Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

( Do a summary of it, I want to harass your character >_> <_< ) 
(Tell me what he's doing now so I can join ; n; the others aren't online so Imma bug Lucian.)
(lulwut.. Erm well NashNash decided Lucien and Raven are having 50 kids and then people have been talking and stuff, we hit 600 posts, a very womanly teacher has been introduced, Blitzy did an amazing cover of 99 red balloons, then lots of ooc talking, Lucien's alternate personality might have offended hipsters and MySpace users, and then you asked what you missed and then I told you by writing this and then I clicked the post reply button after putting a bracket in like this)
(sitting in the restaurant with Raven~

And when more people get on I'm gonna send them to a lesson... well someone from the council is xD )
(o-O I wonder what Raven should do.... > :D )

"Yes... W.T.F." She said. "You know what it means, Lucien..." Raven glanced at the clock, crackled her jaw, popped her knuckles and waited. Heh, who would crack their jaw, pop their knuckles, and then wait? I mean... W.T.F? Who is she even waiting for? No one, apparently.

But seriously, W.T.F.
(I guess watch Lucien get harassed xD )

Lucien nodded, "Yeah I know what it means; just I don't often see people use it in real life," he said and watched her crack her jaw and pop her knuckles and look at the clock, "You waiting for something?" he asked her.
Bam. The door to the restaurant was thrown open with a growl. Oh, the Phoenix girl was irritated and it caused her personality to just switch. She was hungry, and had yet to find the food she liked. Flames seemed to trickle into existence around her hands as she stormed inside, although she entered overly dramatically she hadn't created to much of a commotion. She looked around before she noticed Lucian, making her tilt her head. Currently, he was the only one she knew here and if she went and spoke to someone she didn't know she would end up stuttering to a point her words were barely able to be understood. Walking over quietly she tapped the elemental on the shoulder, letting the smoke wrap around her arms as its pervious flicker of fire died out. "L-Lucius...Can I sit w-with you?"
Lucien jumped slightly from someone tapping him on the shoulder, then relaxed when he turned around and saw his roommate who was asking to sit with them, "Sure, I don't see why not," he said with a smile, hoping Raven wouldn't mind the extra company.
"Yaaay... More people..." She whispered to herself, ignoring Lucian's question and watched the other girl curiously and cautiously. Raven had decided to put on her headphones just in case if she were to attack viciously. Another Man vs. Wild? Nope.
Sitting down she just glanced at the floor, eyes glancing between the two. "S-sorry I've b-been absent...I w-wasn't feeling w-well." She replied quietly, glancing over at Lucian before looking over to the girl. Who was she? Being the anti-social girl she was she just stared curiously at her, not a work spoken from her lips before she blushed and bowed her head. "S-sorry for interrupting...Lucian I-is the only one I know here..." She paused. "I'm Tira, n-nice to meet you."
Lucien looked at Tira and smiled sympathetically, "It's alright, you haven't really missed much," he told her. 'Hey,' Lucien's alternate personality thought, 'How does it feel to be sitting with two girls? Is this he first time you've sat next to a girl that isn't your mum?'
"Hi... I'm Raven..." This Tira girl seemed okay. Well, Raven wasn't used to having so many friends. Well... She only has two now, so, really, she doesn't have that much friends. And sorta glad that she doesn't have a roommate just yet.
A smile came to her lips as she nodded to Lucian, glancing back to Raven softly. Having ordered the same thing repeatedly, to her room or directly she received a plate of sushi. Eyes seeming to light up as she stared happily at the small food settled on a porcelain plate. She loved fish after all, something she found so hard to hide or deny. Grabbing her chopsticks she picked one up, popping it into her mouth as she grinned. Pausing once she had swallowed she turned back to Lucian. "What lessons d-do we have ?"
Hearing about spicy food, Ajax's lips twitched ever so slightly as a little smile flashed on his face. Although Ajax wasn't one for spicy food, it did remind him of a lot of things, mainly gold because spices and gold, the sphinx did love his gold, almost as much as a leprechaun. Or aybe Ajsx just liked to be worshipped and brought offerings.

Raising an eyebrow at the question, Ajax frowned in slight confusion, is this a question of someone's wellbeing? The sphinx was rarely asked this question, most of the women in his harem only spoke adoring things, and the humans rarely said anything that opposed him - or else they're dead - there it was again, another interesting change.
((Okay everyone CLASS TIME!!))

"Okay, little punks! Get to class!" A voice rang through the PA, it's voice low and very manly. "Or else our cyclops security will eat you in your sleep!" I guess that meant it's class time. Or else.
Hearing the announcement, Lucien stood up and looked at his friends, "Come on, let's go," he said and began to make his way to the classroom,

(Is it the same classroom as last time pai?)
A small squeak came from the lips of the phoenix as she shuddered, standing up. She felt tears form in the brim of her eyes. "I D-don't want to get I-in trouble...or be eaten by a Cyclopes." She nodded to Lucius before following after him.
Lucien turned to Tira and noticed the tears forming in her eyes. He gave a smile, "Are you okay?" he asked her.
She shook her head, eyes staring ahead. "I d-don't want to see t-that evil man again!" She whispered harshly, literally shivering now. "He w-will kill us..." She sobbed softly, seeming to pout at the fact she would possibly see that man once more.
"Oh boy..." Raven said, walking away silently to her class. Wait, which class? Raven didn't know her first class! Oh nelly. And her comes another episode of Man vs. Wild...

'The beastly creature is confused? What might it be thinking?

WHERE THE HELL ARE MY CLASSES?! Is what she may be thinking...'

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