Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

After analyzing the two monsters, and notices that they must of been in a fight. The Sphinx shows signs of being crushed or constricted and the other has a bruise across the side of his head. Noah decides to interact with the one that is sleeping since Sphinxes tend to be deadly. Slowly lowering himself on Umbra's shoulder, Noah crawls next to his ear. "Hello? Are you all right?"
Kima was standing in the center of the school nervously playing with his fingers. He had just arrived a few days ago and had failed to meet any people who were kind enough to look past his constant analysis. Of course he couldn't help taking notes on peoples body language and appearance being that his species was known for observation but nobody seemed to understand that. To make things worse he was standing there in his human form looking around in every direction trying to get used to having two eyes but hating to be stuck looking at only one spot his head was practically on a swivel. He sighed and half sat half fell to the ground with his head in his hands. "It's no use no matter what the idea of a demon with hundreds of eyes looking at you is just weird to everyone even demons. I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to come here no human will ever be able to handle my personality if other monsters can't, maybe I should just go apologize to dad."
((DARKY!! Do you want to interact with an unconscious sphinx? :3))

Eona giggled softly at Junko's words, a silly smile plastered onto her face. "He's just trying to get away." The kraken slammed the fish down on the table a few times, causing it to crack a lifrom the impact. By then the fish was dead, had it died from lack f oxygen or Eona's merciless beating? No one would know until the autopsy. Then again, there would be no autopsy if someone just ate the darn fish already.

Eona held the fish in Junko's face, the large smile on her face was starting to get a little creepy and the way the kraken held the dead fish made any passerby think that Eona was going to kill someone with it. It was a little funny how the other background students seemed to stay clear of going near the kraken as she held that pose.
(yus! I probably shouldn't expect the unconscious one to do the talking.)

Kima sighed and stood up walking around for a bit before coming across an unconscious sphinx. He changed shape as his skin paled and hundreds of eyelids suddenly opened across his body. As his face melted into one big eye he took off his clothing and began to look the sphinx over. His eyes had slowly turned red and his pupils were now swirled especially the giant one on his "face". He closed all the eyes on his right hand except the ones that appeared where his fingernails would have been and skimmed them over the sphinx's face. "Hello? Are you alright?" He could see a good reason for the sphinx to be unconscious but had no medical training at all so he did what he thought might help and began to shake the sphinx. "Wake up!"
Metus clapped obliviously at Eona as she held the dead sea creature in front of the other girl. It was funny, the look on her face! It was as though she was going to do something... sinister with the thing. He thought that was hilarious, and laughed at the two like a complete ditz.
Feeling a commoner touch him, Ajax's eyes snapped open as he punched whoever it was in the face and scowled deeply at them. They dared touch the Great and Powerful Ajax? That's when the sphinx remebered what had happened.

The fight was very blurry to him, but he did recall how he got angry over a simple colour and challenged the Shadow to a duel. What was he thinking back then? Ajax didn't know, but now that he had taken a little cat nap he regained his usual calm demeanor. He was going to have to apologize to the Shadow for acting so rashly, this was going to take a toll on the sphinx's giant ego.
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Noah notices the strange creature with many eyes. He shot a web and pulled himself back up into the tree hoping he didn't notice. Noah sits on a branch watching as the Sphinx wakes up rather violently.
Kima felt the punch hard in his giant eye and began to swear quite loudly. Normally it was close to impossible to hit one of his kind but he had been so concentrated on helping the sphinx he wasn't paying attention. "Is that any way to treat somebody who tried to help you!" He let out a loud humph sound before looking him over for a second. "Then again there probably isn't room for being kind when you think you are so high and mighty." Everything about the sphinx screamed ego, from the way he had struck Kima and then scowled to the way he sat and the air about him. Kima hadn't meant to shout out the insult but he was so hurt by the sphinx's reaction that it just blurted out. "Maybe dad was right maybe all other beings on this planet are cruel." He stood up and blinked all his eyes at once before turning. "You're welcome by the way."
Umbra woke up after hearing the commotion. His eyes fluttered open and he tried to adjust to the sunlight. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, looking around. 'Was the whole fight just a dream?' Apparently not, Ajax stood before him and he was next to some other guy. However, he wasn't really focussing on the guy, he was focusing on the eyes. That's all he saw, just dozens of eyes. He didn't like it when two were looking at him, now there was a dozen!
"What?" Ajax frowned, not really remembering what had just happened. The sphinx recalled someone yelling out a line of profanities, but he just couldn't recall why.. Shrugging it off, Ajax stared blankly at the person in front of him, watching their retreating figure leave. What had happened for the man to seem so pissed off? Ajax slowly pieced everything together as his blue eyes lit up in realization.

"Thank you." It took a lot for Ajax to say those two simple words, but now that he had slept off and worked all his stress off, the sphinx could now think properly. But when Ajax says something like that, he really does mean it. Getting up, Ajx dusted off his very royal looking clothing and stood where he was, not knowing what he was supposed to do. Spotting the familiar colours of his little shrine of some sort, Ajax walked passed the man who had tried to help him and began sorting through the many items that were there, trying to find the lamp that had contained his genies.

Taking one whiff at the air, Ajax friwned when he smelled cyclops all over where he had last placed the magic lamp. It seems that they have been sent back. The sphinx sighed and ran a hand through his silky locks, this was going to be so bothersome.
Kima turned and looked at the man. Had he been able to smile he would have. "Maybe you aren't so self absorbed after all, but you will need to work on that body language if you are going to make friends." He sighed and shook his head. "And I need to work on observing people too much, anyway my name is Kima I'm kinda new here and my heritage doesn't really help me make friends." He blinked all his eyes at once before sighing again. "I guess it might just be my personality that stops me from doing that."
The sphinx stared at the man's many eyes and nodded curtly, acknowledging his name. "Ajax." The man introduced himself before turning back to his little shrine of some sorts and noticed that most of his thingso seemed to be missing. My belongings... Ajax pouted ever so slightly before recalling that the cyclops guards were talking about moving the sphinx's stuff over to his "room".

Ajax relaxed as he turned his body to face Kima, if that's what the other monster's name was. A small hint of a smile adorned Ajax's soft pink tinted lips as he heard what Kimo said about making friends. Cats were naturally independent creatures, but Ajax thought that having a friend would be nice, it would be an interesting change from being worshipped.
Kima had taken notice to the little shrine and being slightly familiar with it himself made a small observation. "You seem to be missing some major components." He had simply blurted it out as always his observations going straight from his brain out his mouth. "I lived in a shrine until I came here my father said that when the people stopped coming that was when we became the things they feared." He chuckled for a moment and shook his head. "I just don't know how I would have felt about having to sit on an altar all day and have people ask me to bless their household." He blinked again before looking back to Ajax. "Though it would probably be easier living."
Noah peers from the tree to analyze the monster besides the Sphinx. To get a better look he hangs down from the tree very slightly. He remembers from the days in japan about beings with many eyes as well. Was this particular monster from japan as well? Noah was intrigued but preferred to stay hidden.
((I'll have yo sleep early tonight. Goodnight everyone! BTW just to warn you guys, I have won't be on until the late afternoon tomorrow, maybe I'll have a few minutes in the morning. But all night tomorrow I'm as free as a Costco sample :3))
She awoke. The phoenix yawned softly, fingers threading through her hair as she got up. Strangely...she was in a bad mood, which was odd for the usually shy girl. She swung her legs out from the covers, leaving the soft comforts of her bed as she grabbed her uniform, heading to the bathroom. "...Damnit." The girl hissed as she walked over to the sink, letting the tap run before she continued to glare at her reflection. In short, if she was in her bird form, she would have feathers messed up and ruffled to a point she looked like a over sized puffball. A growl passed her lips as she quickly washed her face and did her teeth. Damn appearances, damn human form. She pulled on her uniform, walking out of the bathroom as she did up the tie. "Sleepy...hungry..." The fire bird mumbled softly, quietly to a point she barely heard herself.
Raven stared at him for a moment. "What can you do, like, what's your ability?" She asked, since it is supposivly her turn to ask the questions. And to be honest, being a loco technical monster isn't really that fun...

But it is when it comes to scaring people!

Lucien sighed a little at the question as it made him think about his alternate personality, "I'm an elementalist," he said with a nod and smile.

He picked up his mostly empty plate, walked over to where all the other plates were then scraped the scraps into a bin and placed the plate next to the others and the cutlery among the rest of the cutlery, then sat back down next to Raven.
"Like..Fire and shizzle?" Best word. Ever. She loved that word, since it was substituting for a naughty word. Very naughty indeed. But it's not like she was going to use that word. But, that would only be if she is pissed of... Like...

Superduper pissed.
Lucien nodded to her question, "Yeah, fire and... yeah," he said, declining any implied offer to say the word 'shizzle.' 'Ooh, you see. Everybody likes fire,' the alternate personality thought.

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