Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(sorry for my random momentary absence, I'm back now. xD )

Nessa woke up and immediately continued reading the Kitsune book she had been reading the night before, but then her stomach started growling so she decided to go in search of food.

She got up, setting her book gingerly down on her book pile, and then skipped off in search of the cafeteria.
After showering and getting dressed, he heads down to the café to get something to eat. He decided for the first time in a long while to leave his hair down, rather than spiked up.
Nessa got her food and sat down at an empty table, thinking about all the knew things she'd learned about Kitsune's from the book she'd read last night as she ate.
"Hey I thought I'd find you here." He joked, sitting down across from you with his own food. He looks so different with his hair down; less rebel more cool.
"Yup, I'm always either here or at the library. Good morning, Flynn!" Nessa said, grinning, and then she titled her head and studied him.

"Your hair's different." She noted. He looks good with his hair down. Inner-Nessa said as Nessa looked at him, and Nessa had to agree with her, like with most times.
"Yeah I figured." He smiled. "Yeah I'm pretty low on hair gel and I thought it'd be nice to not worry about it for a day. Gotta mix it up sometimes."
(Hot dang. I get home from school and i have to read from page 90 to 129, Skimmed mostly about a naked Ajax and couples and bunch of other random stuff. I guess I'll interact with Kima since my character is a japanese demon as well.)

Noah was crawling around the halls as a spider once again and saw the many-eyed oni. Noah was curious about the history of this particular oni and decided to approach him. Knowing how well his observation skills are Noah simply hangs down from a strand of spider silk a foot above his head and calls out "Hello there."
"I like it." Nessa said, then blushed for a moment afterwards and wondered how to change the subject. "So, Kitsune's are pretty interesting!" Nessa said, she was still thinking about all her newfound knowledge on the species, so this was the perfect way to change the subject.
"Thanks." He said. "Yeah? What'd you learn?" He asked. He wondered if she found out anything about mood issues. He really felt that it was a common thing in kits.
Kima was exhausted and close to tears. He was unable to find his room all night and had simply wandered the dorms wondering where he was supposed to go to sleep. After the sun rose he had decided to find something familiar and just sleep on it. Slowly making his way around the school he found Ajax and a shrine. He almost smiled as he walked up to the shrine, curled up underneath it and closed his eyes. Slowly he fell asleep but not before saying one thing. "Damn school should have told me what dorm I was in before the first night"
(I've been reading the Kitsune Wikipedia page and things like that xD I know way more about Kitsune's then I ever thought I would)

"A lot of things." Nessa said, "For example, there's a lot of theories behind the name, one is that the name is from tsune, which means always, and ki, which means yellow, and then there's the theory of it being from the words for stench and dog. I personally like the second theory, as I agree with it~" Nessa said, grinning. "Oh, and then I read a lot about kits, apparently according to folklore, most Kitsune don't get any additional tails until they turn 100. Oh, and then most tiny kits experience mood swings." Nessa said, she wondered how old tiny little fox was.

(I made up that last sentence Nessa said because Flynn keeps mentioning/thinking about it so it must be important to him xD )
(Nessa and Flynn are dating now, Eona fell on Flynn's face and broke her arm, Kima and Ajax made out during dance class, I'm not sure where you left off so I don't want to go too far back. :) )
"Wow. I didn't know some of that."he smiles. "So..I'm normal for a kit...ok...that's a relief." He sighed. "So I'm a long way from my second tail...I'm only 18..."

(He was afraid he was odd and different from other kitsune because hes a half-blood....well he is odd but thats besides the point)
"See, this is why you should read more books!" Nessa cried, forever the spokesperson for the amazing things called books. "Oh, so you are a b- I mean, you're a young fox, then." Nessa said, stopping herself from calling him a baby in the nick of time. "I'm older than you~" She said, grinning.
"If you say so." He laughed at her for being so defense over books. "Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm actually one of the youngest students here. How old are you?"

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