Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

She perked up when he placed the test in front of her, eyes wide as she pouted. She was a child who loved literature, medicine and healing and art. Maths and geography...She hated. Her skin seemed to go pale as she pulled her pencil out, setting her arms either side of the desk as she stared. "O-oh no..." She whispered. She shook her head, leaning down as she began her test, trying to attempt the questions given to her.
Umbra groaned when the test placed in front of him. He had never been to school before, he only read books. He had no idea what to expect. He looked down at the thing and read the first question. 'I know that one...And that one....That one too...' This test was surprisingly easy. He completely forgotten that he read textbooks in the past. He eventually answered the last question and raised his hand to signal that he was finished.
Noah pulls out a pencil from backpack and begins to take the test. After a while he notices the student who rolled into classroom raise his hand. Noah was quite impressed that he finished so quickly.
Metus grabbed a broken half-pencil from his pocket. Tests were not his forte, and he was sure he would fail. Not that it mattered, anyways, he was willing to stay at the school for a few hundred more years. He began scribbling random nonsense, and in minutes he was finished. "Herr Reginald! I am finished!" He called out to the teacher that handed the paperwork to him.
She sighed, finishing around three quarters of her test as she put her pencil down, setting her head in her hands as she groaned. Useless academic work. Wouldn't drawing and science just do? Maybe Literacy, English, whatever it was called. A pout came to her lips as she just turned to look towards the window.
Reginald looked up at the boy who was signalling he had finished, "Just bring it up, boy," he told him and placed his hand on the desk to show where to put his finished test. He then heard the rude child announce he was finished and gave him the same notion on patting the desk. Although he wasn't expecting anything good from that child.

Lucien saw two people had finished before him and was impressed at their speed, 'But have they got them all right?' he thought to himself as he neared the final page. The last question was completed with ease. He stood up and placed the completed test on the desk, 'nerd,' his alternate personality scoffed in their mind.
Umbra placed the test on the desk and walked back to his seat. He set his head down, hoping to get to of the pounding in his head. He was surprised he hadn't got a concussion by now. He seemed to be a walking target for everything weird in this school.
Metus tossed the paper onto the desk and walked back to his seat, glad to not have any more work. Tests were completely unreasonable things made by the evil Russian-French Association, obviously. He laid his head down once again, and slowly drifted off into the sweet embrace of sleep.
Kima sighed and shut all but his face eye and began to work the test with ease. It was easy for him due to the fact when he got bored at home he read multiple books at once but he was taking his time to think it over. When he finished he walked up to the teacher and put the paper down on the desk with a sigh. He gave the teacher a slight nod hopping not to be judged for his looks.
Reginald looked up at the boy who gave him a nod seemingly from nowhere and nodded back, although he wasn't sure why he nodded. When he was looking up he saw two boys with their eyes closed and a girl not concentrating on her test. He reached into his drawer, pulled out three rulers and threw one at each of the students heads.

Lucien watched as the rulers flew into people's heads and was amazed by the teachers accuracy, 'do you think he's a knife thrower or something?' he thought to himself and his alternate personality.
Noah finishes his test as he hears rulers hit students heads. He picks up his paper on puts it on the teacher's test. After walking back to his desk Noah pulled out a journal and began drawing in it waiting for others to finish.
((I'm back everyone! I think I may puke from seasickness though...I need to do Eona's late class thing))

Huff huff huff huff!

A young woman ran as fast as she could without tripping over her two legs, which wasn't that fast. Her legs were covered with scratches and bruises from her little accidents trying to get to class, Eona was 34 minutes late, the kraken had gotten lost three times trying to find the classroom. Maybe I should tell you that giant squids aren't very fast on land, if you glanced at Eona you would think she was running in slow motion when she's really sprinting as fast as she can! The woman's chest heaved as she tried to read the numbers of each room, her head hurting from all the concentration she was doing to try and read a few numbers.

Crashing over a random door, Eona fell over in front of the whole class, feeling very light headed. "I'm," huff "Very," huff "Sorry," huff "For being late!" The kraken blurted out, flopping limply onto the ground. She hated running! It was so hard to move each leg properly! Is it left or right? Or right and left? Eona didn't know! It was so difficult! Swimming with eight tentacles is much easier...too bad Eona has a slight fear of large bodies of water, scratch that, the kraken had a fear of drowning.
Kima looked at the girl that had burst through the door and noticed all the injuries on her legs. He immediately walked up to her and popping out one of his eyes and pulled out some bandages wrapping her legs with them and then returning to his desk. "You should really learn to walk miss you seem to have fallen quite a bit on the way here." He popped the eye back into it's socket with seemingly no pain and leaned back against his chair sighing.
Reginald watched as a girl burst through his door seemingly very out of breath, "If you can give me a good reason, you will be excused," he told her, listening to whatever excuse she might come up with.
Eona watched curiously as the monster wrapped a white string thingy around her legs, telling her that she should learn how to walk. As her breath evened out, the kraken blushed a bright pink at the other monster's words, running was hard, but walking was also quite the challenge.

The kraken's eyes snapped up to stare at her new math teacher, feeling a little gillty when he asked her for an excuse. Eona didn't really think she had a good excuse, she was late because she got lost, and got lost because she couldn't read! Plus her terrible sense of direction to. Eona quickly flashed a grateful look at the monster that bandaged up her legs as she struggled to push herself up.

"I don't have an excuse, sir. I am very sorry, I will try my best for it not to happen again." Eona bowed her head in shame, feeling truly sorry for being late and interrupting the lesson. The kraken began to squirm a little under the teacher's hard stare. Looking intently at the ground like it had all the answers in the universe, Eona did her best not to anger the man even more.
"N-No! It was, um," Metus didn't want the teacher to be angry with Eona, and came up with the best excuse he could think of quickly, "it was my fault she was late!" he shouted out, hoping Reginald would believe it. "I had to take her to the nurse because a large Russian monster-guy tried to beat her up! He gotta punch on her, then I took care of him!" Metus looked to the late kraken and winked, hoping she would go along with the story. "She was probably just too embarrassed to say it right now. And that's why I was late before too."
Reginald took note of the girl's lack of excuse and reached into his drawer. He grabbed one of the many rulers in that drawer and threw it off the girl's head, "Don't be late again," he warned, and motioned for her to sit in a seat. As he threw the ruler he heard the crazy boy call up about a large Russian monster, for some reason he didn't believe him and gave the girl a questioning look, he was going to ask the girl, but instead he pulled out his mobile phone and checked for any texts from the nurse, "Menteur! Don't lie to me boy," he hissed, throwing a ruler off his head too.
Kima suppressed a laugh at seeing all the people being hit with rulers. "You have great aim sir." He chuckled a little under his breath and shook his head. He pulled a piece of paper out of his desk and began to doodle aimlessly showing pretty good skills with a pencil but he wasn't paying much attention to his drawing.
The ruler hit Eona right in the forehead, causing the kraken to snap her head back as it happened. A little scratch was left behind from the ruler. Eona reached up and rubbed her forehead, a little frown on her face as she did so. "Owch..!" The kraken trudged over to a random seat, placing her butt on the chair while still rubbing her forehead. A few seconds later, Eona emitted a high pitch scream.

"SCRATCH!!" the kraken's eyes widened in horror as she felt the scratch, trying to rub it off. "I'M INFECTED! I'M INFECTED!" Eona began to panic, repeatedly hitting her head on the desk, creating a large bruse on top of that scratch. "I'M DOOMED!!"
Reginald glared at the girl causing a fuss, "Quiet girl! A scratch will do you no harm," he snapped, refraining from throwing another ruler and giving the girl something else to flop about over. He grabbed another test and the set of equipment and placed it on the girl's desk.
Metus noticed Eona's frightened yells and began freaking out himself. "What do you mean a scratch can't hurt?!" he yelled at the ruler-throwing teacher, "YOU'VE DOOMED US ALL, HERR FRENCH-MAN! YOU HEAR ME, DOOOOOOMED!"
Kima began to laugh loudly at the other students their reaction to something he had assessed as quite harmless causing him to chuckle. He laughed loudly and the pupils of his eyes began to spin a sign he was enjoying himself.
Reginald put a hand to his head and sighed at the idiot boy, clearly the ruler wasn't enough of a message for him so he grabbed a sphere from the box of three dimensional shapes which he got wity the excuse of giving a visual demonstration of the shape, but he really used it to throw off student's heads. He threw the sphere at the boy and it smacked right I'm the centre of his forehead, "Silence. Idiot," he warned. Wondering what else he would have to throw off that boy.
Metus put his head in his arms and whimpered slightly. The sphere had hurt more than he thought it would; like a baseball to the face. "You're a meanie!" He cried out loudly, a sad look on his face.

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