Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"Yeah. I even scare myself sometimes. Foxfire always freaks me out when I use it. I always think I'm gonna burn myself. But I'm practically fireproof..."he sighs then. "I wish they didn't get so scared. One kid records my transformation, shows it to everyone, then suddenly they all wish I'd disappear..."
"Hey, we both can do things with fire! That's awesome, we can be like firebuddies! we have something in common!" Nessa cried, then realized she was talking loud when people turned to look at her and blushed for the umpteenth time that lesson and quieted down.

"People, especially humans, especially the one who recorded your transformation, are mean. That's one of the reasons why I don't like a large percentage of them." Nessa said, although as she said this, she wasn't thinking of a large percentage of people she disliked, she was thinking of one person in particular. 
(blitzy you just made me lol so hard xD I second this shipping, we must create a name for it! xD WAIT THERE IS A TRUE SHIPPING METUS AND EONA)
"Haha yeah! Fire elementals rock!"he says, laughing before getting a bit serious. "I grew up with dispicable humans...hell I'm the child of one. He never really cared about me."he says angrily, a fiery hatred burning in his eyes. It's pretty obvious I didn't have the best childhood.
((Buuuuut Metus thinks loooooooooooooove for Communist Cyborg Killers from the United League of Villians that eat children! They inject people with rat poison and bleach and that's how babies are made!))
((Mr. Manly's married...to a very manly wife by the name of Jenniman.. xD and Eona's as innocent as a lamb.))


The sphinx dipped Kima once more and stared into his many eyes, pausing there for a moment. Parting his mouth ever so slightly, Ajax pondered upon why he was freezing anyway. Was there a mystic being by the name of paipai900 controlling him? No. Of course not..

Kima let his body shift to his human form and looked at Ajax confused for a second. Why had he stopped dancing and why was he starring at him. It wasn't a natural response like most of what Kima did but slowly he kissed Ajax and then backed up a bit the full knowledge of what he had done hitting him. "Oh I, I'm sorry that was, wrong of me?" He wasn't really sure why he was apologizing or if he needed to but it felt more natural to say it just in case.

(I have done it!)
(Sorry for my momentary absence, a giant ant crawled on my laptop and a freakout ensued, and ooh, yay, the Kimjax kiss!! FINALLY!! Oh, and sorry for Nessa's grimness in this post!)

For some reason Nessa decided to, in a dash of bravery quite unlike her, tell this boy something she had never told anyone else she knew at this school - or, for that matter, anyone outside it. While they were on the subject of despicable people. Nessa had one in particular she knew belonged on this list.

"I know a lot about despicable people. One murdered my brother." She whispered, sure she wasn't talking loud from happiness this time, the notions of firebuddies gone from her mind as it filled with nothing but hatred and darkness, something that didn't happen much with Nessa - she often focused on things good and happy, trying not to focus on the bad, even after her brother's death, but she couldn't help it as her eyes darkened and she resisted the urge to curl her hand into a fist, only because she was currently dancing.
((SO GRIM NASHI :o anyways, I'ma explain Metus' COMPLETE PAAAAAAST SOOOOON! It's gonna be amazing, and Major Mustard is there, and stuff, and evil baby-killing Russian robot prototypes! And German stuff! :D ))
((and so, cue sexy music ;D))


The sphinx raised an eyebrow when Kima had apologized, not seeing much problem with the kiss. "Why are you apologizing...?" Ajax raised Kima back up and leaned in closer to the oni, their lips only a few centimetres apart. Being able to feel each other's breaths, Ajax smirked in a very seductive way before parting Kima's lips with his own and connecting them.

Placing his hand against Kima's lower back, Ajax let his eyes shut close as his other hand trailed down the oni's spine softly. Okay, let's admit it now. Ajax has kissed many guys as much as women, his harem back home was gigantic so the sphinx was quite skilled in the art of physical romance. If you know what I mean...
"Damn....I'm sorry to hear that, and for your loss. It must have been hard."he says with compassion. He can sense the anger and hatred she feels, thanks to his animal senses. "I'm glad you told me that...you....aren't mad that I'm part human...right? I'd hate to make you angry..."he says quietly, his arm around your waist pulling you a bit closer in a comforting embrace while we continue to dance.

(Eck! Thats pretty gross)
Kima let Ajax lead him in this sense never having really had much physical contact with others he was a little new to it all. He closed his eyes but his face burned bright red and he might have accidentally squealed a bit but it was hard to remember. The moment felt so blurred in his mind so many thoughts and so many things happening to him all at once. He knew that his face was probably burning hot by this point and redder than fire but he didn't care he figured it would stop eventually, right?
((Then again, we gotta keep this PG-13, guys :3))


Smirking against Kima's lips, Ajax pulled the other monster towards him, pressing their bodies together. To be honest, the sphinx was enjoying this quite well, Kima had a taste like no other, and Ajax seemed to like it.

Suddenly remembering they were in public, Ajax began slowly moving towards a wall, pushing Kima against it. Their lips began to move in sync as Ajax forced his tongue into Kima's mouth and skilfully began poking around the new area. Their saliva began to mix as Ajax wrapped his tongue around Kima's, gesturing for him to follow his lead.
(whoa this Kimjax stuff is getting smutty xD )

"...thank you." Nessa never knew quite how to respond when people told her they were sorry for her loss. "I'm not mad at all about that, I'm sure all humans aren't bad, I'm not going to judge them like they judge everyone else. Besides, I like to think myself a good judge of character, and you seem like a good person." Nessa whispered as she felt her mind clear out of it's fog of anger and her body relax, the anger and hatred going away as she calmed down.
He could feel her calming down, and in his mind, he felt it was because of his embrace. "Thanks... I was a bit scared for a minute there.... I'm just so used to being unwanted or hated because I'm a half-blood. Makes it damn near impossible to fit in..."he sighs, unused to revealing how he feels inside.

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