Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"I think you're my youngest friend, you're such a tiny little fox~" Nessa then quieted for a moment when he asked her her age, she knew the acceptable age differences between dating humans wondered if theirs was too much of a difference. "I might be... a century... or two.... older than you." Nessa said, studying her food.
He nearly dropped his fork in shock. "You...you're that old? Geez. I get why you kept calling me a baby...I must seem like one to you too..."he sighs. "I don't mind being called a kit though...future note." He chuckles. "That's technically the term for a fox my age..."
(Actually, Nessa's only 214, I just checked, so she's younger than I remembered xD )

"So I can call you tiny little fox kit?" Nessa asked, excited about this new nickname, she could now technically call Flynn a baby without upsetting him! This was awesome~
"I guess so. But I'm one hell of a tough one." He says as he puts on a tough expression. "I'm a manly fox kit."

(Thats alright. Pretty close.)
"Oh, so you're like Mr. Manly the Minotaur but in fox kit form? You do resemble him~" Nessa said, laughing at the little tiny fox kit.
"That's not what I meant!" He facepalmed. "I'm the normal man...well...for human standards. Though I am a bit tall..."he examines himself for a moment then looks at you. "There is no way I look like that crazy teach. No way in Hell."
Spire floated through the background, leisurely drifting on air with her head drooped, wispy hair hanging over her face. Bluish vapors rose in her wake, practically invisible to those whose eyes were accustomed to the mortal world. Either she didn't noticed, or didn't mind, but a cup of tea on a saucer was balanced on her head, though to most others it seemed to be merely floating unaccompanied.
"You two look like you're at least related! You could be brothers - or twins!" Nessa giggled as she thought about Flynn changing into a morph of Flynn and Mr. Manly. It was a horrible mental image, she was glad Flynn did not look like Mr. Manly.
"Hell no!" He said, denying it. "There's no way." He looked himself over. "I'm too tall and skinny to be related to that muscle-head." He nodded, satisfied with his own answer.
Chrysos Phaidra soared leisurely through the morning skies, unsure of where exactly he was but not caring in the slightest he was just happy to be up in the air again after the night.

Hmm... that looks like it could be a school... then again, I've never seen a school that wasn't of food before...

But he circled downwards anyway, eventually landing on human feet and lifting his aviators from his eyes

"So this is Ishika High, huh?" he muttered to himself "It could be worse." he said and sauntered through the main doors looking around for the cafeteria

Mmmm... Breakfast 
Chrys opened his mouth slightly, tasting the air

I smell feathers... and soot, nevermind... hmm... fish is that on the menu or
Spire hovered around the cafeteria, her gaze drifting over the unfamiliar habitat, though she took care in the slight movements of her head so that her tea wouldn't fall off. Rubbing her eyes sleepily, she dropped a few inches to the ground and walked through a chair, curiously trailing behind the other beagle. 
((How the heck did the spellcheck get beagle out of newbie? o.x ))
((Hello everyone! I am back! What has happened? Has anyone communicated with Ajax/Eona? Please tell me because I'm much too tired to read all the pages :3))
"Finee, I guess you don't resemble him too much~" Nessa replied, finally defeated as she still grinned at her earlier morphed mental image. "You resemble a tiny little baby kit more~" She added.
having heaped his tray with rare meat--this school plans well-- Chrys found a seat with elbow room and began an eating process that would make the hardiest of sailors crow with disgust

(I'm bringing back the puns, and yes, paipai, my character smelled sushi, he loves sushi ;)
(most of us, Flynn, Nessa & Chrys are, and maybe other people? I suck at paying attention to things. But three of us are in the cafeteria, so if anyone needs somewhere to jump into the roleplay at, cafeteria is a good bet!)
((oh mah gawd! Then Eona and Chrys will get along so well! xD ))


Petting Ari's head, the kraken suddenly felt hungry and excused herself to hurry towards the cafeteria. After getting lost three times, Eona had to be guided by one of the cyclops guards. She really needed to memorize this place.

Entering the cafeteria, Eona beamed at the smell of the food, instantly rushing into the back and pulling out a large tank of living, breathing fish. "I like to play around with my food before I eat them." Eona giggled as she carried the giant tank of fish over to a table and set it down, beaming at the raw deliciousness happily.
He grunts when you say baby and kit together. "Doesn't calling me a baby kit make it redundant?"he sighed and finished eating his breakfast.

(Yup were all eating.......A mix of Flynn and Mr. Manly sounds horrible.)
(I actually didn't mean to type that baby part... Nessa is taking overrr xD And it is horrible.)

"No, you're a baby in human years and you're a kit in Kitsune years!" Nessa said, hastily attempting to cover for her redundanceas, she had said the thing about baby and kit while still dwelling on her mental image, so that accounted for her mistake... or maybe she just really liked insulting Flynn's tinyness, that could be a factor too, she guessed, shrugging.
Chrys leaned back in his seat, eyeing everyone who walked by but not letting out one peep, he was never shy at home, but back in the aerie all his friends were also nestlings together, but then he saw a girl eating fish and stood up, stretching

Ah, another bird of prey... wow that is some strongly scented sushi...

Chrys walked over, brushing his hands of his latest meal and said "Hey, my name's Chrysos, what's yours?"

(kind of, Mor, someone will think of something)

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