Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

((so mean...then again, I can eat almost anything. I really want to try this Korean dish which is live squid. Like, LIVE squid. :3))
(Lol thank you maestro. I love broccoli. So good especially with cheese)

Flynn kept his arm around you, giggling a bit. He was satisfied that he picked a nickname for you that fits. "My Wormie..." He mutters, pulling you a bit closer in his embrace.
Nessa was suddenly acutely aware of how close they were, but decided to expel that awareness to the back of her mind, because if she thought about how close they were, she was sure if she tried to talk she'd stammer instead and start blushing.

So, a Kitsune nicknamed baby fox, and a dragon nicknamed Wormie... we make a good match. She thought, smiling.
Flynn looks down at her. "Or should it be Wyrmie?" He jokes making a pun at the same time. "Ok that was a little out there for a joke but it was worth a shot."

(Gah dragon puns!)
AR-E25 knew how to answer that question and that made it very giddy, its creators had specifically told it his to answer that question, should it be asked, "I'm a monster!" It said proudly, saying it exactly how it had been told to say it

(Guys I'm going to sleep now. BAI)
(Goodnight, Prowlzerz!)

"I'm good with either, neither is too bad." Nessa said, smiling. "But the best nickname will still be the one I made up one for one special tiny little fox~" She said, smiling even wider.
He laughs. "Ok if you say so." He smiles at you then looks around the library...and he isn't surprised at the number of looks we're getting. "Guess we're the talk of the town huh?"
"They're jealous~" Nessa said, grinning at Flynn, as she looked around the library at the looks they were being given. Nessa was not used to having people look at her, she was used to hiding away in the shadows, so this was a different feeling for her.
((Lucien already has Raven, Umbra has Hitagi, now poor poor Metus is forever alone xD Quick we must plot his hookup while Blitzy is offline > :D ))
"Yeah they are."he smirked. "So are you ready to check out those books?"he asked, thinking back on the one about kits. He wondered if his rapid mood changes were natural for kits to have or if it was a half-blood thing, or if he was really just a very moody pup.
"Yep." Nessa said, taking her new stack to the librarian, whom, even though she had only been in this school for a couple of days, already knew Nessa by name and they made polite conversation as she checked out the books, then when Nessa had them all and was walking out of the library she stopped.

"So, where to next? We don't really have anywhere else to go..." Nessa asked, she was a bit saddened by this, as she and Flynn would probably need to part ways and call it a day soon.
((Shhhh! We must be very secretive of all of this! He's probably watching us RIGHT NOW!! QUICK DELETE ALL THE EVIDENCE! D: WE MUST NOT BE DISCOVERED!!))
"I don't really know of any interesting places to visit." Nessa said, she hadn't been to anymore places in this school than classrooms, the cafeteria, the library, the dorm, and that corner of the campus, so she really didn't know where to go next.

"You could come back to my dorm, I guess, sorry that's boring, I'm not very good at thinking of good things to do." Nessa said apologetically.
"It's alright. Sounds fine with me." He said with a smile. "But I am a little tired out. Today's been a long day...unless you don't mind me takin a nap in your bed. It'd give you some reading time."
"I do kind of have a whole mountain of them to read." Nessa said, grinning. "Goodnight~" She added, she was rather excited to read all her new Kitsune books.

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