Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

((woAH how many pages did I miss while I was gone omg))

Shou was at the corner of the gymnasium, despite what Mr. Manly had instructed. He was observing other people dancing with their partner, swaying along with the sound of a saxophone (was it a saxophone or was it something else? xD ).

He found that a couple of pairs were starting to fall in love with each other, while others, like those two partners (you know who I'm talking about ;) *wiggles eyebrows*) were going so far as to going mouth to mouth with each other already. He made a face at this, and quickly turned back his attention to the other groups.

"I wonder if the objective of this "activity" is to make two people fall in love with each other, based on what I've observed...Tch, just what is this teacher trying to achieve by doing this ridiculous exercise...?" Shou pondered to himself.

((Gotta go~ G'night!))
Nessa finally stopped dancing as she heard Mr. Manly, although she found herself wishing she could continue dancing as the alternative was quite a bit worse than dancing for a long time. Nessa was not athletic and hated things like this.

She sighed and decided to go ahead and just do the laps instead of making a run for it back to her room, laps couldn't be too bad, right?
Nessa wished she was as assured of her lap-running abilities as Flynn seemed to be with his. She was not excited for this lap-running. But then, she hadn't been excited about dancing either, and it turned out OK, so maybe laps wouldn't be terrible. At least, she hoped they wouldn't be as she made her way towards the track.
((Guess who's back? Back again? :D ))

Mr. Manly

"Now run those laps!" The minotaur gestured to the insane obstacle course he had set up while the students were dancing. It was kind of like that from an army, except ten times worse. God knows how, but Mr. Manly was able to put lava pits in the obstacle course, even spikes on the ground! It looked like a death trap for a human, but this is Mr. Manly we're talking about here.
((Guess who's back? Back again? :D ))

Mr. Manly

"Now run those laps!" The minotaur gestured to the insane obstacle course he had set up while the students were dancing. It was kind of like that from an army, except ten times worse. God knows how, but Mr. Manly was able to put lava pits in the obstacle course, even spikes on the ground! It looked like a death trap for a human, but this is Mr. Manly we're talking about here.
Already jogging in place near the track, he couldn't wait to get started. He hoped to get it over and done with quickly so that he could talk with Nessa a bit more. He wanted to see if he could convince her to show him her true form. He has never seen a dragon in real life before.
(Welcome back, Pai!)

Nessa looked at the obstacle course with a bit of terror - she didn't really think this was safe, especially the parts where it looked to be spikes on the ground. She briefly considered transforming and just flying over everything, but decided that defeated the purpose so she just continued to stare at the obstacle course, wondering how anyone was going to complete it.
Metus walked back onto the track just as Mr. Manly had ordered the laps to be done. Suddenly having a flashback, he remembered what had happened in the war...


"Verdammt! The Americans are presistant! Fire!" The echos of gunshots was heard as Gefr. Metus ducked for cover. The damn Americans were at their peak today in terms of firepower. He hopped over the sandbags with ease, and sprinted off through no-man's land, much to his superiors' anger. "Gerfreiter! Get back here now, that ist an order!!" Ignoring the calls of his commander, he was determined to end this war with a victor for the German Empire. His friend, a Major in the German Army whom had affectionately called "Major Mustard" was behind him, loyal to the young shadow. As they breached the American's trenches with pure willpower alone, they managed to make it a small bunker with bombs and bullets hitting all around. Surely this was the end. "Grenade! HIT THE DECK!" He dove to the floor and covered his head, as his buddy dove for... the explosive. Landing directly on top of the grenade, he flashed one final mischievous grin to the younger Metus... "Auf wiedersehen mein einziger Freund (Goodbye my only friend)."

Metus laid on the track, sobbing loudly. He wished he hadn't remembered the horrible incident.
Although most students considered the course impossible, Flynn has managed to complete half of his first lap already. "Piece of cake!"he cries out laughing at how easy the course is to him.
(that is some intense back-story :o )

Well, she better get this over with... Nessa thought as she gingerly joined the other students on the obstacle course, attempting not to die and hoping no one else would die either, although that seemed like a rather high hope for something this insane.

It was then that Nessa heard someone crying.
Nessa briefly considered helping the crying person, but was distracted by Flynn doing quite a bit better than her in the obstacle course. She hadn't even cleared the lava pits yet, and Flynn had already gone past them a couple of times.
"Is this supposed to be a challenge?"he said with a laugh. "This is what I was built for. Agility and speed are a fox's best friends"
Nessa wondered again how bad it would be if she just sprouted a pair of wings, but again decided against it as she finished her first lap, extremely proud of herself for doing that, despite the fact most other people were ahead of her. She was more surprised than she should have been about her still living.

The kraken paled at the sight of the track, knowing that she wouldn't even get past the first obstacle without dying and screaming for water. Reluctantly walking up to the first obstacle, Eona began climbing up the wall, feeling like she could fall at any moment, and, of course, she did. Losng her grip on the stone wall, the girl emitted a high pitch scream as she fell from 8 feet, she was at the top to.

I'm going to die, I'm going to die.
After completing his 7th lap, Flynn decides to slow down and do the course at your pace. "Want some company for this walk in the park?" He says jokingly, basically saying the course is a walk in the park.
Nessa heard a scream as she approached the wall and saw it was Eona.

"Eona! Are you OK?" Nessa asked, concerned about her friend, and then she realized they could use this to their advantage.

"If you aren't, we could go to the nurse's." Nessa suggested, attempting to use this as a way out of this obstacle course.

Then Nessa noticed that Eona had fallen on Flynn.

"You could come too, Flynn!" She suggested.
"C'mon, you can both go to the nurses and I can accompany you!" Nessa was much much more happy than she should have been over her friends injuries.
(Ok, well then he/she or whatever might get s surprise)

Noah was tired of hiding and the obstacle course look a little fun. Hiding out of sight upon the huge heap of muscle mass known as Mr. Manly's back as a spider Noah crawls off and turns back into his human form. Except his human form had four extra spider-like legs from his back this time. Using them to his advantage Noah began doing the obstacle course but not as fast as Flynn was.
"Eona!" Metus sprinted over to the kraken that had fallen. "I can't loose you like... Like Major Mustard!" He picked her up bridal style and began running to the nurse. He couldn't let her die! Not now, not ever. One dead person was more than enough in his life. "Not! Gonna! Let! That... Happen!"

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