Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(Only about one kid a year, you'll need about ten years to complete this, AND when you decide to instead have 20 kids.... the end verdict is you will need to start young)
(I think Lucien has always wanted 30 children. So we are upping this number. You guys must start very soon to fulfill Lucien's lifetime aspiration...)
((Oh my ;) I'm still staying strong with HitaBra and BlackJax - Hitagi's alternates persona and Ajax - those two are part if my otps))
(Erm guys not to be the pooper of the parties, but shouldn't role play be happening in the role play thread xD )
(But shipping is more important. Babymaking should technically be happening considering you have to make 30 children... but fine, let's continue with the roleplay, party pooper!)
((Every party needs a pooper that's why they invited you! Party pooper!~))

Eona began laughing along with Metus, having no idea why they were laughing. The kraken just burst out into giggles, still holding the very scary fish in her hand. "Why are we laughing?!" Eona just continued giggling, then she recalled something her dragon bestdriend had said a long time ago.

"Laughter is actually a nervous reaction."

The kraken suddenly stopped laughing, trying her best to remain calm. She didn't want to be panicking like crazy. I'm not nervous, am I?
As Umbra watched the two converse, he decided to sneak away. He didn't want to face Ajax's wrath. If he was that angry about being contradicted, it was a nightmare to think about how angry he'd be after losing a fight.

Umbra somehow managed to sneak away without tripping and decided to head back to his room. The announcement said anyone attending the fight was excused from their classes and he was in the fight, so he should be on like a week-long resting period or something.
Metus stopped clapping and laughing when he noticed Eona go silent. She was thinking about something, no doubt, and too much thinking for someone like that kraken could lead to catastrophe. "Eona," he looked at her, worried, "you okay?"
(WTF.. Who wants 30 children? 2 is my maximum. But dat duz not mean I want any.... o-o)

"Cool... Any other elements?" She asked, eager to know weak spots in which case he could attack viciously. And here comes another episode of Man vs. Wild...

'And there is the massive animal perched up on the rock ready to explode out a roar of dominance! And there he goes!'


'My ears... I can't hear anything... But clearly, that is a hostile beast of the supernatural!'

Yep. That's how her brain works in the oddest way anyone could think of.
Lucien nodded, "Of course, there's: earth, air and water too," he said beaming a smile. He noticed (with his mega perception role of like 5/20) she seemed eager about something, 'Is it me? Am I just that awesome?' he thought to himself, 'no. You're not,' his alternate personality reminded him.
"I thought so...." She said, then looked around. Yet, there is still nothing to do but start class. Why? Just why? Nothing was that serious to Raven at all, but for some reason, there was another one of 'him' inside Lucien.

WTF is going on with Raven today?

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