Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"Maybe, but," Metus started, remembering when he tried to make peace with the residents of Berlin, "last time they just tried to take me to test on." He shed a tear, remember all the times he was captured by the Germans and Russians alike. His kind were not liked; he didn't belong in this world. For all he knew, everyone could be plotting against him. Turning to Eona, he asked sadly, a tear rolling down his cheek, "You aren't... plotting against me, are you?..."
Lucien shrugged at her comment, "You know we're ALL monsters here, right?" he asked, wondering why she was so reluctant to talk to him, 'It's because you're ugly and smelly. You should let her talk to a real gentleman, like me!' his alternate personality thought proudly.
"Maybe," Eona shrugged, looking a little confused for a moment. "What does plotting mean?" Facepalm. Yup, the water probably got to her tiny doughnut shaped brain while she was under the sea. The kraken frowned, not knowing what plotting meant. Eona never was the sharpest tool in the shed, the kraken still had so much to learn about this world on the land.
"Yeah, I know, but, I don't even know you're name. Besides it's really dangerous to be around me." She said, continuing to walk until she reached the pool. For some reason, water calmed the stressfulness in Raven. She didn't care if she wasn't supposed to be in here or whatever, she just wanted to see the water.

Lucien sighed a little at the girl's persistence to be alone, but he was feeling more confident around her and he wasn't going to go see some fight he didn't even really care about and loose all that confidence. Lucien walked over to the girl and held his hand out with a bright smile, "I'm Lucien, what's your name?" he asked, getting rid of that excuse she was using about his name as if names even mattered when it came to talking to someone.
Ajax growled lowly, forgetting why he was angry anyway. That's when the sphinx remembered that this Umbra had insulted his favourite colour! And when you insult his favourite colour, you insult him. Growling lowly, Ajax crouched down, his ears being pulled back as he let the animalistic side of him take over. Ajax wasn't able to speak until the deed was done, he fought, thought, and acted like a complete sphinx. Those hundred years of learning to control his inner beast were used to let go of the leash and release his killing intent.

Of course, Ajax was still a young sphinx, his powers had yet to fully mature, the sphinx was being a little too rash in his decision to fight this other monster. I guess after everything that has happened this week caused the man to finally break under the stress, and poor little Umbrawas the unlucky guy to be there when it happened.
"Yes, foooood!~" Metus yelled as he ran through the doors into the cafeteria. He spotted many students sitting at tables, eating what was definitely food. He was happier than he had been all day; finally getting to eat. He use his true form to sneak up to the front of the line and grabbed his food. "Finally..."
Raven flared her nostrils at his question, and grabbed his hand and finally said, "Raven..." With that, she sat in a chair, and hummed a short period of time to the song.
Nessa was wandering around the hallways, she'd gotten bored with the library, when she heard that Metus guy yelling about food.

She remembered how she was hungry, so decided to go in the direction he'd yelled, and she soon came across some doors she hadn't noticed before, she opened them, and found a cafeteria.

She grinned, and joined the line of people getting food, although she was mentally fretting about where to sit - she didn't know cafeteria etiquette, how well did you need to know someone to sit down next to them? She wondered, as she waited for her food.
Cafeteria? Eona stood awkwardly as she immediately went to the seafood section, grabbing everything possible. She may be a small human girl, but Eona's appetite as a kraken never changed. Roaring furiously at the students who protested at her actions, Eona's hungry predator side came out as she munched on all the seafood possible.

Taking a bunch of plates, both with her hands and tentacles, Eona hummed a light tune as she placed all the seafood on the white platters before walking off to a random table and sitting down on the chair. And, of course, the hungry kraken had taken all the fish, crabs, etc. Anything from the sea.
Umbra backed into the corner of the arena. He had no way of escaping. 'I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! Farewell cruel world!' He could never seem to remember that he was immortal. The fear always made him forget he was a monster in he first place.

'I-I guess I have no choice.' He took a few deep breaths and stood still. He hadn't transformed in a very long time, so he would be a bit rusty. He didn't want to hurt Ajax. Maybe he could find a way to stop the fight without hurting him.
Lucien smiled to himself for finally finding out this girl's name when it hit him: he hadn't eaten all day, "Do you want to come to the cafeteria, Raven?" he asked.
Sedrian finally got up from his seat and headed for the cafeteria. 'I wonder what kinda food they have at monster school... I'll sit alone in a corner maybe after I get my food, I'm not a big fan of interaction. I can tolerate one on one, but a big group is a no can do.' He thought to himself going on to get some food.
"YES."She said, racing towards the door.Hmm... She didn't think for him to open it for her like a gentleman.


After thinking about that thought, she gasped for air when she entered the cafeterian and lunged for a tray and in the line for food. Hungry. Hungry.... Still Hungry... Until yes! Raven scooped up some smashed potatoes, eggs, bacon, and that's it.

(It's still morning right? o-O)
Nessa, with food in hands, looked around the crowded cafeteria.

She finally found three empty seats, so decided to sit in the middle one, so no one was on either side of her, so she didn't need to face the awkwardness of finding out who to sit next to.

On the downside, now anyone could sit on either side of her...
Lucien couldn't help but burst out laughing when Raven ran straight to the cafeteria... 'why am I calling it a cafeteria? Oh god mum and dad were right! I'm turning American!' he thought in panic, he'd only been here one day and the Americanisms were already rubbing off on him, 'Calm down, I'm being silly' he thought to himself. 'Yeah you're the silly one, for a change. It's a nice change because now I can call you an idiot without feeling ironic. Idiot' the alternate personality thought.

When he got to the restaurant, not the cafeteria because that's not what he called it, he picked up a tray and waited in the line.
Walking over to Eona, Metus had grabbed every type of food they had. His plates had everything from to his favorite food ever - sausage - on them. He sat down at her table and shoved all the food he could fit into his mouth. "This food," he said in between bites of his wurst, "is totally great." Metus drank down all his soda and ran to get more.
The sphinx - which you really couldn't call Ajax anymore - released a threatening growl as he swiped a gigantic paw at Umbra, knocking the man in the head. Ajax's animalistic side felt threatened, endangered, like he was protecting something. But, there was only one thought in Ajax's beast mind.



The genies sat in their lamp, whispering to each other about what had just happened. It seems that they weren't ashamed with themselves anymore, in fact...

"Did you hear how he said your name, Denali?"

"He sounded so fierce! It was so hot!"

"Oh, Jafar! Master is so sexy!"

"Hey, did you guys feel that?" A subtle shaking occured in the lamp, causing a few antique objects to shake. The girls just shrugged it off as nothing when really...

"We're moving this thing out, boys!" The cyclops guards had gotten orders to send the lamp back to Arabia, for the genies in the lamp were a danger to the students.
(@Nanashi Hitagi to the rescue!)

Still very angered over her encounter outside, Hitagi came storming into the cafeteria. She hadn't really planned on going there, she was just so angry that she began to walk to anywhere. She quickly spotted Nessa, the girl who had tried to be nice to her earlier this morning in the library.

For some strange reason, Hitagi felt as if she'd feel more comfortable sitting with the Nessa girl then alone. still very frustrated, she came and sat down next to Nessa, face bright red as she was trying to regain a sense of serenity. Hitagi didn't say a word, what could she say? She just looked looked down at the table, hair a bit of a mess due to her encounter outside.
Junko walked over to the salad bar. Grabbing a rather large plate, she piled what looked like at least a head of lettuce on the plate. Humming, she placed some fruit and one or two mice on the lettuce. She walked over to Eona and sat down. "How's your meal?" She asked crunching one of the mice I between her molars.
Eona glanced over to Metus's plate and couldn't recognize a fourth of anything on it. "What's that?" The kraken pointed at the tube shaped meat thing with her fork, her tentacles had already withdrawn themselves back in. Eona looked back at her own plate, she could name every single one of the fishes on her multiple plates, cod, salmon, tilapia, etc. The kraken's appetite probably wouldn't be completely satisfied with the seafood she currently had! A big creature needs lots of food after all.

Spotting Nessa at another table, Eona waved at the dragon and called her over to sit with her. "Nessa! Nessa! Come here!" Eona beamed brightly at the girl, taking another bite of her flounder.
"Yaaayy... Food." She chuckled, before a few people scooted over anxiously to the left on a table and Raven sate, eating oddly like a pig. She never understood why she didn't get a seat to start out with. But now, she has to do more 'work', and move people out of the way.
Eona smiled at Junko, gesturing down at the raw fish, some of the seemed to also be alive! "Just like home." The kraken chuckled lightly as she took a big bite into the half dead pufferfish, knowing very well that they had a poison in them, but who cares? She's a kraken afterall!
The man knocked Umbra in the head, but something was off. If you looked closely, you could see an empty space in Umbra's head and the space widened, until he disappeared. He was finally transforming.

Umbra appeared behind the sphinx, standing straight. The lights in the arena flickered and Umbra's body began to turn black. The darkness licked off his body like smoke and his eyes closed.

The darkness on Umbra's body stretched out and formed a robe over his entire body. When the hood was over his head, he opened his eyes. All that could be seen from the outside were two yellow circles within the darkness of his hood.

Umbra remained silent and simply stood there, not making a sound. Everyone in the arena stared at him, trying to figure out what he was. A Shadow had not been publicly seen in millions of years.

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