Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Nessa heard the announcement and decided to find the class, she was nervous about this class, as it was only their second, and she had no idea what they would be teaching her, but she reassured herself by thinking what's the worst that could happen?

Oh, right, we could all be made to transform. Or worse.... yeah, a lot of bad things could happen. Okay, now shut up inner-Nessa, you're being anti-reassuring. Nessa thought as she headed towards the classrooms.
Hearing the announcement, Eona freaked out, trying to figure out where the voices were coming from. "IT'S THE RUSSIANS!!" the kraken shrieked as she ducked down under the table to avoid the imaginary missiles raining from the sky. Looks like her overactive imagination is going wild again.

Eona curled up into a little ball, holding another dead fish in her hands, threatening to hit people with it. "FEAR MY DEADLY FISHINESS!!" the kraken yelled through the cafe, a very serious expression on her face. It would be funny if a kraken wasn't trying o hit people with a raw dead tilapia.
Lucien shook his head at Tira, "I think we have different teachers for lessons," he said, although he wasn't certain.

He looked back and saw that Raven looked confused and lost, "One moment," he told Tira and went over to Raven, "Hey, why not follow us?" he suggested, although he himself wasn't sure what room they were going to. He did have a timetable in his pocket though and he read the room name to be 2-b. (There it is, the new infamous room name for anyone else with a time table :D )
Her lip trembled softly before she nodded, hands resting in front of her. "O-okay...To c-class 2b..." She whined softly, a darker aura making its way over her as she sighed. "L-Lucian, Can I sit next to you?" She asked quietly, eyes still moving across the halls. "And R-raven." She nodded. More people, less reason to be scared...right?
Lucien nodded, "Sure, unless the teacher has some seating plan, I don't see no reason why not to," he told her, 'Oh hey Lucien look at this, you're making friends and you're not shy anymore. I must say I'm impressed. I thought you'd be friendless and lonely like usual here,' the alternate personality remarked in their head.
Nessa walked into the classroom and noticed some empty seats in the back row - far away from where the teacher would be standing.

She made a beeline for the seats, sitting in a corner of the room, where hopefully no one would sit close to her.
She nodded, a small smile coming to her face as she glanced over to Raven. "W-we should hurry." She nodded, before opened the door to the room, entering the 2-b class with her head lowered, unconscious of course and a pout on her lips. Stupid school. 'I wonder if I could burn it down.....' She thought, a small grin coming to her lips as she went and took a seat.
( xD )

Raven turned to Lucien. "Okaaaaiii..." Raven skidded off to 2-b. Ehh.. She was actually worried this time! Interesting indeed. Raven ran into the classroom and sat in a random chair, and waited for class to start.
Lucien walked in the room and sat down next to Raven and Tira, "I wonder who our teacher will be?" he asked himself.

A long line of cyclops guards marched in, carrying a shrine on their shoulders. Guess who wasin the fancy, golden, shiny shrine? Ajax the Asshole. Laying behind a thin purple curtain, the sphinx sat in a very comfy position on top of multiple blankets and pillows. Next to Ajax were a few very beautifu women, two were fanning him with fans and the other was feeding the sphinx grapes. A very bored expression was on Ajax's face as the cyclops laid the shrine down on the ground and stormed out of the room with angry facial expression.
Tira watched the sphinx enter, her head tilted to the side as she watched. A shrine? Fans? Grapes? She paused as she gasped, only for her eyes to light up happily, a smile on her face. Drawing. She had already collected a list now. She wanted to draw the Kraken girl, Lucians flames and this Sphinx dude as he was now dubbed in her mind.

Bam. Red eyes peered from under lush purple lashes, hair pulled into a messy bun with the occasional few strands falling to fan the pale face. Lips, painted a ruby red that could be presented as blood stains in the right light. The woman's figure was curvy, her clothes revealing as she stepped into the room, her tongue gently lapping up the blood that coated her claw like nails, fangs bared as she grinned at them all. "Cute~" She purred as she glanced to the Sphinx. "Sit. Now." She demanded, hand resting upon her hip as she walked towards her desk, falling against it as she sat upon its surface. "Okay! Listen up you precious little gems~" The vampires tone was dark, eyes looking upon them each lazily. "You will listen, or I will be having another meal, got it?" Ignoring whatever they said she turned to point at the board. "I am Kiara DeVille." She stated, arms folded under her bust. "Nice to meetcha brats~" She paused, laughing softly. "Now, stand up and introduce yourself...I need to know about my next vic- I mean students~" She purred happily.
Lucien looked around, waiting for someone else to make an introduction before he did. He didn't want to be the first one to stand up in front of the teacher. The teacher seemed very strange, 'Woah.. look at her.. Just wow,' Lucien's alternate personality thought,

'That's our teacher. Weirdo,' Lucien thought back.
"Err..." Raven waited as well. She liked to be last during introductions and such. But oh well... She's still not going to go third or seventh or whatever's next. She's not going. Why are we even still talking about this? Oh well! Just wait...
Tira cowered as she fell further into her seat, eyes ablaze with fear as she wrapped her arms around her stomach. "So dead..." She whispered softly, the frown on her lips growing bigger before she let her head slip onto the desk with a thud.

Kiara laughed. She full blown laughed at the silence her 'class' adorned before she clutched her slim stomach, the black velvet of her suit ruffling between her fingers. "Hahaha! You wimps! Gutless, thoughtless!" She couldn't help but continue to laugh, letting the sound slowly die down to a muffle. "W-well~" She paused, glancing over towards the class as her grin became dark, fingers running down her cheek as a blush formed upon her features, the awaiting torture making her grin. "I said, Introduce yourself. I want to know everything~ Fears...skills..." She grinned, pointing towards the sphinx boy. "As you stood in the middle of my class with some slave girls you will go first!~ Fears, skills, name, wish and so on kid~!"
Kima shrugged off Ajax's silence and began to talk again. He found it nice to be able to speak and be listened to. "Another nice change I find with a human body is the ability to mate. My species reproduces by ripping out one of their eyes and phasing it into an eye in their mates I believe on humans it is the stomach area. The child then explodes out of the chosen eye before regeneration occurs. I am assured that my birth was a bloody process." Unfortunately for Kima when he started talking it just didn't stop.

(I hope that was funny because otherwise it could just be horrifying)
((Okie guys, what happened lately? I got back and had at least 20 alerts. And we're on page 70, so thats cool.))
( Okay! As I have finally returned I will tell you, although I've missed a lot. For now, ignore what you missed and go to class, you currently have math in room 2-b. Kiara DeVille is your teacher. Hurry to class xD . Ignore me. Anyway, to join in with it overall just go to the classroom.)
Running through the hallways to make it in the class (late, as usual). Kicking open the classroom door for dramatic effect, Metus waved to the teacher with a smug grin on his face. "Maybe if I act nonchalant, the evil Russian teacher-robot won't notice I'm late..." He sat in his seat and pulled out a piece of paper, doodling pictures of animals and such.
Kaira looked at Metus, then looking down to her clip board with a tilt of her head. She had no info on him. The sadistic vampire gave a soft pur as she walked over to the guy, the grin on her lips savage as she leaned down to face the seated boy. "Why are you late brat?~" She asked, giggling slightly. "Maybe I should punish you?~" She seemed estatic at that idea. She took the paper, glancing to it curiously before she turned on her heels, walking over to the board where she pinned it up.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you," he called out to her as she put his beloved drawing on the board, "'cause... you're a Communist!" Metus pointed at her and began shouting curses in the German; calming down after around 5 minutes of hateful yelling, and putt his head on the desk. The Soviets were really getting to him, and he was about to just give up and accept his fate as food for the Commununist Robot-pigs from the Soviet Republic of Mars.

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