Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"Yes." Nessa replied, looking at the cover of the top book of her stack as though it's suddenly extremely interesting.

(I just noticed we passed 1000 but I need to stay longer to see how this turns out. I'll sleep when I'm dead~)
Flynn continues to blush like mad. "I can't believe it..."he mutters, dumbstruck. "I thought you'd say a 6 or lower... I'm not really the type to be called attractive...usually the rebel look scares ladies away....but you....actually...wow..."
"Well, I said 10, so I think you're attractive." Nessa said, this conversation was making her blush more and more, and she felt like she'd feel better once they were safely away from it.
"I know... And that surprised me..."he says but suddenly slams his fist on the table. "Damnit! I've made it all awkward now! I'm such an idiot!"he shouts at himself, feeling like he has jeopardized our friendship. "I can't believe I asked that...I'm so stupid....idiot..."he says, calming down, but having his self-esteem crash as well.
Nessa decided to take it upon herself to steer the conversation away from this subject as Flynn was busy hitting tables.

"So... how has your day been?" She asks, and then mentally hits herself. Seriously, Ness? That's all you can come up with? He's spent a large portion of his day with you, idiot, and I'm sure nothing much noteworthy happened. You suck at this steering-away-topics-thing Inner-Nessa yelled at Nessa, and like always, Nessa agreed with inner-Nessa, could Nessa have possibly picked a worse question?
Flynn suddenly silences, unsure if he is supposed to answer that. He rests his head on the table, continuing to feel as though he ruined our friendship already.
Nessa felt like it was her obligation, as friend and current converser of Flynn, to do something when he laid his head down on the table, so she looked back and forth from him to her book stack a few times before finally sighing and setting down her book stack and going to take a seat next to Flynn.

"It's okay, Flynn." She comforted, not quite sure what she was comforting him about as her mind was often far away from what was happening, but she knew her friend needed comforting so she was going to provide it.
Nessa was about to reply 'I don't know' before she realized that was not something you say in these situations.

She petted his hair in what she hoped was soothing motions as she said "You're not!"
He mumbles something, but you can't quite understand...until you notice that no longer has human ears...rather has fox ears, and you happen to be petting behind them, which feels good. "Yes I am...."
Nessa decides to disregard the sudden change of ears, maybe changing them can act as his coping mechanism so now he won't get grumpy. "No you're not!" Nessa replies, almost as passionately as when she was upset over the lies in the dragon books in the library.
"I definitely don't." Nessa said gently, hoping she'd finally managed to convince this thick-headed Flynn of her view of his intelligence level.
Nessa petted him one last time. "Sorry, I can't pet you forever. I have books to read!" Nessa says, grinning as she grabs her giant stack of books again and goes to the librarian's desk to check them out.
"Aww.."he sighs, following her. "I wish you could. I've never realized just how good it feels until now...not like I knew anyone who would pet me like that before now...but..hey what feels good feels good, right?"he said, shrugging casually. "Can't believe you're checking out all those books.."
I'll pet you some other time." Nessa says, as she grabs the books when the librarian is done checking them out.

"Eh, it's not too many books, it saves me having to come out here again for more book tomorrow." Nessa said, going out the door.

"So, where are you going next?" She asks, walking down the hallway to her dorm, where she is going to drop off her tower of books.
(...I GO TO SLEEP AT THE PAGES ARE UP TO 102? REALLY?.......-Drools- Ooooh Ajax pairing.... You are all forgiven.....But why are you all pairing people? ._. -is totally fan girling but is curious- )

She, of course hid when the dancing started, then she hid when the running started! She was currently sat on the side of the tracks, her thoughts leaking to those of her family. She had her knees pulled up to her chest as she frowned. Why did people hate her? It was probably her clansmen who cursed her! It wasn't her fault that she joined her brother and sister in life. So much hatred directed towards her. She sighed softly, letting her blue eyes closed as she began rubbing the pads of her fingers upon the feathers protruding from her wrist, being rebellious as she transformed and remained. She of course, did witness the action between Ajax and the student she hadn't met yet, a full blown blush manifesting upon her cheeks. "E-eh!" The girl whispered. Again, this school would kill her. With a soft sigh she stood to her feet brushing down her clothes before she went to get changed. She began pulling her uniform back on, a frown on her lips. "Im definitely cursed..." She whispered, buttoning her blazer before she grabbed her bag and walked back to the field to watch.
"Really?"he says chuckling. "Thanks....hey do you need any help carrying those?"he asks offering to carry some of her books. "I was thinking of getting something to eat. I'm starving after that gym class."
"Nah, I'm scared if I move any of them the carefully constructed extremely wobbly tower will fall over. Besides, we're here!" Nessa says, making dramatic music noise as she arrives at her dorm.

"Um... I kind of don't have a free hand, would you mind getting the door?" Nessa asks, looking down at the darn doorknob.

"Could I accompany you to the cafeteria? I don't have much to do today other than read." Nessa asked, smiling.
He politely, for once being very polite, opens the door. "After you, milady. And I would be honored if you joined me in the getting of food."he says...then bursts out laughing.
"Thanks!" Nessa said, walking into her dorm, setting the book against the wall on top of a few books left over from yesterday's library trip. "Yay, it'll be fun to eat together." Nessa says, trying to get this tower of books to balance right and then noticing the book she was planning on reading next is towards the bottom, so she decides to play Jenga in attempting to retrieve this book... and, needless to say she fails.

"Oof." She says as the tower of books crash into her, burying her feet in books.

"It actually hurts to have a large number of books fall on you, I never would have guessed that." Nessa murmured to herself as she stepped out of the book pile covering her feet.
"You ok? Any more books and you pass for a library in there." He says jokingly. "Plus I still think catching people with your face is a bit more painful."

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