Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

((:'D finally posting haha))

Shou had heard the announcement, sighed, and started walking to the gym.

"I hope they don't make us run 500 laps. It's already bad enough that I'm a giant dog-god that runs through many mountains. Plus, I'll reek of wet dog because of all the sweating..."

As he was walking through the halls in a steady, slow pace, he observed other students. He saw many traditional monsters: vampires, werewolves, ghosts and what not. He wondered if there would be any youkai students in this school. He would hate to be stuck with a bunch of blood-sucking freaks.
((I shall say hello because you know what I am sort of alone here))

Kima noticed a student walking on his own and groaning about something like laps. He walked over to him and blinked all of his hundred eyes waving at the boy. He took a moment to examine the boys face with the eye in the palm of his hand. "Are you by chance an Inugami?" He laughed a bit and circled the boy clapping his hands. "Another youkai! Hi I'm Kima a Dodomeki." He held his hand out to shake closing all the eyes on his hand so that he wouldn't get hurt.
(um let's just pretend Nessa was with the class all along, OK? WE WILL NEVER SPEAK OF HER ABSENCE!)

Nessa followed the rest of her class, hoping they were all going the right way and knew more about this outdoor track than she did.

She was not looking forward to whatever this outdoor track held, she assumed it would be something athletic, and she was not a good athlete. Oh well, maybe this time the teacher won't be insane, it might actually turn out kinda fun, especially if some of my friends are there and the class isn't too bad.

The kraken frowned at the thought of PE, what was PE anyway? Eona began to wonder what it stood for, did it mean "Penguin Elevators" or perhaps "Porridge Elmo"? There were so many possibilities! Now, if Eona knew what PE stood for, she would most likely be sweating like a pig about to be slaughtered. Squids never were very fast on land, and as what happened before, Eona still had to get a proper hang of walking.

Eona just blindly followed the other students down to the track, pondering upon what kind of teacher they would receive today. I hope they're not as strict as Mr. Bald Head.
Spire appeared standing in the halls, a shadow falling across her face and mystic blue vapors drifting from the ends of her hair. She stood almost pressed up against the wall, invisible to the unprivileged living as she watched from under a veil of hair, listening in utter silence to those who lagged behind.
((*COUGH* CREEPY *COUGH* xD lol jk))

Ajax the Asshole

The sphinx raised an eyebrow at the word PE, he was much too lazy to have to run around for mere peasants. Sighing, Ajax got up from his shrine and left the girls as they stared at the sphinx in confusion as he left with the other students. Is this the school experience? Ajax pondered to himself as he entered the outdoor field.

The track was obvious very maintained and everything was in perfect order, Ajax thought that it was somewhat satisfactory. Stretching his lean body, the sphinx felt his lips twitch into a smile as he felt the sun beam down on him.
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Noah notices the dodomeki talking to another student and crawls above them. peering with his eight eyes Noah listens into their conversation while he analyzes the other student. Another youkai? how fascinating to find more japanese oriented demons at the school.
(I'm sorry to be the ass who points out typos but the fact that you accidentally had your sphinx character say run around for mere pheasants is just hilarious)
DarkAncient said:
(I'm sorry to be the ass who points out typos but the fact that you accidentally had your sphinx character say run around for mere pheasants is just hilarious)
{Maybe he's delusional and thinks the teachers are birds. :b }
[QUOTE="DarkAncient post: 488228](I'm sorry to be the ass who points out typos but the fact that you accidentally had your sphinx character say run around for mere pheasants is just hilarious)

((BLARGH I HATE AUTOCORRECT!! >:( STUPID BIRDS...sighh you don't know how many times that has happened to me. ^^")) 
((Actually...I'm going to start making him insult people with BIRD PUNS!! :D ))
((YAY PUNS! I'ma do it tooooo~!))

"Sure seems like everybody's Russian." Metus thought aloud as he ran over to the the outdoor track. Dang Communist Russian Spaceships... He looked around trying to find the teacher. Maybe he/she wasn't here yet? "Iran all the way over here for nothing?" He noticed the other students standing nearby as well. Perhaps they came here hoping they'd be Havana good time as well in P.E., as the intercom had told them Togo to the track. Metus hoped they had been Syria-s and that the Teacher would soon be here.

(( :D ))
((You're a little too much like my dad, Blitzy. O.o ))

Spire hovered through the wall, bumping into it slightly as her stuffed panda that she clutched tightly refused to pass through. Soundlessly, as if she were only calm air, she floated in place with her knees bent at an angle, watching the gathering group impassively from behind.
((Everyone meet your new PE teacher, Mr. Manly.))

The ground began to shake as something large and heavy started running towards the students. Every step this person - if it's even a person - took seemed like an earthquake had happened! The figure began to become more clear as you could see glistening bulging muscles that screamed MANLY. Was this your new PE teacher? Okay, remember the size of your first teacher here at Ishika High? That minotaur was huge! Your PE teacher was also a minotaur, now multiply the other minotaur's height by two and you have the size of Mr. manly.

Mr. Manly was, well, very manly. With a shiny bald head and an awesime my styled mustache, everything about this teacher was so manly! Even his wife's name was manly! Her name was Jenniman!

"Good morning, little manly-taurs!" The PE teacher bemed brightly at his students, towering over them all completely. This man was quite the bodybuilder alright, his muscles seemed to be bulging out of his body! Let's hope he doesn't snap you into little pieces with his pinky. "My name is Mr. manly! And I'm here today yo teach you on how to be a man!" Mr. Manly's voice was very deep to, it could shake the trees with even a whisper. This minotaur was very very very manly.
Dark lines wavered over Spire's face, and she shook her head incredulously, puffing out a short, foggy breath of air. Quickly loosing interest in the class all-together, she faded into the shadows of the sparse undergrowth, tipping her hat up with a finger.
((Hey guiz I gotta go to work. Seeya later where I'll have some jokes for you pun-Hungary people.))
( Time difference is why.)

Tira followed the class out, albeit she hid behind most of them. Regardless, she stood at the track in her gym uniform, having pulled up her hair into a ponytail as she hid behind some of the taller students. She was in pain! She had experienced so much horror today that it was making her nearly scream. However, having believed it was over made it work. This...'manly' teacher came along. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" She screamed, rushing behind the Kraken girl. "It burns.." She whined crouching down as she hid. Comically, she paused when he said he would teach them to be mainly. She stood up, still behind the Kraken, as she raised her hand. "Im a female, not a man so I don't want to be manly..." She whispered quietly, still shaken from this....Minotaur's arrival. Seriously...what the hell was he!
Spire's eyes glowed faintly from the bushes, perforating the fabric of the mortal world. The eyes were the only things visible of her, pupil-less and emotionless, scanning the social crowd. Of course, she felt somewhat insecure, dubious that she would be fully accepted. She didn't want to come out of her own secluded world, she didn't want to speak directly to anyone, but it was inevitable that she would have to at some point, since that's the way school seemed to work. A thin veil of mist passing over her face, she shrunk back into the shadows, rustling the leaves of the bush only as lightly as the touch of the breeze.
Lucien watched the huge man as he walked over. He didn't seem like a laid back P.E. teacher, he seemed like somebody who was really going to push his students and make them work hard. This lesson was going to be a nightmare for Lucien, 'I'm amazed you're not fat,' Lucien's alternate personality scoffed in his mind.

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