly engulfing him. Since he was now a shadow, he could become anything as long as he remained dark as night. I'm sure you can guess what he chose -a german officer uniform. "Böse Sowjet! Du hast keine Macht hier!" ('Evil Soviet! You have no power here!')

((Like this: http://theoriens.com/wp-content/uploads/Shadow_People_9.jpg))
Reginald turned his attention the door that had been opened and then slammed shut. He assumed it was a truanting student trying to disrupt a lesson and so he walked over to the door and opened it, not realising someone was leaning against it on the other side.

He saw the rude boy had turned into his true form, something which was against the rules, "Child. You are testing my patience!" he barked, "Return to your human form this instant!"
She nodded, setting her hands in her lap. Another department meant that they would have her eventually if they liked it or not. Sighing she turned her eyes upon the late comer as smile slipped onto her face. This was one of the few times she felt like this place wouldn't be the end of her.
When the door was opened, Unbra fell and hit his head on the hard ground. However, it didn't stop there. He ended up rolling backwards, hitting his was along the way. His journey ended when he hit his head on the window on the other side of the room. 'I should've stayed in my room!'
Metus gave up and returned to his seat, human once again. He simply muttered quietly about something before laying his head down on the desk, disappointed that the man had made him change back into a human. He really enjoyed being a shadow-demon-thing. It was much funner that way.
Tira watched Umbra cautiously before she slid out of her seat, quickly running over to him. Crouching down she looked at the fallen boy worriedly. "U-umbra, are you okay?" She asked quietly, her voice but a bare whisper drowned by the sounds around the classroom.
Noah watches as the other student goes tumbling across the room. He grew frustrated as the class became more chaotic. Noah raises his hand. "With all due respect Mr. Reginald, I would like to continue with this class agenda and learn something."
"P-Probably." Umbra really didn't know anything at the current moment. Maybe he would know when his head wasn't pounding.

He made his way to the desks and took the seat farthest away from Ajax. He did not want to face that guy's wrath...again. Hopefully he didn't mention the fight to anyone. It would be troublesome for the boh of them.
Kima starred at the new teacher but kept his mouth shut trying to stay close to Ajax without being awkward. "I wonder what is going to happen now." His eyes began to blink out of unison a sign of slight nervousness. "Are we going to do anything dangerous?" The body language of everyone around him was confusing and different.
She nodded, walking over towards her seat sat back down, looking lazily at the surface of her desk. She was tired. Resting her arms upon the surface she set her head upon the folded limbs, looking with dazed eyes at the teacher before she shut them, a soft but quiet groan passing her lips. "Sleepy..."
Reginald looked at the boy that fell through the door in surprise, then shook his head and forgot about it,

"Well since this is your first lesson, I'm going to need to find out your skill level before we can continue and since I have not been supplied with any previous grades you may have received from any other school you may have been to; I am forced to give you a test," he informed the class. Reaching into his drawer and pulling out test papers. The papers were quite large as they had to test a lot of sections of mathematics. The teacher walked around the room, dropping a test on every student's desk, "I sure hope you brought pens and pencils," Reginald informed them,

"Any other equipment will be provided to you, don't worry."

After giving out the tests, Reginald walked over to a cabinet and retrieved the other equipment needed for a test and placed it on the students desks, "You may begin," he told them as he sat back down, scanning the students.

Lucien looked at the test in front of him, he was hoping for a real lesson and now he had one. He pulled the pen and pencil out from his pockets and placed them on the desk, then opened his test. He began to work through the questions with ease, 'Oh look, Lucien's in geek mode,' his alternate personality thought.

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